Why do you want to be whitelisted?: Looking for a relatively small, nice server, nothing too much.
Tell us a bit about yourself: Played minecraft for years, been on countless servers but haven't played in about 2 years. Looking for a nice server to get back into the game.
How good are you with people?: Pretty great! I've moderated on a number of servers and been an another. I like helping out people in game!
Stone Kingdom is a unique SMP experience. On our server you will find a mostly vanilla play-style with a few plugins, including: an economy, a real estate system, a specially made stadium plugin for server events, and basic commands such as /spawn and /home. We currently have a number of dedicated players, but we're looking for more.
[1] You are expected to act mature and be respectful of other people.
[2] Please refrain from offensive language and inappropriate discussions.
[3] No griefing on protected land. If the game does not allow you to build there, leave it alone.
[4] Do not exploit glitches, commit shop fraud, or engage in any bad behavior that damages the economy.
[5] No fully automatic mob farms allowed. At least one step (e.g. slaughtering) must be performed manually.
[6] No X-ray or other disruptive client-side mods allowed.
[7] Please keep our territories and wildlands clean. Avoid floating trees, one-block towers, and other trash.
[8] Do not prevent access to public services (like transportation stations) in the territories.
The server is whitelisted, but it's fairly simply to get added, just reply in this thread and i'll add you.
Stone Kingdom is a unique SMP experience. On our server you will find a mostly vanilla play-style with a few plugins, including: an economy, a real estate system, a specially made stadium plugin for server events, and basic commands such as /spawn and /home. We currently have a number of dedicated players, but we're looking for more.
[1] You are expected to act mature and be respectful of other people.
[2] Please refrain from offensive language and inappropriate discussions.
[3] No griefing on protected land. If the game does not allow you to build there, leave it alone.
[4] Do not exploit glitches, commit shop fraud, or engage in any bad behavior that damages the economy.
[5] No fully automatic mob farms allowed. At least one step (e.g. slaughtering) must be performed manually.
[6] No X-ray or other disruptive client-side mods allowed.
[7] Please keep our territories and wildlands clean. Avoid floating trees, one-block towers, and other trash.
[8] Do not prevent access to public services (like transportation stations) in the territories.
The server is whitelisted, but it's fairly simply to get added, just reply in this thread and i'll add you.
In-Game Name: Peepinabox
Age: 16
Location: United States
How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since Alpha
What is your favorite aspect of the game? Mining
Do you have any screenshots of previous builds? If so post them: Unfortunately I have no recent screenshots. I haven't played Minecraft on the PC in over 2 years, but have been playing with a few friends on the Xbox version. If it's really necessary I could produce screenshots of my creations from those worlds.
What do you intend to do on the server? Build things, have a fun time, anything really
Do you agree with the rules? Yes of course
IGN: Peeinabox Age: 17 Do you have a mic: It's broken Skype: Currently don't have one... I can make one though Why you would like to join: Want to try out a tekkit server. Will you follow the rules: Of course!
Age: 17 IGN: Peepinabox Why you want to be on the server: I've always liked small servers. Hopefully this one with have plenty of skills you may have: Good at building unique structures and im decent at redstone.
Minecraft Username: Peepinabox
How did you find us?: When i was browsing the forums... A long time ago...
Why do you like our server?: It's FUN.
Any suggestions?: Nope.
Anything else we should know about you?: I plead the fifth.
Hey, I would like the opportunity to be a tester on your server. I have been on many servers (previously hosted one too) so I might know what you might want to add to the server before release. I'm also looking for a fun worthwhile server to play on.
Minecraft Username: Peepinabox Why do you like our server?: Because it's fun. Do you have any suggestions?: No. How will you benefit the server?: By doing beneficial things.
IGN: Peepinabox
Age: 18
Why do you want to be whitelisted?: Looking for a relatively small, nice server, nothing too much.
Tell us a bit about yourself: Played minecraft for years, been on countless servers but haven't played in about 2 years. Looking for a nice server to get back into the game.
