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    posted a message on Heiki Needs You! - Recruiting Alpha Player(s), General Staff, Graphic Artist, Developer(s) ++

    I'm interested in joining!

    Position: Managerial / General staff

    My background: I was moderator and Forum Administrator on the Minecraft Forums (e.g. responsible for the Server section of this forum back in 2012).

    I've also worked at a Minecraft hosting company for 1.5 years after retiring from the forum. Later on I've ran a few Minecraft and ARMA 3 servers along with a few people.

    I'd like to talk about the plans you have for the server and how I can apply my previous experience as best as possible.

    Discord: FIGHTME100#9325

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Post your Picture


    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Ban the user above you #2

    Banned because the person assumes retired people are not active anywhere.

    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Ban the user above you #2

    Banned for having a scorecard that doesn't make much sense to me.

    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Guess My Age!

    Nothing in these facts suggest you're an adult, as a kid I might have liked some of your favourites, but not me as an adult. Therefore I'm going to assume you're anywhere between 13 and 18.

    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on What's your general opinion of Redit?

    You have to pile through the garbage in order to find decent discussions, subreddits and content. Other sites don't really compare to Reddit, therefore Reddit is a necessary evil in my life.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on What are you listening to right now?

    Telegraph Road - Dire Straits

    14 minutes and 17 seconds!

    Listen to the entire thing, you won't regret it.

    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on Forum Rules: READ THIS FIRST!
    Quote from LightWarriorK

    From LightWarriorK: These are the Rules from the old forums. The new Rules will be very similar, but suited to this site, particularly with regard to the Warning and Ban schedule. Until they are ready, please obey their spirit in all you do here. Thanks!

    Welcome to the Minecraft Forums! Enjoy yourself here, but please keep in mind these simple rules:

    Be Polite - If you can't be respectful of other members, at least be courteous. Two wrongs don't make a right.
    Use Search - It's your friend, and it's in the upper-right corner of the forum.
    Use the Report Feature - If you see a rule violation, this lets the staff know to look at the thread/post and determine the best action.
    Stay on Topic - Don't derail threads with your own conversation.
    Think Before you Post - Sensible, well-thought-out, legible posts are easier to understand.

    Spam - TL;DR, +/-1, one word responses, memes, imageposts, doubleposts, etc.
    Post Redundant Threads - Be aware of other threads in the forum, and don't duplicate (see "Use Seach" above).
    Bump Threads - Do not bump your own threads to get more replies or older threads that have dropped off unless there is significant new information to add. Necrothreadia is preventable disease: let the dead lie.
    Post ban lists - This can lead to innocent people being banned from the servers.
    Troll/Flame - See "Be Polite" above. Insulting and baiting will not be tolerated.
    Create Multiple Accounts - If you have a good reason for having a clone account, contact a staff member first.
    Advertise - You can have a link to your personal (non-commercial) site in your signature, but links promoting outside websites or merchandise will be removed.

    Post Illegal Activity:
    - Anything referring to Minecraft hacks;
    - Any link or reference to third-party clients or game interfaces;
    - Any material that is the work of another individual but is being represented as original. Permission must be obtained from the original creator, and due credit must be given, before including any element of that creator's work.
    Abuse a Member's Personal Safety:
    - Swearing at a member; while there is no rule against swearing here, use of it against another member is a different story;
    - Any offensive, pornographic, or obscene material;
    - Overt sexually loaded comments or content;
    - Discrimination against the age, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or sexual orientation of another member.
    Spread Hate Speech:
    - The use of slurs of any kind;
    - Derogatory statements about social groups, including but not limited to age, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or sexuality;
    - Promoting or expressing support for hate groups and terrorist organizations;
    - Posting messages deliberately to offend or upset members of a social group (For example, posting images of Muhammed in a thread full of Muslims)

    Posting or linking to anything relating to the pirating, or copying, of any software game title, especially Minecraft.
    Posting or linking to any content malicious to computer hardware or software, such as viruses.
    Any content that violates another person's privacy.
    Evading a Temporary Ban - If you're sent on a vacation for a bit, accept it and wait.
    Excessive or repeated violations of any of the above infractions - Learn your lesson or else.

