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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from the_soup

    Thanks for the prompt response! :Diamond: s for you

    Always! Rule number one of being a developer: interact with the public.

    Quote from prohs

    Very nice! Thanks! Featured in my E-Sig.


    Quote from NZC

    Why does the semi-translucency only work part time?

    Maybe semi-translucency also goes to school? :smile.gif:

    Can you explain a bit more? Are you using 1.3 or 1.4 beta? Steps to reproduce?

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on [16x][1.5] Isabella II 1.5v2 - I Got Yer Redstone Here! + Fixes (March 15, 2013) (FINAL UPDATE)
    Quote from ScottKillen

    I have to say that your post here puts PlanetMinecraft in a new light for me. I'll definitely be there more often.

    Thank you!

    BTW, I have never personally seen a moderator's post in the comments of a thread on this forum...

    A couple of them are on MCF as well (Halucid is the only one that comes to mind). I was actually at MCF months before PMC, but I'm beginning to like PMC more as a community (since it's more than just.. well, forums; actually I hate forums and spend most of my time on submission reports, etc).

    I'm glad I was able to have you re-look at PMC though; let me know what your PMC account is!

    I'm only a moderator on PMC, not here, but I know what you mean. :smile.gif:

    EDIT: I just realized I hijacked the thread focus away from the texture pack. I've been using it for a few hours now, and I'm in love; my only gripe is that it's not slightly higher resolution (32x32 at the very least; I've been used to JohnSmith for way too long), but for a 16x it's extremely awesome!

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from Christof_II

    finally finished wading my way through all the previous pages of this thread, its amasing how many time people ask the same thing over and over, even if you have just answer it in the previous post. i'm really impressed that you reply to them though, and most of the time you don't read too sarcastic lol

    anyways, this looks like a fantastic piece of software ad i would love to give it a go in the near future (i have a busy life IRL you see)

    good luck with the upside down texture craziness


    Holy face and a bag of potatoes - at least SOMEBODY understands my pain.
    I guess it comes with the job of dealing with the public, so I don't mind too much.

    This is only a small portion of the upsidedownness I have to deal with now.

    Be sure to give us your feedback when you do give it a try!

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    #1: rarg. This is part of the stupid "inverted bottom" fix thing, and it's even seeping into other places where it shouldn't be.

    #2: yeah, consider that part of it not being done yet.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from Bot9001

    For some reason I'm not exactly comfortable with giving my minecraft account info to a random program to upload a skin :S

    We completely understand. You also have to keep this in mind: MCSkin3D is completely open source. We understand that people (especially from Minecraft's "average" age group) will be concerned about this. Open source is always my initiative, as trust between developers and users is INCREDIBLY important.

    We maintain our guarantee that the password is sent using HTTPS, and is sent _exactly_ the same way as it would if you used a browser. It does NOT leave that connection. It is saved locally using salts and seeds generated from static data on your local machine (for instance, your account name, your system name), so it would not be easy to reverse-engineer someone's settings.ini file to retrieve the password unless you had a lot of information about the local state of the machine.

    EDIT: To clarify "locally", I mean locally on your machine in settings.ini in your MCSkin3D folder.

    If this does not help your concerns, you can always browse through the source yourself @ http://code.google.com/p/mcskin3d/ . All of the password-sending is in Editor.cs, and the local password encryption is in Paril/Settings/Serializers/PasswordSerializer.cs.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from Jayfeather741

    I made a overlay with all the correct labellings for the pony model. Feel free to use it guys. Thanks for pony support :biggrin.gif:

    Pony overlay

    Ah, dank-ya - I will include this in 1.4! This will help nicely with testing.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from destructopop

    Wow, fantastic reply again.
    The reason I would want multiple files open would be to move parts between files or directly compare/copy from/to different files. I mean, it's moot without layers or a select tool, anyhow.

    I've been playing around with it a little more and it's really understatedly powerful software. I'm really impressed. Are all the thanks in the OP the people who work on it? Or is it just you? Or something in between?

    With the selection tool, copy/pasting will be possible. The only real issue is it would require layers, for obvious reasons (using a temporary layer to store the copy/paste or move targets), so chances are layers will be tackled first.

    I'm trying to make it less understated. I'm not a very good advertiser myself, but we're working something out with Planet Minecraft, as well as Verdana, the one behind Mine Little Pony. I find it a bit saddening that people are still using severely outdated software to do their Minecraft skins (this doesn't count artists who use Photoshop, GIMP, etc), and this software alone (versions 1.0 through 1.2) only took about 2/3 weeks of work total, yet a lot of the other software has been around for months and never evolved past the base point it started from.

    There are a few others working on it on and off; the current workload of 1.4 is all mine, but I'm hoping that the other programmers can jump in soon, as the roadmap for 1.4 is gigantic.

    I'll try to get a beta out of 166/167 soon, which will include full support for the four Mine Little Pony models.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from destructopop

    So I wanted to suggest a challenging addition to the program (I know how much programmers love those... e_e hehe) for a later date...

    It would be incredibly handy to implement layers. Incredibly. Nevermind how handy it would be to have multiple files open simulateously...

    Just a couple of unrealistic ideas for you. One of those "Gosh wouldn't it be nice if this versatile editor that does w, x, and y also did z?"

    Anyhow. Thanks for the speedy reply to my last enquiry. I look forward to the patch and/or beta!

    Layers were suggested multiple times. The idea is there, we just aren't sure exactly if we're going to implement it yet, or how we're going to go about it. The main issue is that we'd still like to maintain PNG compatibility, so what we'd probably end up doing is having the full flattened image as the PNG, and use metadata to store the layers. It's a crapshoot, but we'll see what we can think of. The nice thing about that is that it'll even save layers if you have downloaded the skin online.

    As for multiple files open (a "tabbed interface", so to speak), MCSkin3D technically already does that. All skins and models are precached on the GPU, and you can switch to another skin without losing any data on the previous one.

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on moved to a new shop, please check signature.
    Quote from Twidragon

    ^No, I have rules for a reason

    I'm going to go into a rant,


    Its not that hard.

    Sorry for basically going against the rules here, but I had to comment on this;

    Whether or not you have rules, it's going to happen. People see "Skin Shop", open it, click Reply and ask away without reading anything; that's just the way it goes. Even on the MCSkin3D thread, I have it in huge letters at the top to read the FAQs, and barely anybody does. I get asked for a Mac version 3 times per page.

    There's nothing to stop these people, no matter how much they clog up the thread or may decide they're of a higher importance. Part of being someone who offers something is being able to tolerate other humans, and it's just something we have to deal with one post at a time.

    I'm totally with you on this, but just being me, the only advice I really have for you is to calm down and deal with them. Not saying that I don't get upset when the Mac is asked for (three times on the same page right after one another), but the best we can do is reply to them. Ignoring them won't do any good, and yelling at them just looks mean.

    Posted in: Skins
  • 4

    posted a message on The wating is over... DEADMAU5 SKIN HERE WITH THE EARS!!!
    In case anybody was curious, my best guess is he used my program (MCSkin3D) to fetch the skin, which does include a skin grabber that gets them from a different resource (the Amazon Storage site that Minecraft uses to store skins).

    However, I'd rather you not post this here and claim you've done something superb or magical here - his skin is indeed personal, and nobody will be able to get the client-side ears/face special effect that he does, but if anything, the public skin repository of Minecraft is to blame for this.

    Posted in: Skins
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