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    Quote from 7letters

    The only thing I wanted while using this was noise. When you do add noise (which I hope you'll get to soon) Could you make it section specific? I have a skin I made for Minecraft where I didn't know how to add hats at the time, and i don't want to add more noise to the rest of the texture.

    She is planned for 1.3. Section specificity, a term I just coined, will also be added.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from sqeekses

    Yes, I do mean as in blocks. Dear lord, when it supports blocks and mobs, I will hunt you down and hug you.

    Canada is a far place! But yes, it will eventually, probably in 1.4. 1.3 will mostly be related to skin management and 3d view improvements.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from kaelvin

    Support for 3D drawing of textures for tiles and blocks.

    Planned for a later version.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from piangrande

    This is perfect for me.I have always wanted a good program for creating skins. The 3D model is awesome to see how it looks like.+1


    Quote from Dr Zudsi

    How do you create a 16x skin? I can't figure out how to :S

    Basically, just create the skin externally at whatever resolution, and save it in the Skins folder.

    Quote from Holy cow164

    Could you add suport fr all mobs? This would be a haven for texture artists if so.

    It will support them, yes.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from TehGritz

    Will there be any plans for a CYMK color slider?
    It's (at least for me) the easiest way to create realistic skin-tone colors.

    Yep, 1.3. Funny because I was just thinking about that like an hour ago...

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from sqeekses

    Wait, does it work for texture packs? That would be SO useful.

    In what way? It's more of a skin management utility, but you'd have to explain what you mean. It will support mobs and blocks in the future.

    Quote from ratelslangen

    add an option to make folders in your skinlist

    It's planned for 1.3.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from CreeperManDude

    Great Skin Editing program! Now, there is finally a 3D skin editing program. Hurray! :rolleyes:

    Can't tell if sarcastic...

    Quote from WonksOmega

    This editor has real potential from what I see so far. I have made quite a few skins myself and know the common complications that come with most editors and how frustrating they can get after an hour or so of working on a skin. Though this editor does not have much to it yet, doesn't mean it won't be great in the later releases as feedback comes in. Again, from the ideas and functions put into this so far, I can already tell this will be an editor greatly used by veterans and beginners alike. Keep up the good work and I will also try to throw some suggestions out on the table when possible.


    Quote from xSkullKing16x

    I found a problem:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException

    Extract it. I got rid of the exception in the next version, but basically it just means the Swatches and Skins directory is missing.

    Quote from Dr Zudsi

    Is it possible to do 16x16 skins? In the video the guy had one. So I was just curious.EDIT: Derp... I learned to read the whole thing before commenting...

    Yessir, however they must be the same aspect ratio (2:1) of the original skin. 2x1, 4x2, 8x4, 16x8, etc...

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from Tanrex

    I like it! It likes to stop working. =P The transparency won't turn off for me. I crashes when I go to exit. Windows 7 64-bit, i3 2.13GHz CPU Sony Vaio Laptop. I know it's new. keep up the good work!

    Transparency won't turn off as in what?
    Can you attach or PM me any reports?

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from Azamaster123

    Does anyone know a program where you can create a mod without any java coding needed or changing registry?

    What are you doing here, this isn't even...
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from -TBN-Immortal

    mc skin editor also creates a 3d environment for your skin, but nice job, i like the 3d grass background

    MC Skin Editor does not let you paint ON the 3d model, that's the whole idea behind this editor.

    Quote from Krova

    Oh. Derp. Thanks.

    One more thing, and I don't know whether it's intentional: The burn tool darkens more than the dodge tool lightens. Personally, I'd prefer them to be equal (or allow me to choose the severity).

    They are equal exposure (25%), however they use different blend modes (subtract and multiply, respectively), which makes them incompatible. You're thinking about lighten and darken; planned, for future.

    Posted in: Skins
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