working on a adventure map already, however it would be good for friendly npcs to attack hostile npcs, give out quests, act like merchants/traders. I would also suggest making it so that wheni give them a bow as a weapon they have infinite arrows like skeletons, so they can use bows
In game minecraft server name : Pat12
Why you want to join: I've wanted to do a 2 player skyblock survival for a while
Special Minecraft skills: Building, I have memerized every crafting recipe, know how to make cobblestone,Can do things quickly, I am good at designing mod traps/redstone traps
I find it funny that this is even happening because:
1. This kid hasn't even come out to tell us yet it could have been a false complaint
2. Simon/Lewis/Hannah are impersonated all of the time i wouldn't be surprised if it was a look-alike
3.The kid asked them for an autograph, he knows that swearing is a common theme
then people would have mojang capes... and it would be hard to stop people doing so because you could always change it ever so slightly to make it undetectible
Um.. how exactly were you `cured´? True autism is impossible to cure.
It's hard to explain but basically my parents put me through intense therapy, and let me play with kids like me, over the course of about 5 years and eventually i wasn't affected by it much anymore.
I have had this idea on my mind for some while now and have the guts to post it online, basically when you make skins, you can add hats right? Well why not capes to! This idea would make it so the file that shows the skin would be slightly larger so that way we can edit our own skins onto our person. This would open up alot more creativity from the community and more importantly it would look cool as heck.
(This post is still a work in progress and will be added to later.)
Rogue Skin
a "Scourge" skin (kinda like a ghost i halfassed it though so i can do better)
A guard skin
Soon a Villager skin
+whatever you want
Why you want to join: I've wanted to do a 2 player skyblock survival for a while
Special Minecraft skills: Building, I have memerized every crafting recipe, know how to make cobblestone,Can do things quickly, I am good at designing mod traps/redstone traps
Okay then whats the blockid/ what does it look like exactly
1. This kid hasn't even come out to tell us yet it could have been a false complaint
2. Simon/Lewis/Hannah are impersonated all of the time i wouldn't be surprised if it was a look-alike
3.The kid asked them for an autograph, he knows that swearing is a common theme
That is true
It's hard to explain but basically my parents put me through intense therapy, and let me play with kids like me, over the course of about 5 years and eventually i wasn't affected by it much anymore.
(This post is still a work in progress and will be added to later.)