Quote from Paril
I'll be re-writing the transparency system when the new part system is introduced, so that transparent parts will be dynamic rather than just letting the model choose what is and what isn't transparent.
Luckily the 2D view was unaffected by the issue. I'll upload a beta right now so you can get around this issue.
Selection is planned, but it will follow Layers.
A super secret beta: http://alteredsoftworks.com/mcskin3d/betas/mcskin3db_1_4_0_200.rar
I'm honored! I'll begin testing now.
Edit: I've seen the X-Axis change, and it's a surprisingly huge relief. But I ask what/if you have implemented other things into the Super-Secret-Sehsa-Beta?
Websites still "waste memory". In fact, web-oriented programs tend to use more RAM, especially if we talk about Flash (ESPECIALLY Flash) and Java.
MCSkin3D only takes up ~12 MB on your hard drive, and you can't tell me with a straight face you're going to miss 12 MB :smile.gif:
For those of you saying you'd "rather use" another program: I implore you to at least give it a try. I spent my hard time working on this program, and I did this for you artists: I'm doing this to make it easier for you artists to work on skins, not to be shunned off by people who are afraid to try new programs.
Thank you for featuring this, I am indebted to you forever!
Sorry to be crass, but, I'm a programmer and I'm very protective about my work:
Would you care to at least TRY the program? You would see right off the bat that MCSkin3D has quite a different toolset and a focus on THREE DIMENSIONAL skinning rather than texture mapping. While yes it does have texture skinning, that's just an obvious addition due to the fact that it's a skin editor. I'm sorry if swatches, colors and a pencil is stolen from MCSkinEdit, but it seems to me like nobody would use my program sans them.
Another useful thing to point out is that MCSkin3D is also a skin management program, letting you easily store your skins in a safe place (separate from your main "skins" folder you may have elsewhere on your harddrive), and also let you directly upload to Minecraft.net in the click of one button.
Shortcuts are modifyable via options. As strange as it may sound, I hate keyboard shortcuts and I almost never use them aside from the basic operations, so it's a little tough for me to figure out the best default setup, so I made sure that it's customizable down to the last control.
Speaking of Dodge/Burn, would it be more efficient if it was one tool and it used a modifier for the operation? I was kind of going by Photoshop/GIMP, but, maybe that would be easier for you guys.
Just some basic OpenGL :tongue.gif:
You're the end user, I'm the developer; if you never suggest things, the program remains in its first state. Please, PLEASE suggest things; all developers are screaming in tandem at people who think they have no right to suggest things, especially in an open software environment! Minecraft is a community game, and Notch appreciates your comments just as much as I do :smile.gif:
They don't call it rapid application development for nothing!
I can work really quickly with programming if I put my mind to it. You gave me several little ultimatums and my goal is to try to convince you to move to my program, I can't do that if I sit here and release a new version every 3 months :smile.gif:
Yessir. C/C++ is my main language, but I prefer C# for rapid application development purposes (I honestly got most of this program done this entire week, and nearly all of the features mentioned above in a few hours).
A new version will be out in a few hours or so - something of an interim version to get rid of several things that were mentioned above.
Thanks; I'd love that too, and I'm willing to put in the effort to ensure it happens!
I will make sure every feature has a shortcut, and the shortcuts will be customizable by the end-user (I'm used to Visual Studio having like, over 100+ shortcuts, so I tend to pick strange combinations).
Version 1.1 is in the works; so far, swatches have been implemented using a simple ASCII .swc file, a couple little quirks have been fixed and nearly all of the functions have a shortcut, as well as making the RGBA color picker a lot simpler to use. An eraser tool will be added, and the pencil will no longer overwrite colors, rather will blend them together like it should. I should be ready for a release some time this morning.
Of course I don't mind, I encourage it!
Shortcuts are on the todo - I've been kind of pushing to get it out here because I have a tendency never to do so if I don't do it soon enough.
Lighting isn't a bad idea, it actually wasn't on my list (GL_LIGHTING D:)
Swatches are planned, and a bit of the base is there, the issue is trying to find space to place it. I've kind of crammed things in there as best as I could (UI design isn't my forté).
The previewer was also mentioned as well, or some sort of method of seeing both at the same time - not sure exactly how I'm going to approach that at a presentable level yet, but I have it down here.
Keep in mind, you can easily uncheck other parts to get a close look at a single piece (ie, under the arm, as you say). Posing is a possible future feature; the purpose of the animation was to mimic the running animation of Minecraft (that's all you're really gonna see in-game anyways, so I didn't see the point in adding the flail-arms-everywhere animation that Alpha boasted).
Fair enough, I don't expect any switches just yet - if anything, I'd just like to get it on notice so I can develop something that I feel will help skin developers, especially with a functional 3d painting program. It won't get anywhere unless I get feedback from artists like yourself who can help me figure out what goes and what stays.
EDIT: Oh, about the undo/redo: it's there on the toolbar, but yes there are no keyboard shortcuts just yet. After making so many programs that I never released, I never realized how much of the easy stuff I've left out... I need to taze my beta testers more.
EDIT2: Did you mean dodge/burn as "shading/lighting" or actual lighting on the preview?
Glad to be of service.