all the inventory containers require stone or wood blocks to craft so he can't make any of them. Last I heard he was using item frames. Zombies will also pick up and store items but it's trickier to get them back then item frames.
I'm making an underground village consisting solely of librarians and by each one, I place an item frame with the item indicating his best trade (eg. TNT and gunpowder for Blast Protection, vines for Thorns). I've been having a fun and easy time, but now I have someone selling Knockback II and I don't know what to place there. Any ideas?
166.23 kilometers, or 16,623 blocks later, I finally found a Mesa!!! Time to get some clay, make a base there and maybe even build a bridge back!!! I would do it in creative, but I forgot to turn cheats on!!!
Now let's see how long it takes me to do the same in my Large Biomes survival world...
After returning to Castle Midgard today, I see that one of my two new horses that I drug 2000+ blocks has disappeared. The buckskin had a speed of 11 and four-block jump. His name was Spirit.
Just gone.
Minecraft's glitch-infested nature can be downright infuriating at times.
Is this a problem in all versions or is it a known bug tied to earlier versions?
To a large number of people on this thread: Hey, look. The GameFAQs poll of the day is "How often do you shower or bathe?" What a bunch of perverts lol lol lol.
If I ever do this myself, I'll name the world "Nebraska"
Wow, that's hardcore.
I suppose the easiest thing to do is to dig a 2-block-deep "earth stall" for them and use horses that can jump the 2 blocks.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I don't do much with flowers, so I forget rose bushes exist.
I'm making an underground village consisting solely of librarians and by each one, I place an item frame with the item indicating his best trade (eg. TNT and gunpowder for Blast Protection, vines for Thorns). I've been having a fun and easy time, but now I have someone selling Knockback II and I don't know what to place there. Any ideas?
He could also get infinite apples and infinite wood if he started with one oak sapling in the chest. Not to mention hoppers.
Wait, how does Endy store any items? Aside from that one chest.
Yeah. I've been thinking about trying this eventually too.
I love this thread. It shows how you can do so much with just a Superflat world.
What a miserable place to live.
In a couple nights, I won't be able to sleep nude for three weeks because I'm going to be traveling and sharing rooms.
Now let's see how long it takes me to do the same in my Large Biomes survival world...
Is this a problem in all versions or is it a known bug tied to earlier versions?
I give it some of my underwear and then die after it dresses itself and explodes.
Must've been a movie poster moment.
To a large number of people on this thread: Hey, look. The GameFAQs poll of the day is "How often do you shower or bathe?" What a bunch of perverts lol lol lol.