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    posted a message on New Potion idea; Potion of effect negation!

    Fair point. Then I guess it can follow the naming convention of Potion of Fire Resistance, and make it "Potion of Effect Resistance" or "Potion of Magic Resistance"?

    I like the second one better since the death message for getting killed by a typical potion effect like Harming is "Player was killed by magic".

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on What if there was crime in Minecraft?

    I'm going to give this a solid no. There are already consequences for killing villagers. Iron golems don't take kindly to it, and even if there isn't an iron golem around, your reputation with the village goes down and villagers increase trading prices. Plus the whole idea of jail in base Minecraft seems very out of place.

    As for what you're looking for, try custom maps. Maybe there is one that fits the criteria you're looking for.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New Potion idea; Potion of effect negation!

    A good idea, but I think the name needs work. Maybe "Potion of Immunity"?

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Suggestion: Goats, Leather Armour and Sleeping bag

    I support the idea of goat fur and having cold resistant armor. However, sleeping bags have already been denied by the developers. See the Blocks, Tools and Items section here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360005029872-Previously-Considered-Suggestions

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Exploration & Soffucating

    The thread title itself is almost a good example of good game design. "Exploration vs Death", or "Exploration vs Risk".

    Exploration is good, but it becomes very monotonous without any risk involved. You want to explore that underwater cave where your chances of drowning without Respiration are pretty high? It's what makes playing exciting. The risk involved in exploration.

    However, you do make a good point about how a real person can hold their breath for a bit longer than Minecraft's standard 16 seconds. The average person can hold their breath for about 30 seconds. Game balance would be changed slightly if underwater time was increased to 30 seconds, but I feel like it would be a welcome change.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Suggestion: Grass slabs

    As stated above, Grass Slabs did cause terrain generation issues back then. However, the concept of Grass Slabs hasn't been revisited for quite a long time, and the last time there was an attempt at implementation was when the code of the game was still in its infancy. I remember seeing somewhere that the last of Notch's (spaghetti) code was removed back in 1.8. I'm not 100% sure if that timeframe is correct, but even if it isn't, you can objectively say that the game's framework/codebase has improved drastically since its conception. So Grass Slabs most likely wouldn't even be an issue nowadays.

    The better question here is "would it fit in with existing terrain gen?" And I'm going to say no, it wouldn't. It would look out of place due to the style we've come to know when it comes to terrain generation. But that doesn't mean it should be excluded. We have Stone Slabs and slab variants of other naturally-occurring blocks, and they don't generate as terrain, so why not Dirt and Grass Slabs anyway?

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on What if we could sit in Minecraft?

    I'll support this idea in the cosmetic sense. Bedrock Edition has emotes, so that part of the idea isn't too outlandish. As for the "resting" mechanic, if it were to see any implementation at all, I have to agree with Badprenup's solution when it comes to balancing.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft... The End Update

    With the development of combat snapshots (Combat Update V2) currently underway by Jeb, it would pair nicely with an End update as we saw back in 1.9.

    However, one thing I recommend going forward; when making threads for general update ideas, make sure you have the content to back up the topic of the thread. Give us detailed, coherent examples instead of saying "I dunno, maybe add this?" This is a thread suggesting an overhaul of an entire dimension and deserves specifics as opposed to being vague. Hit us with the creativity.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Redstone and new control blocks

    As fun as these ideas sound, I have to say no to some of these for a couple of reasons.

    1). The Settings Block. There are two scenarios that are apparent, and I have qualms with mainly one of them despite the chances of you picking it are unlikely to begin with. The first one is if you intend for the Settings Block to have server-sided control over all clients. This would be extremely intrusive and has the potential to be heavily abused. Example; Player1 has a potato computer, and Player2 decides to set Player1's render distance to 32. However, as stated before, I doubt you would go with this option as the consequences are fairly glaring. The second one is for the Settings Block to have only client-sided control. This one is a lot more feasible, and I wouldn't mind it. But I still have to question as to why we need to make an entirely new block for this when a command block could receive an addition that allows for client setting alterations. It just seems a bit redundant.

    2). The Calculation Block. I would love to see an easier way to do mathematic expressions, but I have the distinct feeling Mojang would say "No. A part of redstone is innovating using the tools given." Because of how advanced it is compared to what we have now, I don't see it ever being a thing despite how useful it could be.

    As for the elements I think could work...

    The Indicator doesn't sound too out of place, but on the downside, could be considered redundant due to existing redstone circuit components being able to determine signal strength, and could be considered confusing if someone has a hard time remembering what colors correlate to which signal strength. However, with some redesign, this concept could be improved to be less confusing and more practical.

    And finally, the Redstone Stick. As long as it isn't available in Survival, and follows the same logic as the Debug Stick, I'm completely fine with this item and see no problem with it.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft should add in "Daggers"

    Right now, Jeb is playing around with combat snapshots, so a Combat Update V2 is in the works. I doubt any weapon types will come of it, but I'd still like to see Wood-Netherite Daggers. Fast attack speed, low attack damage, and a built-in backstab mechanic that increases melee damage if striking from behind.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Directional Sticking Slime Blocks (Directional Slime Blocks)

    We've needed something like this for a long time. Although things involving the sticking mechanic have gotten better with the addition of Honey Blocks, I still believe there is room for expansion. Support.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Stalactite and stalagmite model improvements.

    You're right. They don't look the best. However, making them a cross model is less resource intensive, so I think we should let resource packs handle the custom 3D models.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ban zombified Piglins to spawn on Overworld blocks

    I find this suggestion to be a little too restrictive. Too big of a change for a small problem.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Harder Boss Than Wither or Ender Dragon (SECOND EDIT)

    Now it's better, and I like the idea. Support.

    Some advice however. If you really want to drive the idea home, come up with some good visual examples. Learn how to use Blockbench for modelling, etc. Would really help the idea gain traction.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Blue Lava

    You have my support, as it would add more potential atmosphere to builds. I've always wanted a proper variant of lava for that purpose.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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