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    posted a message on |#| CORSIA CRAFT |#| Steampunk Roleplay [Complete World] [NOW WITH FACTIONS!]
    This looks fun. Very, VERY fun. But there is one thing wrong with it... with all that city, who is going to live there? I hope that those spaces will be occupied in the future, because I've always wanted to see a steampunk server. Again, looks very fun, I WOULD apply if it wouldn't lag my computer.

    For all others looking on here, I suggest you try to apply, steampunk is a very good theme to roleplay in. It's original and fun.

    Wait why am I writing this, I have my own roleplay server...
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on What would you do if your house blew up?
    Call the police for a terrorist report.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Mindcrack Fan Server
    1st: Post this in the server section
    2nd: Give more info about the server, vanilla, screenies, etc, etc.
    3rd: I love Mindcrack, but there are like 100+ servers like this.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Community Creations - What Does the Squid Say?
    Quote from RandomMcSomethin

    Good point. I was talking about how it seemed that just about everyone hated it.
    Look at the comments for the actuall video. I just think it is basically one of those things where they take the common skydoesminecraft/team crafted is what they call themselves-thumbnail people and animate them. Then take a bunch of mainstream youtubers, and next make a parody of a song that nobody really knows, dumb down the song, and finish.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Community Creations - What Does the Squid Say?
    Quote from RandomMcSomethin

    Why is everyone so critical? I love this! I know many people have opinions, and I respect that; but seriously? Posting 3 negative from the same user is not only annoying, but not helpful. You've made your point! At least give some credit to the guy who cared to upload this: he cared enough to roll out of bed, make this video, click or tap several times, and upload this video to see what the public would think, and this is what they think... So what? People could use constructive criticism from time to time. I don't mind at all. What I'm saying is that other people might mind. I know it may seem terrible, but people have other opinions, too! So if someone looks here and says to himself "wow, it must be pretty terrible," that's not his opinion, it's yours. Think what you want, I don't care. I just don't understand why everyone is making such a big deal about this; I've seen worse videos. Well, I don't know what to think, but I do know that everybody's a critic; some more critical than others. It's not like I'm outraged or anything, I'm just making a point: maybe you should be a little less critical, but not much; just enough to make your point. I'm not doing this as a heroic act to apply for moderator, I would make a terrible moderator, And I'm not mini-modding either! I'm just stating my opinion to the public:

    I don't get why you hate it so much, but I don't mind you hating it. Either way, I still like it! Great job!
    It was constructive criticism, I posted why I did not like it.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Community Creations - What Does the Squid Say?
    Quote from nightworld115

    I think this teaches sky a lesson - never let a squid sing.
    I think a better lesson is to not watch this vid.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Community Creations - What Does the Squid Say?
    What... that was just... stupid. Never heard of "What does the Fox say" or anything at all relating to that weird song.

    Edit: Unpauses "Sound of Madness" by Shinedown. Much better.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on What do you think about a Minecraft School Server?
    Quote from Online_Services

    I can supply SUPER reliable DDoS protection for the cheapest price you can get. Check out my signature for more info.
    Can I have my virus purple too!? I like purple!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why would girls play Minecraft?
    Quote from llllgf

    I kinda like the girls playing mc
    just cus there skins are cute there whold be no girl skin with out girls
    Don't be a creepy perv that has heart eyes destroying their skin and ripping it up every time they see a girl gamer.
    Quote from jros83

    implying females who do not play video games are "airheaded dumb broads..."
    *Looks around at crowd of teenage girls with "YOLO" "SWAG" and "LOVE" shirts when they hate everyone.
    Cassie gets a point.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Minecraft really as good as people think?
    Quote from Epicboss26

    This video is unlike any update video you have ever seen!
    The video might still be loading so please wait!
    Really? Potato cam? Unrelated post? The fact that 1.8 news was never released? Attention *****? Self advertizing? Really?

    -Dear OP,
    I wish you could get a set of tweezers, because it appears you have many splinters stuck right in your ­, and I would like to remove them so you can stop being such a judgmental person which does not bother to look on the creative side of things, only the combat side, much like many others who hate minecraft.
    Posted in: Discussion
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