    1st Warning - Warning-only consequence.
    2nd Warning - 3 Day Ban
    3rd Warning - 1-week Ban
    4th Warning - Warning in name only. If you get a fourth Warning, expect a Permaban

    Reporting a post:
    -If you see an infraction to the rules, report it. If you're not sure, report it anyway. There are no penalties if you're wrong
    -No need to bother telling the offender you reported them, it doesn't help the staff in any way and can only lead to problems.
    -Don't respond to flaming and trolls, much less flame them back. Ignore, report, move on

    Staff - The administrators and moderators are responsible for the smooth and efficient running of the site. The staff reserves the right to take whatever action is deemed appropriate in any given situation, regardless of whether there is a specific rule covering that situation or not. If there is a misunderstanding or dispute, then please bring the issue up politely with that staff member in private. In all matters, the decision of the administration is final.

    Contacting - Please contact the staff if you have any questions or concerns:

    :RFlower: citricsquid
    :RFlower: WedTM
    :RFlower: Puyodead
    :RFlower: ez
    :RFlower: Animator
    :RFlower: Real
    :RFlower: LightWarriorK
    :RFlower: Basic
    :RFlower: Sacheverell
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Section Specific Rules: READ THIS FIRST!
    Minecraft sections

    Before you post:
    Discuss servers here and classic servers here
    Video threads here
    Screenshot threads here
    Suggestions for Minecraft here
    Minecraft Fan art here
    Let's plays here
    (Technical) Minecraft support here

    Minecraft General Rules:
    You are not allowed to post herobrine related threads
    You are not allowed to sell or buy Minecraft accounts, this forum is not a marketplace
    You are not allowed to beg for Minecraft accounts
    You are not allowed to post server threads
    You are not allowed to bump threads
    Support Rules:
    You are allowed to bump threads after 24 hours without a response
    General support not related to Minecraft should be posted here
    Suggestions Rules:
    You are not allowed to flame suggestions, keep it mature
    You are not allowed to post more than one suggestion per thread
    You are not allowed to post the same suggestion, use search before posting
    Clan Rules:
    You are not allowed to clone the exact same clan
    You are not allowed to post more than one clan thread, ask a moderator to create more than one
    Your new clan must have at least 3 members in 5 days, otherwise your clan thread will be removed
    You are not allowed to flame other clans. Friendly fights are okay
    Skins Rules:
    You are not allowed to steal others work, and mask it as your own
    You must use this format before creating a thread
    Achievement & Stats Rules:
    Keep the Achievement & Stats suggestions in this thread

    All Global rules apply to this section

    If you need help, contact the Minecraft General dedicated moderators:
    You can also contact Admins for your problems
    Posted in: Minecraft News
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking For Staff For a Up Coming Server. *Staff is Paid*
    Could you provide us more information about the server?
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 4

    posted a message on Applying to be a moderator
    Protip: Don't expect anything from your app. Just fire and forget it. There's an exceedingly small chance you'll be accepted. Try to make the best app possible, behave good and check occasionally for a PM. Anticipation kills indeed.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
  • 0

    posted a message on [In Dev] Lost Space: A futuristic space/diesel punk serious Roleplaying server, looking for Builder, Artist, and more! BB code f
    Unreleased servers aren't allowed in this section. If you want to look for staff/builders, please post a thread in the Looking For section .
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    Ban appeal form in the thread OP
    Staff application form in the thread OP
    From now on, please post your forms here!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 4

    posted a message on Applying to be a moderator
    Quote from xRILLIANx

    So after three weeks of waiting, my Moderator application was denied. Is there any way to find out what the reasons were?
    If we have to explain to 500 people why they were denied we'd be sitting here 24/7
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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