Ok, basic stuff will go up later today, I just need to rest and then back to work on this thread.
UPDATE: Finished with some errors that need correcting.
Are you wanting for a clan that offers you a challenge, gives you new skills, and gives you a chance to meet new friends? You've come to the right place.
This clan does not just offer a chance to experience military life, but also gives a chance to do what you do best. If you love exploring a world, we can offer you the chance to do so if we aren't in open conflict, or even build some pixel art! Don't be afraid to ask anyone to teach you something new in Minecraft, everyone should help you. Teamwork is something else to build, an I guarantee that this will happen on your unit.
*This clan is based partially on the stucture of the United States military, but will be run on my (Captain Panzer_Pwnage's) terms.*
Recruit- You've just enlisted into our ranks. In order to become a Private, you must prove that you can handle yourself in a fight, can follow orders, and are able to do your non-combat role well.
Private- Congratulations on becoming a private! Now, in order to become promoted, you have to be a team player, assist others wherever possible, and be loyal to this clan.
PrivateFirst Class- This rank is proof that you were able to go above and beyond in your duties. Is essential in order to become promoted to anything higher.
Specialist- If you are able to prove that your non-combat role can be essential in battle, the rank of Specialist is awarded.
Corporal- Now you've proved what you can do to help this clan, now you have a little bit of command over Privates, provided there are no Officers or NCOs around. Now you can assist in planning attackw on our enemies.
Sergeant- First NCO rank. If you are able to prove you're a leader during your time as a recruit, you can bypass the Private and Corporal ranks entirely. This ranks proves you can command small group without relying on anyone else.
Chief Sergeant- This is a transition rank between enlisted and commisioned officer. If you have reached this far, you can apply for Officer Training School. Chief Sergeant also proves your capability as a leader.
Officer Cadet- Entry level officer rank. Technically not a rank, but a trial period in which to determine the effectiveness of the cadet's command and competence.
2nd Lieutenant- First officer rank, in command of a group of 3 to 5 enlisted and NCOs. Duties include command, supervisision of non-combat roles in peace.
1st Lieutenant- Rank given when a 2nd Lieutenant proves that he can handle larger groups of 5 to 7 personnel. Duties include 2nd Lieutenant roles and planning in raids against enemy factions.
Captain- In charge of 7 to 10 personnel. Duties include a larger role in operation planning, and those of the Lieutenant ranks. Captains can review infractions by lower personnel, but cannot discharge them.
Major- In charge of 10 personnel. Role of the Major is the ability to conduct medium scale raids with authorization by a Colonel or General, and those of lower ranks. Reviews infractions sent by Captains, and can decide to discharge personnel.
Colonel- In charge of 10 to 15 personnel. Duties include the ability to conduct large scale operations against enemy factions, and is able discharge personnel as well.
General- Senior commander of the armed forces. Generals will be in command of any subordiantes, and have the authority to discharge, and requisition personnel from other units.
General of ArrowFire- Supreme commander of ArrowFire Company, commands given by the holder of this title must be obeyed, lest you be dishonorably discharged. Duties of this rank should be obvious.
1st Infantry Division ('Havoc')- Standard infantry division. Lead by a General and supported by a Colonel, Major, Captain, and 1st and 2nd Lieutenants.
1st Mounted Division ('Rolling Thunder')- For anyone who is good in combat with a horse, bow and sword. Command structure will be the same as Havoc.
1st Sniper Division('Good Eyes')- If you prefer to snipe from a distance, and are good at concealing yourself, then this division is for you. Command structure is the same as Havoc and Rolling Thunder.
Every military needs something to do when they're not at war! Whether Enlisted or an Officer, these jobs will make sure you're not sitting twiddling your thumbs around.
Architect- We need people to build stuff, believe it or not! Whether they're a new overground base or an Obsidian bunker or even a piece of pixel art, we need good builders to make ourselves at home.
Miner- Though this may seem superfluous, since anyone can mine, this clan needs EFFECTIVE Miners that know what they can do, and maximize the amount of resources they bring home.
Engineer- Believe it or not, not everyone's a great redstone engineer! Therefore, we need people who can set up efficient redstone designs that are useful to us.
Explorer- The best thing about Minecraft is that there's a whole world waiting for everyone to explore. If you want to explore the world, and report about any factions and surroundings, you'll feel at home here.
Farmer- Everyone knows how to farm, but not everyone can create a compact farm that maximizes output, thereby allowing not everyone to starve! These are a must to any clan.
General- If you're not good at any of these things, no worries. You can assist anyone who needs it, and maybe learn something from the person you're helping!
ABSOLUTELY NO racism, sexism or homophobia allowed. This will earn you a demotion or even a discharge. Jokes are allowed, though not to extreme amounts.
