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    posted a message on Looking for Creative and Ambitious Staff & Builders
    IGN: Oversized_Guitar
    Age: 16
    Skype Yes or No (we only use it for textual chat): Yes
    MC Experience: Played for 2 years, ran/was admin on servers for 1 year.
    Position Desired: Any available
    Why you would be good for Captio Games and why you would fit your desired position: I have the experience to help run a server, I have extensive knowledge of many plugins, and I agree that all three concepts are essential for a good server.
    Availability and Timezone: MST. I have a job on weekends, so I'd be able to play 3-4 hours per week.

    I don't check MC Forums very regularly, please email me at oversizedbass (at) gmail (dot) com
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on The Legit Mine [Active Staff] [Hardcore Survival]
    Looking For A HARDCORE Survival Server?
    Absolutely No Item Spawning?
    Creepers That Actually Explode?

    The Legit Mine is a survival Minecraft server that will keep you on the edge of your chair.
    From the fast paced survival action, to the friendly yet hardcore admin team, The Legit Mine is something you must experience.
    The Only Question is...Are You Legit Enough?

    Visit Our Website (Info, Forums, DynMap)
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on A Small Minecraft Server
    Delete this post
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on How much internet does a server use?
    Quote from baconsmuggler

    Im attempting a war server called Battlefield 3 server, and will have around 30 slots, just wondering how much internet will that use? mediaum sized map. a city map. craftoplis

    If you're internet cap isn't too retarted, not enough to worry about.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Minecraft server problems
    Quote from B0T3X1N

    Hmm... Linux is a kernel. Ubuntu is an operating system. Debian is. Kubuntu is also one. Linspire, Ulteo, Parsix, Dreamlinux, Xandros, Xubuntu and many many more. But linux is not an operating system.

    You can not have a Linux computer. You can have as I said an Ubuntu or something else which is using the linux's kernel, but you can not have "Linux". Linux is the paper you are writing on, and not the letters or the content.

    Well played. You get a cookie
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Minecraft server problems
    Quote from Hellbird48

    Lol... I hope not, but I don't think so. I moved the server files over to another computer and it is exactly the same.

    The 'cannot keep up" error is nothing to be concerned about. Even amazing computers get this error.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Minecraft server problems
    Quote from B0T3X1N

    Changing the operation system isn't the way to make minecraft to be lag free :biggrin.gif:
    And by the way for everybody who would not not... Linux isn't an OS...

    Umm...see, the thing is, Linux is an os
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Server connection problems

    I've had a server setup for my friends for ages, and all of a sudden no one can connect to it. Everything was port forwarded properly, the nessecary port was opened in windows firewall, and everything was fine. Now all of a sudden, '25565' no longer works. I can connect to the server if I change everything over to port '1' , but not with '25565'.

    I have a feeling that my ISP (Shaw communications) has begun to block the port, as even after wiping my computer (it needed to be done anyway due to bloatware and crap, I thought why not?) and setting up everything from scratch again, 25565 still doesn't work.

    Anyone having a similar problem with Shaw?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on TooManyItems and SMP
    Quote from shadow1997

    Heres what it should look like if you have bukkit and essentials installed

    give-command:/item {1}:{3} {2}

    I ended up making it

    give-command:/give oversized_guitar {1} 64

    Since it's only going to be me playing on this computer, the username variable doesn't really need to be there.

    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on TooManyItems and SMP
    Quote from shadow1997

    You Need to reconfigure you config.txt thing mind showing me the Actual config txt you have?

    There is no config.txt for TooManyItems, everything is stored within the .class files added to minecraft.jar. However, a standard text editor cannot edit these files, so I have no way of changing the syntax.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on TooManyItems and SMP
    I just reinstalled TooManyItems on my laptop today (I reverted everything back to 1.8 to play on a server that didn't update) and everything works fine in SSP, but in SMP I get a message that says the syntax of the command TMI is using to spawn items is incorrect. I have tried manually spawning items, so Minecraft itself isn't the problem. Do you know of a way to fix this?

    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on RAM for server Minecraft
    Quote from NateN34

    It really depends on how much plugins you have. Also with this new update, I have seen much lower RAM use than normal.

    From what I've seen you need about 2.5 gigs for every 30 players.

    Finally, post your download speed....the upload speed is pretty much irrelevant.

    The upload speed is most definitely relevent. In fact, it's more relevant than the download speed. It's great if the player data can be downloaded quickly, but if you're going to send it back over a slow connection, you're going to get some serious lag.

    With a 30 Mpbs upload speed, I seriously doubt you could host 100 people online without some nasty lag.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Servers 360
    Quote from sharpplayer96

    we were just talkin about this...
    I hope its an inter-connectiveness where xbox and pcs can connect to the same server if this is the case then all existing servers will work...
    also it probablly will go through live
    and thirdly the scary thought is will it have servers/multiplayer at all... dum-dum-daaaaaaa! lol


    No, It's not going to have multiplayer.
    Also, I don't think the next CoD game will have guns

    Or will it....
    Quote from Opalosis

    there might be cross platforming but there might not be who knows? AND you must buy it again http://www.minecraft...-get-this-free/

    You're not buying anything "again", technically speaking, it's a completely different game. It's like buying a copy of Black Ops for the PC, and then buying another copy for your Xbox

    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Building up your server
    Quote from paperCuT

    Yea, I learned that the hard way, haha

    me too lol
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Building up your server
    Great guide! The most important thing people need to have, but often lack, is patience. You don't get an epic Minecraft server overnight. It takes time.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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