I doubt it and I hope not. They've said they are adding 40 things (small to large) and I hope to god it's not rushed. I want them to take their time on this as it may change the direction of the game.
Beta 1.8 is coming soon. Probably not on Halloween, but perhaps sooner than we think it will come...
But despite such an update, (and its going to be a huge update at that) I believe that you should still receive the seasons.
When the seasons come out, I will post them as separate packs on PMC, and will probably delete and or disable the current PMC Coterie Craft download... as I plan to release the seasons with an equal, fresh start. The regular download will be represented as the Summer season. And don't get too concerned about the number of views I obtain currently, its only been 9 days and I'm sure I'll get my view count back up. But... if this somehow ruins my rank in PMC, I'll try to disable it or result to second option below.
EDIT: Deleting submissions in PMC does lower rank, in fact.
I could keep the regular PMC Coterie Craft topic and transform it into a central 'hub' where you would be able to download all the versions in one click... and then do the same for the Green version so that no one is left out, and that there aren't too many submissions regarding the Green version.
Though it's all about you guys, so go ahead and voice what you think is best.
Sorry for the late reply. Now I'm not rushing you! :tongue.gif: I'm just adding it to your to do list. I also was going to mention the blank planks but now that you have fixed them, well yeah good. :laugh.gif: I personally like the glass just saying, and as always keep on keep'n on.
I know. xD
I have a fairly large to-do list...
because on top of all that, I need to add modding support for the Better Than Wolves mod, CTM, IndustrialCraft, and BuildCraft.
All four of those mods are are at high demand for the server, but I have made it clear with them that I am busy. So we all understand what's up. :cool.gif:
When the lava's all done, then I'll upload v1.7
And I'm thinking seasons can wait... maybe until v2.0, but I'll do whatever I feel is necessary. :tongue.gif: