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    posted a message on Looking for an old medieval adventure map from this forum

    The name came to me out of nowhere, praise God! It was Drobnovian Knights for 1.8.8. It's absolutely awesome for the version it's on, and I think it still holds up...

    Can't wait to play it again!

    EDIT: apparently it's got sequels too

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking for an old medieval adventure map from this forum

    (Ignore the version tag, idk what version it was for)

    I want to say this was somewhere around 2015 give or take a few, and the map was huge, very well decorated, and the main plot point was that it was always night because of the final boss. I also remember there being giant yellow quest markers above npcs. I want to say the spawn is in a port town. I believe the map makers also had a forum of their own.

    Sorry I have no screenshots, I've gone through a few computers since then.

    Anybody have any ideas?

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Modding 1.7.10 error when running gradlew commands on command prompt

    Sorry for the necropost, but I have the exact same problem, and I've been trying to fix it for the past few hours. http://repo1.maven.org doesn't exist anywhere on my computer, and I can't find anything to do with Maven and http, even in the build.gradle file.

    I've been on every post that I can find about this issue on the internet, and nothing helps. Usually everything is so cryptic I have no idea what to do with the information given, so I end up trying everything I can think of and still nothing works. Do I have to do something in Eclipse? And where?

    I've changed every http I can find to https, but it still throws that exact same https required crud.

    Can anyone explain what to do in a clear and concise manner?

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on How do I choose which dimension to end up in, in the infinity snapshot?

    Some are hard-coded in I think, the rest seems to use some sort of random generation similar to how normal Minecraft seeds work as far as I can tell. Why don't you go look at the code to see how it works? Some people in the modding section might be able to get you started in finding that.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How do I choose which dimension to end up in, in the infinity snapshot?

    Take a look through the wiki page for it (https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Java_Edition_20w14∞). You CAN use a book, but you can also type /warp <DimensionName> . The page also has a list of a few dimensions to try out.

    You can also google 'Minecraft infinity snapshot dimension list' to get some dimension names, especially on Reddit, but I'm not going to link that here.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Add map to overviewer without having to re-render all the other maps

    Looks like it just makes images, so as long as you keep the images, I don't see a problem deleting the old saves unless I'm missing something here...


    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on how to change the color of swamps

    If what you're asking is how to install a resource pack, make sure you download the right version of the resource pack for the version of Minecraft you're using. Open up Minecraft, go into Options>Resource Packs>Open Resource Pack Folder. Put your resource pack in there.

    It's possible to delete everything in the pack except for what you want, and the resource pack menu allows you to have multiple packs on at the same time, with ones higher up in the list taking priority.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Hey i need help finding the blood moon mod for 1.7.10

    The actual blood moon mod is for 1.8+, but I did find that the random things mod has a blood moon thing that is quite similar. Maybe it's what you're looking for?


    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on What happened to the metal lucky block?

    I found a website that used to host a link to the forum page and put it in the Wayback Machine to get the download links, which are still active!

    Link to forum post:


    Link to the first download link:


    Link to the add-on link:


    Hope that helps!

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Searching a Modpack for my survival world

    Take a look through Twitch, there's a LOT of different modpacks there that may interest you.

    Posted in: Mod Packs
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    posted a message on Mob Sounds From Nowhere?

    Try running this command:

    /effect @e minecraft:glowing

    It should give all the entities in the area the glowing effect, allowing you to see them more easily. Also, do you have a bunch of parrots and could they be picking up on a mob?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Migrating from Minecraft 1.7 to 1.15~, have questions about some singleplayer mods

    I don't know much about WorldEdit, but from what I just looked up was that rhino-1_7r4.jar was some sort of open source JavaScript script thing that was used with old versions of WorldEdit (at least at some point, doesn't look like it now as far as I can tell, but I haven't downloaded it to check). Looks like that version of rhino was its final version.

    If you're wanting to play on the new Minecraft version, then of course you're going to need the new version of WorldEdit.

    Also, if you're starting a new world, then I don't see why you couldn't copy things over...


    I'd say just make sure you back up your old files, and give the new versions a go! The launcher allows you to go back to old versions if you so choose. I would also say don't download rhino unless something in WorldEdit specifically tells you to.

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Using Commands to get a specific Mega Loot chestplate?

    I got a really cool Mega Loot chestplate in one world (Knight set chestplate with a jetpack effect), and I want to re-make it in another. So, I went and found a mod called NBT Tooltip to help see the NBT data, and tried to /give the exact chestplate.

    The problem:

    1. The sprite is of the plain brown chestplate, not the white with red stripe of the knight

    2. The +Armor Toughness modifier on the original when I hover over it says 4.65 while its NBT data says 2.65? (Applies to other odd stats that also don't render right when I run /give, although that could be an issue with lore text)

    3. The effectList NBT tag doesn't want to have more than one effect listed (throws a 'data tag parsing failed' error), and even with one effect added, it won't actually work. (Added the jetpack effect, won't allow flight like the original chestplate.)

    The first attached pic is the full NBT data of the chestplate I'm trying to duplicate, the second is how the chestplate looks when I /give it with only 1 effect added.

    /give command straight from the NBT data seen in the original:

    /give Paintbrush megaloot:armor_chestplate 1 0 {damage:15,efficiency:35.577583f,durability:1983,loot_set:"knight",uuid:"d199c73f-8b3c-41d0-84e4-2e243d694c64",upgrades:3,speed:-2.4999154f,effectList:{[0]:{duration:227,amplifier:1,id:"knockbackresistance"}[1]{duration:472,amplifier:12,id:"jetpack"}}armor:3.87f,drawspeed:1.8662302f,model:2,power:1.85f,toughness:2.65f,rarity:"Epic",HideFlags:2,Quality:{}}

    Throws a 'Data tag parsing failed: Expected non-empty key' at the opening bracket in effectList{: .

    /give command altered to give at least some sort of result (the brown one in the second picture):

    /give Paintbrush megaloot:armor_chestplate 1 0 {damage:15,efficiency:35.577583f,durability:1983,loot_set:"knight",uuid:"d199c73f-8b3c-41d0-84e4-2e243d694c64",upgrades:3,speed:-2.4999154f,effectList:{duration:472,amplifier:12,id:"jetpack"},armor:3.87f,drawspeed:1.8662302f,model:2,power:1.85f,toughness:2.65f,rarity:"Epic",HideFlags:2,Quality:{}}

    I can't for the life of me figure out how to get effectList to list more than one effect, and I have no idea why my effects don't actually work in-game. I've been all over Google and can barely find anything. Nothing about how to summon items from this mod, and researching the 'data tag parsing failed' error doesn't seem to have any solutions that pertain to this problem as far as I'm able to tell.

    If anyone out there could help me out, that'd be amazing.

    (P.S. If it matters any, I'm playing the 'Life in the village' modpack from Twitch)

    (Also, any way to see every effect/option the mod gives would be really cool -- custom make my own items! Anyone know any way to do that?)

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on I'm wondering how many of you would watch a Minecraft Movie

    There was a Minecraft movie by the name of Skies of Aurora a while back, and it was pretty decent and a lot of people watched it. Go for it!

    Posted in: Discussion
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