No multi-clanning. Only apply if you want to join this clan.
Obey your superiors. If that means going into an enemy base with nothing but broken Leather armor and a wooden sword, then do it. Insubordination will NOT get you anywhere.
No hacks whatsoever. Even if we win a battle with those hacks, you are still dishonorably discharged after a trial.
Respect each other! You should have fun in a clan, and that is what we do besides murdering fools. Secret word: BOGGY
Use the clan skins I provided.
Skype is required, but microphones are optional, though highly recommended.
I think I'm peacing out, this isn't a clan for me, since I mainly PvP and dislike politics and nations. So, this is my resignation to create an entirely new military clan.
How dedicated can you be?: I can be on if need be, merely contact me at my Skype
What job would you like?: Warrior
Anything else?: I'm a former officer (2nd Lieutenant) in a military clan, and can defend this republic with all I've got. Clan in question is Kingston Armed Forces. I'm also skilled in politics, though at an amateur level.
My Hexxit won't start at all, even when I have allocated the least possible memory to it. This is the error report on the screen:
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// I feel sad now
Time: 5/24/14 9:43 PM
Description: Failed to start game
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown character ' ' in 'C:/Users/A/AppData/Roaming/.technic/modpacks/hexxit/config/Project Zulu/ProjectZuluMobBiomeConfig.cfg:482'
at net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration.load(Configuration.java:625)
at net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration.<init>(Configuration.java:100)
at projectzulu.common.core.CustomEntityManager.loadCreaturesFromConfig(CustomEntityManager.java:25)
at projectzulu.common.ProjectZulu_Core.load(ProjectZulu_Core.java:131)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent(FMLModContainer.java:494)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.google.common.eventbus.EventHandler.handleEvent(EventHandler.java:74)
at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventHandler.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventHandler.java:45)
at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:314)
at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:296)
at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:267)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(LoadController.java:192)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(LoadController.java:172)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.google.common.eventbus.EventHandler.handleEvent(EventHandler.java:74)
at com.google.common.eventbus.SynchronizedEventHandler.handleEvent(SynchronizedEventHandler.java:45)
at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatch(EventBus.java:314)
at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents(EventBus.java:296)
at com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:267)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(LoadController.java:103)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods(Loader.java:691)
at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.finishMinecraftLoading(FMLClientHandler.java:213)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71384_a(Minecraft.java:448)
at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftAppletImpl.func_71384_a(SourceFile:56)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:733)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
denied, sorry panzer but I do not want to take my chances after what happened last time. Also for some reason you did not include TRE as a previous clan you have been in.
OK then. I understand. Good luck in what you do, Rome.
IGN:Panzer_Pwnage Age:14
What time zone are you in:Eastern Standard Time
How long have you been playing Minecraft:1 year Have you read the rules:Yes Fides Clavem
Name any clans you've been in:The Forest Rangers
Does the ancient Roman Empire interest you:Very much, best and most interesting empire to read about. How active are you throughout the week:Every day unless noted
Do you promise to wear a Roman-themed skin at all times:Yes
What do you think we expect from you:Loyalty obedience
What do you expect from us:A great experience, teamwork, lastly: FUN Do you understand you have to check this thread regularly for updates:Yes
Do you understand you must install Teamspeak:Yes Do you have a mic? (a mic is required to join this clan):Yes Do you promise to obey your superiors:Yes
Anything else you want to add:No.
Hey Rome. Remember me? Yeah, THAT guy who.. you know. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for that, I now realize it was very immature of me, and I probably should have accepted that I was being booted, and just left it at that. Once again sorry for the incident, and I hope you can see I am being 100 percent sincere right now.
Also, is there a chance of me being able to reapply? I know, I know, but still.
Although being older than me he is somehow a damnsite more immature then I am,
You know, Poor Grammer, Poor Vocabulary, not understanding large words. And he has a knack for acting like a woman when it comes to rivalries, so instead of acting like a man and ignoring me until all the hate is out of the way, he instead decides to hack my account.
And who knows, one day he may read this! And he might just hack my Minecraft Forums account! Well, fear not: When I write a post that's poorly worded and has no actual point, you'll know it's not me. I hope you'll know anyway.
Yeah, let's hope that never happens.
*The next day*
Thiz ees 3mp lulz how iz yo all doingz today aslfjalskfjlaskldj
I'd fallen out with my cousin at the time, who appropriately knew my Minecraft password, so the sad idiot goes onto my account and griefs Gwomath. I haven't even been on there properly in months, nor did I ever want to. So now, as a result, i'm permanently banned with no appeal.
Yeah, I know! Permanently Banned from a server struggling to keep members for something completely out of my hands. Even then, there was no TNT or Lava involved, so everything was repairable.
I know i sound really up my own **** at the moment... but sometimes I really wish people viewed problems like I did, there'd be much less immaturity... ._.
P.S: What Physik???
Wow..... That is..... pretty stupid of your cousin. I mean, who the hell would do that, and why??????????????
UPDATE: Finished with some errors that need correcting.
This clan does not just offer a chance to experience military life, but also gives a chance to do what you do best. If you love exploring a world, we can offer you the chance to do so if we aren't in open conflict, or even build some pixel art! Don't be afraid to ask anyone to teach you something new in Minecraft, everyone should help you. Teamwork is something else to build, an I guarantee that this will happen on your unit.
Private- Congratulations on becoming a private! Now, in order to become promoted, you have to be a team player, assist others wherever possible, and be loyal to this clan.
PrivateFirst Class- This rank is proof that you were able to go above and beyond in your duties. Is essential in order to become promoted to anything higher.
Specialist- If you are able to prove that your non-combat role can be essential in battle, the rank of Specialist is awarded.
Corporal- Now you've proved what you can do to help this clan, now you have a little bit of command over Privates, provided there are no Officers or NCOs around. Now you can assist in planning attackw on our enemies.
Sergeant- First NCO rank. If you are able to prove you're a leader during your time as a recruit, you can bypass the Private and Corporal ranks entirely. This ranks proves you can command small group without relying on anyone else.
Chief Sergeant- This is a transition rank between enlisted and commisioned officer. If you have reached this far, you can apply for Officer Training School. Chief Sergeant also proves your capability as a leader.
2nd Lieutenant- First officer rank, in command of a group of 3 to 5 enlisted and NCOs. Duties include command, supervisision of non-combat roles in peace.
1st Lieutenant- Rank given when a 2nd Lieutenant proves that he can handle larger groups of 5 to 7 personnel. Duties include 2nd Lieutenant roles and planning in raids against enemy factions.
Captain- In charge of 7 to 10 personnel. Duties include a larger role in operation planning, and those of the Lieutenant ranks. Captains can review infractions by lower personnel, but cannot discharge them.
Major- In charge of 10 personnel. Role of the Major is the ability to conduct medium scale raids with authorization by a Colonel or General, and those of lower ranks. Reviews infractions sent by Captains, and can decide to discharge personnel.
Colonel- In charge of 10 to 15 personnel. Duties include the ability to conduct large scale operations against enemy factions, and is able discharge personnel as well.
General- Senior commander of the armed forces. Generals will be in command of any subordiantes, and have the authority to discharge, and requisition personnel from other units.
General of ArrowFire- Supreme commander of ArrowFire Company, commands given by the holder of this title must be obeyed, lest you be dishonorably discharged. Duties of this rank should be obvious.
1st Infantry Division ('Havoc')- Standard infantry division. Lead by a General and supported by a Colonel, Major, Captain, and 1st and 2nd Lieutenants.
1st Mounted Division ('Rolling Thunder')- For anyone who is good in combat with a horse, bow and sword. Command structure will be the same as Havoc.
1st Sniper Division('Good Eyes')- If you prefer to snipe from a distance, and are good at concealing yourself, then this division is for you. Command structure is the same as Havoc and Rolling Thunder.
Skin for 1st Infantry-
Skin for 1st Mounted
Skin for 1st Sniper:
My Hexxit won't start at all, even when I have allocated the least possible memory to it. This is the error report on the screen:
OK then. I understand. Good luck in what you do, Rome.
Thank you for considering, PM me instead of posting here when you have reached a consensus.
What time zone are you in:Eastern Standard Time
How long have you been playing Minecraft:1 year
Have you read the rules:Yes Fides Clavem
Name any clans you've been in:The Forest Rangers
Does the ancient Roman Empire interest you:Very much, best and most interesting empire to read about.
How active are you throughout the week:Every day unless noted
Do you promise to wear a Roman-themed skin at all times:Yes
What do you think we expect from you:Loyalty obedience
What do you expect from us:A great experience, teamwork, lastly: FUN
Do you understand you have to check this thread regularly for updates:Yes
Do you understand you must install Teamspeak:Yes
Do you have a mic? (a mic is required to join this clan):Yes
Do you promise to obey your superiors:Yes
Anything else you want to add:No.
Yeah I thought so ;D
Also, is there a chance of me being able to reapply? I know, I know, but still.
Yeah, let's hope that never happens.
*The next day*
Thiz ees 3mp lulz how iz yo all doingz today aslfjalskfjlaskldj
Wow..... That is..... pretty stupid of your cousin. I mean, who the hell would do that, and why??????????????
That sucks, how did that happen?