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    posted a message on Chisels & Bits + Flat Colored Blocks
    Quote from Zedner»
    when blood magic 1.8.9-2.0.0-17 is installed i cant climb stair block that was made with chisels and bits, this block is same dimensions like vanilla stairs, so im not sure what mod is causing this problem.

    I investigated and found that this was a bug with Blood Magic (one introduced in v2.0.0-17). In his event handler, WayofTime set the default player step height to 0.5f, since in previous versions of MC that was the default. It's since changed to 0.6f. I've just opened a GitHub issue about it.

    Quote from Zedner >>
    im curious if config option "balance settings" {I:bagStackSize=512 is editable or it has to be 512

    The purpose of a config is to allow a value to be changed by a user; they are all editable. Also, you should use the config GUI ('Mods' from the main menu or 'Mod Options' from the pause menu), as there are often tooltips with additional information. This is the case here. The GUI tooltip reads "Stack size of bits in the bag: Minimum of 64, maximum of 99,999".

    Quote from Zedner >>
    what do i have to type here "D:bitLightPercentage=6.25" to make every glowstone bit to emit light?

    It is a percentage. You get light with 6.25% of the bits filled if set to 6.25. If you want even a single bit to be able to emit light, it should be set to 0%.

    I really take too long to write messages... The redundancy was not intentional. Sorry Algorithm.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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