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    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    It's dead until further notice maxstack. Sorry, I had a great time with this clan.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    A lot has happened, and I'm proud to announce this is a Private Server now. Thanks everybody

    If you want a public one join Rensik's.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    Thanks for joing everyone, Rensik is working very hard. Updated first post :wink.gif:
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    Quote from Rensik

    Well, I'm learning quickly, at the very least ^^

    Good luck :rolleyes: well off to bed. :iapprove:
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on internal exception java.net.socketexception connection reset
    i hope not :|
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria

    I just bought a new Server, it will be up shortly today. After it's up I will tell all of you the IP / domain name and you can connect. It will have 20 slots!

    However I am going to Disney World on Thursday, this will give Rensik a time to shine.

    EDIT 7/26/2011

    Server is now up on the IP which is listed on the first post. The server is twice as fast and we are exicited to expand the server further. Please use the banners for your sig if you are in the clan. Server IP will be solaria.tk again once it registers.

    Maintenance complete, thanks for waiting. also HalfVulcanNerd has been promoted to Owner as I have heard he has had an interest in becoming on because he was so active. The reason Rensik is taking in charge is because we merged with his clan and he knows how to maintain a server, something I need when I'm gone.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    Quote from Rensik

    I think it'll say a bit more than that now, don't you? lol

    From peasant to guest to member to co-owner/admin... :tongue.gif:

    Heya peeps :smile.gif: New guy in charge. Essa(Perish on forums?) is stepping back for a bit to pursue other ventures. I'll be taking over while he's 'gone'. He's still the main man, and will still be here, but he'll be doing less administrative work for now. Aas for the new applicants, as soon as the host fixes the server issues we're having right now, I'll add ya. (Or reject ya if I don't like what I see :tongue.gif:)

    Also, new map: It's a Freebuild+survival map with not a whole lot on it yet, though you might find some good builds there. You can get there using /warp rensik :smile.gif: (well, as soon as the server is back up ^^; )

    ps. don't worry, there's not much I don't like. As long as you follow the rules, then we won't have any problems :smile.gif:

    Well said, when the Server is back up Rensik will be your leader. Oh and Rensik, send them PMs when they get in as well as multi-quoting them. I'll post here as much as I can
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    Quote from Wolfultima

    Minecraft.net Username:Wolfultima
    Preferred name:Wolf
    Talents:Good builder, Can kill creepers (No Problems), Knowing all of the crafting recipes EXCEPT for bloody cake T.T that thing is too insane >:ohmy.gif:.
    Why you want to join and why you should : Because I just want a clan (Derp) with a good, stable community and because without me you will die.
    Your country : Australia

    Actually, this clan would die if you were to join.
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    Quote from Kimelander

    Minecraft.net Username: Kimelander
    Preferred name: Kim
    Talents: I'm good at gathering materials.
    Why you want to join and why you should : I want to go because I want to be in a clan that's not centered around PvP or have hundreds of people clutering the server. I can help people get blocks and items for their projects.
    Your country : United States of America

    Sure, welcome Kim.

    Quote from Rensik

    Thanks. One problem. I went from Peasant to Guest. As a peasant I could warp about freely and at least explore a little on my own. As a guest I cannot. Is there something I must do to get out of Guest status?

    It'll say your member now. If you have any questions your welcomed to PM.
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    Quote from ddester42

    Minecraft.net Username:dudester42
    Preferred name: Guy
    Talents: convoluted traps
    Why you want to join and why you should : I like to spice things up, just have fun. I'm not a greiver, but watch out for my traps or your in for a ride.
    Your country : USA

    That's pretty cool. You've been accepted, welcome Guy

    Quote from DreamSundae

    Hey Perish, I would like to quit the clan. I've been really busy and haven't had much time for minecraft.

    OK, I will remove you from the list. But I urge you to say goodbye on the Server. Thanks for your time :wink.gif:

    Quote from Rensik

    Minecraft.net Username: Rensik
    Preferred name: Rensik
    Talents: ummm... idk?
    Why you want to join and why you should : I was sent here by HoeDown and I'd like to check out a real server. I have my own, but I run it off my comp and can't host many people.
    Your country : USA

    Sure, this is a real server. I let people in who were recommended , welcome Rensik

    Quote from brettschoff

    Minecraft.net Username:brettschoff
    Preferred name:Brett
    Talents: Building and leading
    Why you want to join and why you should :I want a fun server where i am accepted and i am a good leader
    Your country : USA

    Quote from LordBenji33

    Minecraft.net Username:lordbenji33
    Preferred name:lordbenji33 or benji
    Talents:building and making vids about it
    Why you want to join and why you should : to make vids of your massive world and enjoy playing minecraft
    Your country : Belgium