How good are you with people?: Pretty great! I've moderated on a number of servers and been an another. I like helping out people in game!
Server Forums: http://stonekingdom.proboards.com
Stone Kingdom is a unique SMP experience. On our server you will find a mostly vanilla play-style with a few plugins, including: an economy, a real estate system, a specially made stadium plugin for server events, and basic commands such as /spawn and /home. We currently have a number of dedicated players, but we're looking for more.
[1] You are expected to act mature and be respectful of other people.
[2] Please refrain from offensive language and inappropriate discussions.
[3] No griefing on protected land. If the game does not allow you to build there, leave it alone.
[4] Do not exploit glitches, commit shop fraud, or engage in any bad behavior that damages the economy.
[5] No fully automatic mob farms allowed. At least one step (e.g. slaughtering) must be performed manually.
[6] No X-ray or other disruptive client-side mods allowed.
[7] Please keep our territories and wildlands clean. Avoid floating trees, one-block towers, and other trash.
[8] Do not prevent access to public services (like transportation stations) in the territories.
The server is whitelisted, but it's fairly simply to get added, just reply in this thread and i'll add you.
Server Forums: http://stonekingdom.proboards.com
Stone Kingdom is a unique SMP experience. On our server you will find a mostly vanilla play-style with a few plugins, including: an economy, a real estate system, a specially made stadium plugin for server events, and basic commands such as /spawn and /home. We currently have a number of dedicated players, but we're looking for more.
[1] You are expected to act mature and be respectful of other people.
[2] Please refrain from offensive language and inappropriate discussions.
[3] No griefing on protected land. If the game does not allow you to build there, leave it alone.
[4] Do not exploit glitches, commit shop fraud, or engage in any bad behavior that damages the economy.
[5] No fully automatic mob farms allowed. At least one step (e.g. slaughtering) must be performed manually.
[6] No X-ray or other disruptive client-side mods allowed.
[7] Please keep our territories and wildlands clean. Avoid floating trees, one-block towers, and other trash.
[8] Do not prevent access to public services (like transportation stations) in the territories.
The server is whitelisted, but it's fairly simply to get added, just reply in this thread and i'll add you.
In-Game Name: Peepinabox
Age: 16
Location: United States
How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since Alpha
What is your favorite aspect of the game? Mining
Do you have any screenshots of previous builds? If so post them: Unfortunately I have no recent screenshots. I haven't played Minecraft on the PC in over 2 years, but have been playing with a few friends on the Xbox version. If it's really necessary I could produce screenshots of my creations from those worlds.
What do you intend to do on the server? Build things, have a fun time, anything really
Do you agree with the rules? Yes of course
In-Game-Name: Peepinabox
Age (14+): 16
Youtube (if applicable): Just a personal channel; no vids.
MC Experience: Playing since Alpha. Been on a number of survival servers.
Play Style: Mostly mining.
Other?: Just looking for a good, simple, vanilla server.
Age: 17
Do you have a mic: It's broken
Skype: Currently don't have one... I can make one though
Why you would like to join: Want to try out a tekkit server.
Will you follow the rules: Of course!
IGN: Peepinabox
Why you want to be on the server: I've always liked small servers. Hopefully this one with have plenty of
skills you may have: Good at building unique structures and im decent at redstone.
How did you find us?: When i was browsing the forums... A long time ago...
Why do you like our server?: It's FUN.
Any suggestions?: Nope.
Anything else we should know about you?: I plead the fifth.
Did you read the ingame rules: Yes.
How often do you grief: Never.
Do you have any hacks: Nope.
Did you tour us: ... No.
Age: 17
Why do you like our server?: Because it's fun.
Do you have any suggestions?: No.
How will you benefit the server?: By doing beneficial things.
Age: 17
Why you want to join: Looking for a fun, small server.
Have you ever been banned from a server: No
Will you grief?: No