Like building with Wood, logs, cobblestone and stone bricks?:Yea, just the basic's
Used WorldEdit and Essentials before and are familiar with the commands?:Very familiar,alos with VoxelSniper
A nice, kind of log cabin/small town building style?:MOre or less, i can build the smallest hut to the largest city's you can think of.
Been an op/Admin before and are familiar with commands?:Many times. Owner as 1 , Co-Owner as 2, Admin as 1, and Head Builder for 5 or more.
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?:Scince Alpha V.1
How long have you've been building?:Scince Alpha V.2
Tell me a bit about yourself:Im 16, i play varsity soccer for a christian private school.I love all video games that has a RPG bases. I love working with people and i like to write java in my off time as well as well as play video games.
How well do you speak English?Fluently,native language
1. Age: 16
2. IGN: Pipola
3. How long have you played Minecraft?Scince Alpha
4. What are your favorite things to create?Houses
5. Are you alright playing without creative mode?Yes, i love surviving.
6. What kind of past Minecraft experience of yours do you feel may be worth mentioning? I've been playing for along time and i love white-lists b/c of the filter from griefer's and **** like that.
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?: Scince Alpha
How many servers opped you?:4-5
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?:Im a very useful player from, helping with whitelisting to helping a new player build his first house. I'm very direct and i dont fool around
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): Im a 16 year old sophmore in highscool. I play varsity soccer i have a girlfriend. IM in AP bio and AP english. I have a 3.4 Grade point avg. I have about 800 Facebook friends . And i love minecraft! I dont know what more to put. I love helping out other people. I've helped started famous severs(buxville/super-earth). I love helping people do new things. That's about it. Hope to see if i could help Administrate and or anything else
How well do you speak English?:Umm, very well?
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?: Scince Alpha
How many servers opped you?:4-5
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?:Im a very useful player from, helping with whitelisting to helping a new player build his first house. I'm very direct and i dont fool around
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): Im a 16 year old sophmore in highscool. I play varsity soccer i have a girlfriend. IM in AP bio and AP english. I have a 3.4 Grade point avg. I have about 800 Facebook friends :tongue.gif:. And i love minecraft! I dont know what more to put. I love helping out other people. I've helped started famous severs(buxville/super-earth). I love helping people do new things. That's about it. Hope to see if i could help Administrate and or anything else
How well do you speak English?:Umm, very well?
If you want to PM your email i can send some pic's but you can't just post pic's on here. I'd love to help and i have ALOT of xp in builidng severs, I've been apart of buxville,super-eartth,and VillageCraft all as builders and adminsand i need IP btdubbss
I've been playing MC since the beginning, i have picture's, but i need your email to send them, I've been referred as "Amazing" with Wolrdedit/Voxel. I can build anything, to the BIGGEST building down to the smallest villages. I have ALOT of detail and i don't rush anthing
Minecraft Username: Punker12
How experienced are you with minecraft pvp: Long time, I've only been looking for PvP sever's since i started playing MC
Why do you want to join: Looks like a fun, intense, and cereal PvP sever
Like building with Wood, logs, cobblestone and stone bricks?:Yea, just the basic's
Used WorldEdit and Essentials before and are familiar with the commands?:Very familiar,alos with VoxelSniper
A nice, kind of log cabin/small town building style?:MOre or less, i can build the smallest hut to the largest city's you can think of.
Been an op/Admin before and are familiar with commands?:Many times. Owner as 1 , Co-Owner as 2, Admin as 1, and Head Builder for 5 or more.
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?:Scince Alpha V.1
How long have you've been building?:Scince Alpha V.2
Tell me a bit about yourself:Im 16, i play varsity soccer for a christian private school.I love all video games that has a RPG bases. I love working with people and i like to write java in my off time as well as well as play video games.
How well do you speak English?Fluently,native language
2. IGN: Pipola
3. How long have you played Minecraft?Scince Alpha
4. What are your favorite things to create?Houses
5. Are you alright playing without creative mode?Yes, i love surviving.
6. What kind of past Minecraft experience of yours do you feel may be worth mentioning? I've been playing for along time and i love white-lists b/c of the filter from griefer's and **** like that.
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?: Scince Alpha
How many servers opped you?:4-5
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?:Im a very useful player from, helping with whitelisting to helping a new player build his first house. I'm very direct and i dont fool around
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): Im a 16 year old sophmore in highscool. I play varsity soccer i have a girlfriend. IM in AP bio and AP english. I have a 3.4 Grade point avg. I have about 800 Facebook friends . And i love minecraft! I dont know what more to put. I love helping out other people. I've helped started famous severs(buxville/super-earth). I love helping people do new things. That's about it. Hope to see if i could help Administrate and or anything else
How well do you speak English?:Umm, very well?
How long have you've been playing Minecraft?: Scince Alpha
How many servers opped you?:4-5
What do you bring to the server as an Admin/Mod?:Im a very useful player from, helping with whitelisting to helping a new player build his first house. I'm very direct and i dont fool around
Tell me about yourself (2 paragraphs): Im a 16 year old sophmore in highscool. I play varsity soccer i have a girlfriend. IM in AP bio and AP english. I have a 3.4 Grade point avg. I have about 800 Facebook friends :tongue.gif:. And i love minecraft! I dont know what more to put. I love helping out other people. I've helped started famous severs(buxville/super-earth). I love helping people do new things. That's about it. Hope to see if i could help Administrate and or anything else
How well do you speak English?:Umm, very well?
If you want to PM your email i can send some pic's but you can't just post pic's on here. I'd love to help and i have ALOT of xp in builidng severs, I've been apart of buxville,super-eartth,and VillageCraft all as builders and adminsand i need IP btdubbss
I've been playing MC since the beginning, i have picture's, but i need your email to send them, I've been referred as "Amazing" with Wolrdedit/Voxel. I can build anything, to the BIGGEST building down to the smallest villages. I have ALOT of detail and i don't rush anthing
How experienced are you with minecraft pvp: Long time, I've only been looking for PvP sever's since i started playing MC
Why do you want to join: Looks like a fun, intense, and cereal PvP sever