We now protect over 2,500 websites and hundreds of game servers! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and I would love to answer them.
Make sure your browser is able to store cookies and sessions. Register and login is working for over 5,000 users. I personally just tested it once I saw this post to confirm that it is indeed working.
We provide advanced DDoS mitigation for over 2,000 websites and game servers.
We protect websites for free and game servers starting at just $5/mo. Our remote DDoS protection solution can be seamlessly integrated with your existing server configuration. If you are interested in trying out the game server protection before you purchase, simply leave a response here and we will contact you!
We now protect over 2,500 websites and hundreds of game servers! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and I would love to answer them.
We now protect over 2,200 websites from DDoS attacks!
Make sure your browser is able to store cookies and sessions. Register and login is working for over 5,000 users. I personally just tested it once I saw this post to confirm that it is indeed working.
The website is actually online from 20 different locations! http://check-host.net/check-report/bf8b0c
IP - mc.preservetheinternet.com or direct IP
Teamspeak - orcahub.com
We just started our server and it is growing, and it is growing rapidly!
This is exactly how MC was supposed to be!
Join today!
We currently protect over 1,650 websites!
Hello I can give you free hosting for this cause.
Contact me [email protected]
Athena Layer is the leader in website security, with over 4K active users.
We offer top of the line protection to websites and servers.
Websites get our protection for free.
We do more than just protect from Layer 4 attacks, we protect on all layers such as Layer 7 Word Press XML-RPC attacks.
Over 1.5k websites currently use our protection.
Sign up and protect your website for free in just 5 minutes or less @ http://AthenaLayer.com
Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns.