I've been on the forums for a few days now, but played for almost a full year. Looking for a good server to really get my minecraft building improved, learn new things, and help people out. My IGN is the same as my minecraft username. I'll have to check this out here shortly.
I don't know if this is the right place to be posting, but I got onto a server recently, and I don't know why but the game kicked me out. When I tried to get back in, it claimed it had a connection error. I put the IP address back in, and tried connecting, and it just claimed it couldn't connect. Is this a computer problem or server error?
I am impressed by the non-modness; sometimes it is hard to stay focused on one project in vanilla SMP. But just because you have lots of cobblestone doesn't mean you should use so much!!
Lol, true. Yeah, I don't remember how much I fell while building some of these, but I really want to get into more advanced building. Even incorporating redstone into something would be a nice change.
This is one of the first buildings I made on my survival save. I just got bored and decided that I should make something. A lot of cobblestone, glass, and wooden planks later, this was the result.
Has a library *pictured below* and workshop, kitchen, and a brige leading to one of the other buildings I made.
The bridge leads to this nice little house in the sky.
Another look.
And this is the roof of the house with a shot of the stairs to the bridge.
All of this was made in survival, no mods, and a lot of free time. I just didn't slap any mods on this for a long time, because each time I tried to, it messed up, so I just kept building. Hope you like it. :biggrin.gif:
Lol, true. Yeah, I don't remember how much I fell while building some of these, but I really want to get into more advanced building. Even incorporating redstone into something would be a nice change.
Has a library *pictured below* and workshop, kitchen, and a brige leading to one of the other buildings I made.
The bridge leads to this nice little house in the sky.
Another look.
And this is the roof of the house with a shot of the stairs to the bridge.
All of this was made in survival, no mods, and a lot of free time. I just didn't slap any mods on this for a long time, because each time I tried to, it messed up, so I just kept building. Hope you like it. :biggrin.gif: