• 0

    posted a message on ALL OP SERVER - no rules - no whitelist - AUTOMATIC OP
    join now!
    automatic op when you log on

    Join now!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on New Server Needs Builders!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on New Server Needs Builders!
    Hey guys!
    New server that just started needs some people to start building on it!
    you can use WorldEdit, Essentials and many more

    Join now!

    P.S if you help build the server you will remain an admin when the server kicks off!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on New Server needs people to build!!!
    Automatic op once joined!!!!!!!!

    Join! Join! Join!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Need help and Suggestions
    whats the link?
    Posted in: Videos
  • 0

    posted a message on Block Generation on surface near water
    can we see your mod_ file?
    or just the generatesurface bit
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Tree Generation
    Yea i have the same problem when trying to generate structures.
    it worked in 1.8.1 but notch must have changed the coding.

    Anyone know the new way of generating things?
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Im Your Man
    Quote from Tinkerird

    Can you do skins out of photos of people?

    If so, I have been trying to make a skin out of photo for a couple of weeks now, and
    I just cant get it right.
    Here is the pic: http://imageshack.us/f/440/typeonegativecoliseudos.jpg/

    Whatever I try to make out of it looks like generic human.

    um, sure ill give it a go,
    Posted in: Fan Art
  • 1

    posted a message on Im Your Man
    Need Anything Done In Photoshop?
    Im Your Man.

    Textures, Skins, Signatures, Wallpapers, Youtube Backgrounds, Anything You Want!

    Some of my previous work:

    Request Structure

    What you would like done: Signature

    What Text you would like, and where: Can i please have "Orange_Juice" in the bottom right corner

    What pictures you would like and where (include link if you have one): can i please have a picture of an orange in the middle
    and this picture www.somerandomlink.com/blahblahblah in the top left

    What would you like the background to be: a picture of a npc village

    What would you like the main colour/theme of the image to be: Orange (duh)

    Anything else: can i please have a red and orange wave through the middle form top to bottom

    (Optional)How much do you love me(may speed up your image): i wanna make sexy babies with you

    What you would like done:
    What Text you would like, and where: 
    What pictures you would like and where (include link if you have one):    
    What would you like the background to be:
    What would you like the main colour/theme of the image to be:
    Anything else: 
    (Optional)How much do you love me(may speed up your image):

    Please be patient, as i have a life and do not spend all of my day in front of a computer (but i do spend most of it).

    Currently Working on:

    WolfRawles - Logos
    Tinkerird - Skin

    Axel1435 - Youtube Background
    wolfendoom - Signature
    jaboc1221 - Signature
    FlintandSteelPower - Youtube Background

    Please note: i am going away for a few days and will be unable to work on any of these. Process will resume when I return (Sorry)

    Posted in: Fan Art
  • 0

    posted a message on Free HD Minecraft Wallpapers
    Quote from GoldenWrapper

    Winning! How long did it take?

    Only about an hour,
    Its amazing what you can do in Photoshop if you know how.
    Posted in: Fan Art
  • 1

    posted a message on Free HD Minecraft Wallpapers
    OJ's HD Minecraft Wallpapers


    Diamond Rainbow
    1800x1378 HD Wallpaper
    For everyone who is obsessed with diamonds.
    3 Versions:


    With Diamonds:

    With Creeper:
    (Creeper is a little lower quality due to file size)

    Download links:
    Download Diamond Flash - Ores


    Download Diamond Flash - Ores+Diamonds

    Download Diamond Flash - Ores+Creeper

    Charged Creeper
    1280x1024 HD Wallpaper

    Download Charged Creeper


    More To Come Soon!

    Feel Free to suggest/request any Wallpapers, Banners, Signatures, ect

    Don't forget to hit the
    Posted in: Fan Art
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for Someone to do a Let's Play With Me
    Hamachi (Yes/No):Yes
    Reccomended Map(s): any survival maps
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
  • 0

    posted a message on How do you delete a topic?
    How do you delete a topic?
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
  • 0

    posted a message on [API] Minecraft Forge
    Hey Bro im getting a error in a class that i didnt edit, but either MinecraftForge or ModLoaderMp does

    java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
            The method getBlockEntity() in the type BlockContainer is not applicable for the arguments (int)
            at net.minecraft.src.Chunk.setBlockID(Chunk.java:436)
            at net.minecraft.src.World.setBlock(World.java:441)
            at net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable.generate(WorldGenMinable.java:63)
            at net.minecraft.src.BiomeDecorator.genStandardOre1(BiomeDecorator.java:240)
            at net.minecraft.src.BiomeDecorator.generateOres(BiomeDecorator.java:260)
            at net.minecraft.src.BiomeDecorator.decorate_do(BiomeDecorator.java:71)
            at net.minecraft.src.BiomeDecorator.decorate(BiomeDecorator.java:62)
            at net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.func_35477_a(BiomeGenBase.java:177)
            at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProviderGenerate.populate(ChunkProviderGenerate.java:406)
            at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProvider.populate(ChunkProvider.java:149)
            at net.minecraft.src.Chunk.populateChunk(Chunk.java:856)
            at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProvider.loadChunk(ChunkProvider.java:77)
            at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProvider.provideChunk(ChunkProvider.java:85)
            at net.minecraft.src.World.getChunkFromChunkCoords(World.java:400)
            at net.minecraft.src.World.getBlockId(World.java:333)
            at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.preloadWorld(Minecraft.java:1405)
            at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.changeWorld(Minecraft.java:1318)
            at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.changeWorld2(Minecraft.java:1276)
            at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.startWorld(Minecraft.java:1210)
            at net.minecraft.src.GuiCreateWorld.actionPerformed(GuiCreateWorld.java:145)
            at net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen.mouseClicked(GuiScreen.java:73)
            at net.minecraft.src.GuiCreateWorld.mouseClicked(GuiCreateWorld.java:202)
            at net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen.handleMouseInput(GuiScreen.java:120)
            at net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen.handleInput(GuiScreen.java:110)
            at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runTick(Minecraft.java:988)
            at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:483)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    --- END ERROR REPORT 8d8222b7 ----------

    heres where the error is:
    public void onBlockAdded(World world, int i, int j, int k)
            super.onBlockAdded(world, i, j, k);
            world.setBlockTileEntity(i, j, k, getBlockEntity(world.getBlockMetadata(i,j,k)));

    Any Ideas?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Help?
    Quote from artwich

    You misunderstand how abstract methods work.

    A method is not defined by it's method name (here getBlockEntity), but by it's method signature

    For example:

    int add(int x1, int x2){
        return x1 + x2;

    The method name is add, but the signature is defined by the method name and the paramter types.

    E.g. add(int, int)

    Note that while the return type is not part of the signature (as you can't define two methods with the same signature but different return types), you cannot override a method with one return type with a method which return something different.

    E.g. This won't work:

    public class A{
        public int aMethod(){
            return 0;

    public class B extends A{
        public double aMethod(){
            return 0.1;

    Likewise you cannot override a method with a different signature, but this isn't an error:
    public class A{
        public int add(int x1, int x2){
            return x1 + x2;

    public class B extends A{
        public double add(double x1, double x2){
            return x1 + x2;

    System.out.println(new B().add((int)1, (int)1)); // int 2
    System.out.println(new B().add((double)1, (double)1)); // double 2.0

    As each signature is distinct, both methods can exist side by side.

    In short, the method does not accept any argument. Moar code, moar help :wink.gif:

    Okey Dokey

    This is The BlockContainer.java

    package net.minecraft.src;
    public abstract class BlockContainer extends Block
        protected BlockContainer(int i, Material material)
            super(i, material);
            isBlockContainer[blockID] = true;
        protected BlockContainer(int i, int j, Material material)
            super(i, j, material);
            isBlockContainer[blockID] = true;
        public void onBlockAdded(World world, int i, int j, int k)
            super.onBlockAdded(world, i, j, k);
            world.setBlockTileEntity(i, j, k, getBlockEntity(world.getBlockMetadata(i,j,k)));
        public void onBlockRemoval(World world, int i, int j, int k)
            super.onBlockRemoval(world, i, j, k);
            world.removeBlockTileEntity(i, j, k);
        public abstract TileEntity getBlockEntity();
        public void powerBlock(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1)
            super.powerBlock(world, i, j, k, l, i1);
            TileEntity tileentity = world.getBlockTileEntity(i, j, k);
            if(tileentity != null)
                tileentity.func_35143_b(l, i1);

    In Eclipse it says that the error is the getBlockEntity(world.getBlockMetadata(i,j,k)
     public void onBlockAdded(World world, int i, int j, int k)
            super.onBlockAdded(world, i, j, k);
            world.setBlockTileEntity(i, j, k, getBlockEntity(world.getBlockMetadata(i,j,k)));

    Here is the Block.java

    // Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
    // Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
    // Decompiler options: packimports(3) braces deadcode 
    package net.minecraft.src;
    import net.minecraft.src.forge.ForgeHooks;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Random;
    // Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
    //            Material, IBlockAccess, AxisAlignedBB, EntityPlayer, 
    //            World, ItemStack, EntityItem, Vec3D, 
    //            MovingObjectPosition, StatList, StatCollector, StepSound, 
    //            StepSoundStone, StepSoundSand, BlockStone, BlockGrass, 
    //            BlockDirt, BlockSapling, BlockFlowing, BlockStationary, 
    //            BlockSand, BlockGravel, BlockOre, BlockLog, 
    //            BlockLeaves, BlockSponge, BlockGlass, BlockDispenser, 
    //            BlockSandStone, BlockNote, BlockBed, BlockRail, 
    //            BlockDetectorRail, BlockPistonBase, BlockWeb, BlockTallGrass, 
    //            BlockDeadBush, BlockPistonExtension, BlockCloth, BlockPistonMoving, 
    //            BlockFlower, BlockMushroom, BlockOreStorage, BlockStep, 
    //            BlockTNT, BlockBookshelf, BlockObsidian, BlockTorch, 
    //            BlockFire, BlockMobSpawner, BlockStairs, BlockChest, 
    //            BlockRedstoneWire, BlockWorkbench, BlockCrops, BlockFarmland, 
    //            BlockFurnace, BlockSign, TileEntitySign, BlockDoor, 
    //            BlockLadder, BlockLever, BlockPressurePlate, EnumMobType, 
    //            BlockRedstoneOre, BlockRedstoneTorch, BlockButton, BlockSnow, 
    //            BlockIce, BlockSnowBlock, BlockCactus, BlockClay, 
    //            BlockReed, BlockJukeBox, BlockFence, BlockPumpkin, 
    //            BlockNetherrack, BlockSoulSand, BlockGlowStone, BlockPortal, 
    //            BlockCake, BlockRedstoneRepeater, BlockLockedChest, BlockTrapDoor, 
    //            BlockSilverfish, BlockStoneBrick, BlockMushroomCap, BlockPane, 
    //            BlockMelon, BlockStem, BlockVine, BlockFenceGate, 
    //            Item, ItemCloth, ItemLog, ItemSlab, 
    //            ItemSapling, ItemLeaves, ItemVine, ItemPiston, 
    //            ItemBlock, Entity, EntityLiving
    public class Block
        protected Block(int i, Material material)
            blockConstructorCalled = true;
            enableStats = true;
            stepSound = soundPowderFootstep;
            blockParticleGravity = 1.0F;
            slipperiness = 0.6F;
            if(blocksList[i] != null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException((new StringBuilder()).append("Slot ").append(i).append(" is already occupied by ").append(blocksList[i]).append(" when adding ").append(this).toString());
            } else
                blockMaterial = material;
                blocksList[i] = this;
                blockID = i;
                setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
                opaqueCubeLookup[i] = isOpaqueCube();
                lightOpacity[i] = isOpaqueCube() ? 255 : 0;
                canBlockGrass[i] = !material.getCanBlockGrass();
                isBlockContainer[i] = false;
        protected Block setRequiresSelfNotify()
            requiresSelfNotify[blockID] = true;
            return this;
        protected void initializeBlock()
        protected Block(int i, int j, Material material)
            this(i, material);
            blockIndexInTexture = j;
        protected Block setStepSound(StepSound stepsound)
            stepSound = stepsound;
            return this;
        protected Block setLightOpacity(int i)
            lightOpacity[blockID] = i;
            return this;
        protected Block setLightValue(float f)
            lightValue[blockID] = (int)(15F * f);
            return this;
        protected Block setResistance(float f)
            blockResistance = f * 3F;
            return this;
        public boolean renderAsNormalBlock()
            return true;
        public int getRenderType()
            return 0;
        protected Block setHardness(float f)
            blockHardness = f;
            if(blockResistance < f * 5F)
                blockResistance = f * 5F;
            return this;
        protected Block setBlockUnbreakable()
            return this;
        public float getHardness()
            return blockHardness;
        protected Block setTickOnLoad(boolean flag)
            tickOnLoad[blockID] = flag;
            return this;
        public void setBlockBounds(float f, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5)
            minX = f;
            minY = f1;
            minZ = f2;
            maxX = f3;
            maxY = f4;
            maxZ = f5;
        public float getBlockBrightness(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k)
            return iblockaccess.getBrightness(i, j, k,
        public int getMixedBrightnessForBlock(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k)
            return iblockaccess.getLightBrightnessForSkyBlocks(i, j, k,
        public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k, int l)
            if(l == 0 && minY > 0.0D)
                return true;
            if(l == 1 && maxY < 1.0D)
                return true;
            if(l == 2 && minZ > 0.0D)
                return true;
            if(l == 3 && maxZ < 1.0D)
                return true;
            if(l == 4 && minX > 0.0D)
                return true;
            if(l == 5 && maxX < 1.0D)
                return true;
            } else
                return !iblockaccess.isBlockOpaqueCube(i, j, k);
        public boolean getIsBlockSolid(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k, int l)
            return iblockaccess.getBlockMaterial(i, j, k).isSolid();
        public int getBlockTexture(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k, int l)
            return getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata(l, iblockaccess.getBlockMetadata(i, j, k));
        public int getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata(int i, int j)
            return getBlockTextureFromSide(i);
        public int getBlockTextureFromSide(int i)
            return blockIndexInTexture;
        public AxisAlignedBB getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int i, int j, int k)
            return AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBoxFromPool((double)i + minX, (double)j + minY, (double)k + minZ, (double)i + maxX, (double)j + maxY, (double)k + maxZ);
        public void getCollidingBoundingBoxes(World world, int i, int j, int k, AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb, ArrayList arraylist)
            AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb1 = getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(world, i, j, k);
            if(axisalignedbb1 != null && axisalignedbb.intersectsWith(axisalignedbb1))
        public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int i, int j, int k)
            return AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBoxFromPool((double)i + minX, (double)j + minY, (double)k + minZ, (double)i + maxX, (double)j + maxY, (double)k + maxZ);
        public boolean isOpaqueCube()
            return true;
        public boolean canCollideCheck(int i, boolean flag)
            return isCollidable();
        public boolean isCollidable()
            return true;
        public void updateTick(World world, int i, int j, int k, Random random)
        public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int i, int j, int k, Random random)
        public void onBlockDestroyedByPlayer(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l)
        public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l)
        public int tickRate()
            return 10;
        public void onBlockAdded(World world, int i, int j, int k)
        public void onBlockRemoval(World world, int i, int j, int k)
        public int quantityDropped(Random random)
            return 1;
        /* FORGE: Metadata-sensitive version.
        public int quantityDropped(int i, Random random)
            return quantityDropped(random);
        public int idDropped(int i, Random random)
            return blockID;
        /* FORGE: This function isn't called by Minecraft anymore.  Use
         * blockStrength(EntityPlayer,int) instead.
        public float blockStrength(EntityPlayer entityplayer)
    	return blockStrength(entityplayer,0);
        /* FORGE: This function returns the complete list of drops for a block.
        public ArrayList<ItemStack> getBlockDropped(World world,
    		    int i, int j, int k, int md) {
    		ArrayList<ItemStack> tr=new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
    		int q=quantityDropped(md,world.rand);
    		for(int n=0; n<q; n++) {
    			int id=idDropped(md, world.rand);
    			if(id>0) {
    				tr.add(new ItemStack(id,1,damageDropped(md)));
    		return tr;
        public final void dropBlockAsItem(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l)
            dropBlockAsItemWithChance(world, i, j, k, l, 1.0F);
        public void dropBlockAsItemWithChance(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l, float f)
    	ArrayList<ItemStack> ar=getBlockDropped(world,i,j,k,l);
    	for(ItemStack ist : ar) {
                if(world.rand.nextFloat() > f)
    	    dropBlockAsItem_do(world, i, j, k, ist);
        protected void dropBlockAsItem_do(World world, int i, int j, int k, ItemStack itemstack)
            } else
                float f = 0.7F;
                double d = (double)(world.rand.nextFloat() * f) + (double)(1.0F - f) * 0.5D;
                double d1 = (double)(world.rand.nextFloat() * f) + (double)(1.0F - f) * 0.5D;
                double d2 = (double)(world.rand.nextFloat() * f) + (double)(1.0F - f) * 0.5D;
                EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(world, (double)i + d, (double)j + d1, (double)k + d2, itemstack);
                entityitem.delayBeforeCanPickup = 10;
        protected int damageDropped(int i)
            return 0;
        public float getExplosionResistance(Entity entity)
            return blockResistance / 5F;
        public MovingObjectPosition collisionRayTrace(World world, int i, int j, int k, Vec3D vec3d, Vec3D vec3d1)
            setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(world, i, j, k);
            vec3d = vec3d.addVector(-i, -j, -k);
            vec3d1 = vec3d1.addVector(-i, -j, -k);
            Vec3D vec3d2 = vec3d.getIntermediateWithXValue(vec3d1, minX);
            Vec3D vec3d3 = vec3d.getIntermediateWithXValue(vec3d1, maxX);
            Vec3D vec3d4 = vec3d.getIntermediateWithYValue(vec3d1, minY);
            Vec3D vec3d5 = vec3d.getIntermediateWithYValue(vec3d1, maxY);
            Vec3D vec3d6 = vec3d.getIntermediateWithZValue(vec3d1, minZ);
            Vec3D vec3d7 = vec3d.getIntermediateWithZValue(vec3d1, maxZ);
                vec3d2 = null;
                vec3d3 = null;
                vec3d4 = null;
                vec3d5 = null;
                vec3d6 = null;
                vec3d7 = null;
            Vec3D vec3d8 = null;
            if(vec3d2 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d2) < vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d8)))
                vec3d8 = vec3d2;
            if(vec3d3 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d3) < vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d8)))
                vec3d8 = vec3d3;
            if(vec3d4 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d4) < vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d8)))
                vec3d8 = vec3d4;
            if(vec3d5 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d5) < vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d8)))
                vec3d8 = vec3d5;
            if(vec3d6 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d6) < vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d8)))
                vec3d8 = vec3d6;
            if(vec3d7 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d7) < vec3d.distanceTo(vec3d8)))
                vec3d8 = vec3d7;
            if(vec3d8 == null)
                return null;
            byte byte0 = -1;
            if(vec3d8 == vec3d2)
                byte0 = 4;
            if(vec3d8 == vec3d3)
                byte0 = 5;
            if(vec3d8 == vec3d4)
                byte0 = 0;
            if(vec3d8 == vec3d5)
                byte0 = 1;
            if(vec3d8 == vec3d6)
                byte0 = 2;
            if(vec3d8 == vec3d7)
                byte0 = 3;
            return new MovingObjectPosition(i, j, k, byte0, vec3d8.addVector(i, j, k));
        private boolean isVecInsideYZBounds(Vec3D vec3d)
            if(vec3d == null)
                return false;
            } else
                return vec3d.yCoord >= minY && vec3d.yCoord <= maxY && vec3d.zCoord >= minZ && vec3d.zCoord <= maxZ;
        private boolean isVecInsideXZBounds(Vec3D vec3d)
            if(vec3d == null)
                return false;
            } else
                return vec3d.xCoord >= minX && vec3d.xCoord <= maxX && vec3d.zCoord >= minZ && vec3d.zCoord <= maxZ;
        private boolean isVecInsideXYBounds(Vec3D vec3d)
            if(vec3d == null)
                return false;
            } else
                return vec3d.xCoord >= minX && vec3d.xCoord <= maxX && vec3d.yCoord >= minY && vec3d.yCoord <= maxY;
        public void onBlockDestroyedByExplosion(World world, int i, int j, int k)
        public int getRenderBlockPass()
            return 0;
        public boolean canPlaceBlockOnSide(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l)
            return canPlaceBlockAt(world, i, j, k);
        public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World world, int i, int j, int k)
            int l = world.getBlockId(i, j, k);
            return l == 0 || blocksList[l].blockMaterial.getIsGroundCover();
        public boolean blockActivated(World world, int i, int j, int k, EntityPlayer entityplayer)
            return false;
        public void onEntityWalking(World world, int i, int j, int k, Entity entity)
        public void onBlockPlaced(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l)
        public void onBlockClicked(World world, int i, int j, int k, EntityPlayer entityplayer)
