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    posted a message on A Short (Short) Story
    Yup, just a short little story. I've written another one that is also short but not short as this. Uh... enjoy I supposed :P

    Title: Mother Told me Otherwise...

    Disclaimer: You may not want to read this if you're weak at the heart (I think I wrote that wrong).

    He was the right man for me. Mother told me otherwise. That was why I put her in a box. She denied our love, it was a bond that could never be broken. Father was the same as mom. So I neatly put him in another box next to mom. This love had simply gotten me obsessed. I took pictures of his perfect face, his perfect figure. He was a talker, a charismatic man. We talked to each other many times, and even he had gotten the liking of me. Yet whenever I watched him go, it saddened me.

    I wanted to be just like him.

    My obsessive thoughts of him were written down into a plan, and this plan weaved into the fabric of reality. Here was the plan, I would find him at the bar where he usually went for a drink. I didn’t need to greet him like a stranger for we have talked many times. He smiled, and we began conversing. The topics ranged from the alcohol he was drinking to the girls that he liked. The last one had my fingers aching to hit something. When he finished… his seventieth shots of vodka, I offered him a ride home. He wouldn’t be able to get in his car anyway, it was supposed to be stolen by a gang of thugs.

    He was laughing and telling me horrible jokes the entire way. I only laughed and kept him entertained for his own sake. Then, out of nowhere, he was regaining conscious. “Hey,” he slurred, “this isn’t where my house is.”

    “We’re taking a shortcut,” I said.

    “Oh,” and then he went back to telling me about the time he got fired from his last job.

    When we were at my house, he turned to me and said, “This isn’t my house.”

    He looked out the window like a little boy seeing snow for the first time. There was a claw hammer on the side of my seat, away from his view. I picked it up while he was distracted. I raised it as high as it could reach in the car and swung it down directly on the back of his head.


    He was unconscious. I exited the car and opened his door, I quickly picked him put so his blood wouldn’t cause a stain on my car. His crow hair brushed again my shirt. Dragging him into my house, and then my bedroom, I placed him on my bed. Heading to the bathroom, I grabbed my skinner’s knife out of my cabinet. I touched the tip of the blade, accidentally cutting myself with it. I grunted, licking my thumb. This wasn’t much. I walked back to my bedroom, seeing that he was still out of it.

    His hair was ruined by the blood seeping out from his wound. His fingers twitched from time to time. I breathed in deep, and smiled. This obsessive thought had turned into reality. Just like him. I ended the pain by jabbing into his skull. He wouldn’t struggle if he was dead. This was where my work began. I cut through the skin, but not to the bones itself. I cut it gently and carefully, not to tear any part of the skin. I left the whole face in blood and muscles. I got out my stitching box and stitched the ends of the skins together.

    Then it was finished. I checked if I had a bald cap anywhere in my room, in which there was. I put that on, and then the newly made mask. Heading to the bathroom once again, I looked at the mirror. What I didn’t see was me, but rather, the man that I loved. I smiled, saying, “Now you’ll be with me forever, just like the others.”

    The MC's gender is whichever you think it is.

    Also, I don't write creepypastas.
    Posted in: User Creations & Requests
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    posted a message on Free Character Cartoon!
    :o faces!

    IGN: OutandOpenMinded
    Posted in: User Creations & Requests
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    posted a message on Let's Break Minecraft! l Custom Maps Adventures
    More fails on the way :P
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on ADV Map | Jail Break | Official Release

    Yeah, I watched that too. I'm surprised you don't have more subs!

    Ahahah ;P I just want active viewers and comments, mostly.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on ADV Map | Jail Break | Official Release

    Haha. I loved your playthough so far! Yeah, Fireskull127 doesn't really know the mechanics of mapmaking...

    Glad you enjoyed it ;P I also got sector 2 up. A bit shorter than that one.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Let's Break Minecraft! l Custom Maps Adventures
    New map :P

    Jail Break

    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on Let's Break Minecraft! l Custom Maps Adventures

    Second part of the Monastery (part 3 (with less stupidity) will come out later).
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on ADV Map | Jail Break | Official Release
    No worries, they're not bad ;P

    I got it uploaded, but it's still processing so give it a bit.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Let's Break Minecraft! l Custom Maps Adventures
    Hi! The name's Ikerot and I'm hoping to create a series (that isn't totally creative at all) called Let's Break Minecraft. This consist of usually fail recordings (as I consider them) where me and/or my friend Bryan can't seem to figure out a simple puzzle/parkour and just break through the game as we do. They can also not be broken, but they'll be in the series anyway because this is just a let's play of maps.

    Here's the first of the series:
    Not the best, but it'll do, I supposed. Feedback is needed, helpful, and encouraged. Unless they're negative ._.

    Well, just fire away on how my voice sounds weird and how I'm so unfunny. :c
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on ADV Map | Jail Break | Official Release
    Hey, man. I've recorded both sector and I'll upload it in either a few hours or tomorrow. I got a bone to pick with this map.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [HORROR][1.7.10] The Monastery [48000+ Downloads] [English & Spanish Avaliable!]
    Okay, I finally solved the problem to why I couldn't get past the first level (v. 1.1.1). You put a jukebox there xD after we took out the jukebox, it was fine. Everything else worked smoothly.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [HORROR][1.7.10] The Monastery [48000+ Downloads] [English & Spanish Avaliable!]
    Huh... I felt as if I played v1.1 even though you've updated to v1.1.1 xD (I actually think so)

    I kind of recorded both with myself and a friend (two separate videos). We kind broke your map trying to fix your redstone :l

    I'll try again with this new version. It is really nice, though.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Survival] Skull Island Survival - 1.6 *Dangerous Dungeons*Unusual Loot*SuperChargedCreepers*
    Quote from blitzscrank

    At the moment, I'm drastically turning island's difficulty up. Custom spawners and baby zombies that are given speed potions so fast you can barely keep track of them while they continue to destroy your kneecaps.

    Also diamonds occurrence reduced by 60%
    Emerald occurrence reduced by 60%
    Lapiz occurrence reduced by 75%
    Iron occurrence reduced by 50%
    Coal remains the same :P
    Gold occurrence reduced by 50%
    One more dungeon added. (Hint: Near snowy mountain range)

    hardcore mode will also be an option in the next download. all updates above have not been included just yet.

    Oh... well, that's nice :D Hahah. Who needs gold :L
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Survival] Skull Island Survival - 1.6 *Dangerous Dungeons*Unusual Loot*SuperChargedCreepers*
    Quote from blitzscrank

    hardcore D:
    i was thinking about doing that but i think people would stop playing after their first death :( which might be as soon as within 30 minutes of playing the map

    You can always just put in a hardcore mode of the map for the crazy people xD

    I wouldn't mind doing it after I complete it P:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Minecraft Custom Map: Skull Island Survival V3 l Episode 1

    Huzzah! Back in the minecraft, game... again ._.
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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