I don't know. I don't have a problem with it. Some people will just do anything to avoid things they perceive as "childish."
Yep. It's amusing when kids go out of their way to avoid things they perceive as "childish" and adults like myself don't care one bit and embrace it. In fact, I tend to avoid "adult" things because that often just means it will be filled with cursing, drugs, extreme violence... pretty much what a 10-year-old boy views as being "adult."
After a month of planning and a week of building I finally finished my haunted cemetery project. I built a cemetery over a skeleton spawner and used minecarts, rails, and slime block launchers to make the skeletons pop up out of the graves. Video will be uploaded soon, In the meantime, here are some screenshots.
I've explored seeds from 0 to 200 so far. Here are some of the interesting ones:
0 HUGE mesa just to the north.
28 Mesa, ice spikes, desert, and mushroom island very close, plus plains, forests, and all the usual tuff
29 Loads of ice spikes just north of spawn
38 Desert in every direction. If you want a huge desert, this is your seed.
59 Spawn in the middle of ice spikes with ice plains as far as the eye can see.
84 Spawn in a big mesa with desert and savanna to the east and west.
96 Spawn on the border between forest and ice plains. Desert, jungle and mesa to the east.
102 Spawn in the middle of a massive jungle.
103 Spawn on a tiny island with a huge continent-sized island of ice to the north.
140 Ice and deserts everywhere.
143 Desert, savanna, desert, savanna, more dessert, more savanna, oh, and some jungle.
168 Looking at a map, it's not impressive, but once in the world, it's beautiful. Peaceful valley surrounded by snow-covered extreme hills.
172 Ocean monument hunters dream. A world of small islands with monuments everywhere.
Age: 30
IGN: Nomad_Walker
I like to practice building, abstract and experimental builds in large part.
Do it according to the measurements given in Genesis 6:15-16
I wouldn't be happy.
Your wish is my command.
Ponies are cute!
Meanwhile, Celly likes hers :-)
Yep. It's amusing when kids go out of their way to avoid things they perceive as "childish" and adults like myself don't care one bit and embrace it. In fact, I tend to avoid "adult" things because that often just means it will be filled with cursing, drugs, extreme violence... pretty much what a 10-year-old boy views as being "adult."