    Sure, i'd love to have someone make vids, besides Elpierrot. Welcome, Benji

    Quote from Bowtrain

    Minecraft.net Username: kintopninja
    Preferred name: Just call me kin
    Talents: I don't really have a specific talent, I just do whatever I'm told to do
    Why you want to join and why you should : I want to join because I want to get into RP and this seems like a good place to do so. I should join because I'm friendly and I'll do whatever I'm told to do.
    Your country : England

    We don't really tell you what to do but I'm sure I can find someone like that, welcome Bowtrain.
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    There is internet the place I'm staying :biggrin.gif:

    btw I can't connect to the server. Getting end of stream. Are you all getting it?

    edit: nvm I just rebooted server and connected
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    Big post is big

    Quote from sh00taman

    Minecraft.net Username:sh00taman
    Preferred name:shootaman
    Talents: pixle art
    Why you want to join and why you should : want to join because it looks fun and dman said it was a cool server
    Your country :new zealand

    Sure you can join, Vulcan will have to give you materials for the pixel art though. Welcome

    Quote from Wigg42

    Minecraft.net Username: wigg42
    Preferred name: "
    Talents: Crafting, building (cliff houses and Mine cart lines) and Farming
    Why you want to join and why you should : I've been looking for a server that has not been built
    up too much.

    This server has quite a lot of building, but there is also a lot of free land. I urge you to check it out but you can quit. Welcome, wigg42

    Quote from Madfingers23

    Minecraft.net Username: Madfingers23
    Preferred name: ^^^^^
    Talents: Everything (except redstone and pvp)
    Why you want to join and why you should : i played singleplayer and i wanna join multi. i recently left a clan cuz they were ridiculous(hacking, breaking their own rules, etc.)hopefully this will turn out better ^.^

    You won't see much of that here, pretty low-key chilled server. We like survival and RPG. Hope its everything you want. Welcome madfingers23

    Quote from HoeDown

    Minecraft.net Username:

    Preferred name:
    HoeDown, or any modification of it, really. I also answer to Doc <used to use a custom Doctor skin>

    Redstone Circuitry in coordination with carefully timed sequences, terraforming, building design and implementation, general usefulness and willingness to assist.

    Why you want to join and why you should :
    I'd be a useful addition to any group. And really, every group needs a wacky inventor, don't they?

    Your country:
    United States

    Lol yes xD, like your application. Welcome, hoedown.

    Quote from Cold_Flames0

    Minecraft.net Username:
    Preferred name:
    Cold_Flames0 or Cold0 if that is better.
    Working the natural world into a livable area (so sometimes hidden or hard to find) and blast mining.
    Why you want to join and why you should:
    I am very good at doing controlled blast mining to make man-made caverns. If I happen to hit someones project by mistake, I notify them and repair any and all damage (was on same server as HoeDown and Vulcan, they can vouche for me). Also, make fairly large projects (large underground city was going to become expansive subway system and made a large ice castle far to the west before the old server I was on went down)
    tl;dr Courteous and able to make large caverns and ideas.
    Your country:

    Thanks, looks like you have some good ideas, Welcome Cold_Flames0

    Quote from HalfVulcanNerd

    TNT, Fire, creepers, lava...all disabled. So your blast mining skills wont go to any use here. lol

    For a good reason. I lost hours of building on old servers for that. And I can use Fire and lava + TNT but only I can. So if you need a fireplace... And TNT is an obvious one.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Barries to keep Mobs/Players out!
    Good idea, seems kinda broken though. I suggest you learn Java and make a plugin then post it on the Bukkit forums. :Notch:
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    Quote from enragedpanda

    Minecraft.net Username: Ninja4826
    Preferred name: Russell Jenkins
    Talents: I can find any mod for any game for any console for any county. Try me.
    Why you want to join and why you should : I was a part of Elvish Kin before Kingdom of Solaria was founded, but didnt have time to switch over earlier. The community is just a very nice community and very polite to new comers.
    Your country : USA

    You've been accepted, welcome back Ninja

    Quote from Rustyjusty123

    Minecraft.net Username: RustyJusty123
    Preferred name: Either Rusty or Justy :tongue.gif:
    Talents:Im good at making roof tops. but also castle walls and towers :biggrin.gif:
    Why you want to join and why you should : I saw the pics on the front and the buildings look awesome! which to me it seems like an awesome server :smile.gif:. And I would like to join cus im not a greifer, cyberbully, or anything like that i get along with others :smile.gif:
    Your country : USA

    We need some defense systems I'ms sure you could help with ^^. You've been accepted, welcome Rusty.

    Quote from HalfVulcanNerd

    whats going on with the server right now?

    I was in the process of buying a new Server and updating it.

    Quote from Metalman97

    Well any date for it being updated this time?

    Server is up again and running on 1.7.2

    You can also use this to connect

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Kingdom of Solaria
    New Server IP

    It's no longer on my computer because I finally found a good minecraft host :laugh.gif:

    Ninja your in, because of E.K
    Posted in: Clans
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