Welcome to The Emeralds!
IP: mc.emeraldsmc.com
Hello, there! We are a small community of Minecraft players interested in both Survival and Freebuild gameplay. We have a brand new map for 1.8, and survival and creative (freebuild) style worlds - all of them easy to access and use.
We have awesome towns you can live in, but if you prefer to live in the wild, go ahead! We use WorldGuard to protect cities and towns from greifing, and LogBlock to catch and rollback greifers. We're a fun community that you would love to join!
Click here to apply for building rights!
You will need to register on our forums and post a short application using the template provided at the link above. It's worth the time - and only takes less than 2 minutes! You can still join the server, but will not be able to build if you don't apply.
Greifing Protection
We use WorldGuard to protect cities and towns from greifers, but provided you still get greifed, any moderator can and will rollback all the damage done and ban the player responsible. You can also use LWC to protect your chests/doors/signs/etc.
Survival & Creative Worlds
Pick what type of gameplay you want - all worlds have easy access though portals located at the server spawn.
Fun Plugins
You can join our epic mob arena to fight some monsters for cool prizes, make use of our custom lumberjack plugin (makes trees act like cacti so you only break the bottom log), and tons more.
IP: mc.emeraldsmc.com
IGN: Peepinabox
Age: 18
Why do you want to be whitelisted?: Looking for a relatively small, nice server, nothing too much.
Tell us a bit about yourself: Played minecraft for years, been on countless servers but haven't played in about 2 years. Looking for a nice server to get back into the game.
How good are you with people?: Pretty great! I've moderated on a number of servers and been an another. I like helping out people in game!