Per the wiki: "Treasure enchantments" (mending, frost walker, and the two curses) can only be obtained by chest loot, fishing, or trading with villagers for enchanted books. It says trading "for books" specifically so I believe you can not obtain actual mending items from trading. I know you can at least get fishing rods (and maybe bows too, question mark?) from fishing. I think you only get books from chest loot, but I could be mistaken.
Mending books can be fished up. Any enchantment is possible on a fished book. I don't know if the fished books can have more than one enchantment though.
38 Desert in every direction. If you want a huge desert, this is your seed.
This one has a Savanna Plateau M near spawn, just to the northwest. I hope to someday come back to this seed and build a towering base, rising above the plateau. Thanks for exploring. I might check out a few more of these myself.
I'm not a weaboo and I have Jesus (if that's what you meant). In fact, I tend to dislike anime.
O is for Octavia
D is for Daring Do
G3 was appalling and should've killed off the series. Instead it led to G4 (the current one), which is by far the best MLP animated series.
I kinda like G2, even though it isn't any good:
Mending books can be fished up. Any enchantment is possible on a fished book. I don't know if the fished books can have more than one enchantment though.
K, in that case let Cheerilee school you
Hey cheater
This one has a Savanna Plateau M near spawn, just to the northwest. I hope to someday come back to this seed and build a towering base, rising above the plateau. Thanks for exploring. I might check out a few more of these myself.
Twilight used a growth spell on Pinkie
That's what you think!
It seems to me the most important things to craft first with iron (in no particular order) are a pick, bucket, shears, and a shield.
I never, ever make a hoe out of iron and always make stone hoes.
P is for Pinkie Pie.
D is for Derpy
Batman: The Animated Series
Be afraid.