        public void velocityToAddToEntity(World world, int i, int j, int k, Entity entity, Vec3D vec3d)
        public void setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k)
        public int getBlockColor()
            return 0xffffff;
        public int getRenderColor(int i)
            return 0xffffff;
        public int colorMultiplier(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k)
            return 0xffffff;
        public boolean isPoweringTo(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k, int l)
            return false;
        public boolean canProvidePower()
            return false;
        public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int i, int j, int k, Entity entity)
        public boolean isIndirectlyPoweringTo(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l)
            return false;
        public void setBlockBoundsForItemRender()
        public void harvestBlock(World world, EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i, int j, int k, int l)
            entityplayer.addStat(StatList.mineBlockStatArray[blockID], 1);
            dropBlockAsItem(world, i, j, k, l);
        public boolean canBlockStay(World world, int i, int j, int k)
            return true;
        public void onBlockPlacedBy(World world, int i, int j, int k, EntityLiving entityliving)
        public Block setBlockName(String s)
            blockName = (new StringBuilder()).append("tile.").append(s).toString();
            return this;
        public String translateBlockName()
            return StatCollector.translateToLocal((new StringBuilder()).append(getBlockName()).append(".name").toString());
        public String getBlockName()
            return blockName;
        public void powerBlock(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1)
        public boolean getEnableStats()
            return enableStats;
        protected Block disableStats()
            enableStats = false;
            return this;
        public int getMobilityFlag()
            return blockMaterial.getMaterialMobility();
        public float func_35276_e(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k)
            return iblockaccess.isBlockNormalCube(i, j, k) ? 0.2F : 1.0F;
        /* FORGE: Allow a block to set illumination on a coordinate basis.
        public int getLightValue(IBlockAccess iba, int i, int j, int k) {
    	    return lightValue[blockID];
        /* FORGE: Implement and return true if you wish this block to behave
         * like a ladder when the player is inside.
        public boolean isLadder() {
    	return false;
        /* FORGE: Return true if the block is a normal, solid cube.  This
         * determines indirect power state, entity ejection from blocks, and a few
         * others.
        public boolean isBlockNormalCube(World world, int i, int j, int k) {
    	    return blockMaterial.getIsOpaque() && renderAsNormalBlock();
        /* FORGE: Return true if the block is solid on the given side.  This
         * is used by placement logic. */
        public boolean isBlockSolidOnSide( World world, int i, int j, int k,
    		    int side ) {
    	    return isBlockNormalCube(world,i,j,k);
        /* FORGE: Return true if the player can place a new block in the block
         * occupied by this one, like water, lava, fire, etc.
        public boolean isBlockReplaceable( World world, int i, int j, int k ) {
    	    return false;
        /* FORGE: Return true if this block should set fire and deal fire damage
         * to entities coming into contact with it, false otherwise.
        public boolean isBlockBurning( World world, int i, int j, int k ) {
    	    return false;
        /* FORGE: Return true if this block should be treated as an air block
         * by the rest of the code, false otherwise.  This method is primarily
         * useful for creating pure logic-blocks that will be invisible 
         * to the player and otherwise interact as air would.  
        public boolean isAirBlock( World world, int i, int j, int k ) {
    	    return false;
        /* FORGE: Return the block hardness with metadata 'md'.
        public float getHardness(int md) {
    	    return blockHardness;
        /* FORGE: Return the block strength of the block at i,j,k against the
         * player.
        public float blockStrength(World world, EntityPlayer player,
    		    int i, int j, int k) {
    	    int md=world.getBlockMetadata(i,j,k);
    	    return blockStrength(player,md);
        /* FORGE: Return the block strength of a prototypical block with metadata
         * 'md' against the player.
        public float blockStrength(EntityPlayer player, int md) {
    	    return ForgeHooks.blockStrength(this,player,md);
        /* FORGE: Return true if the player can harvest a prototypical block with
         * metadata 'md'.
        public boolean canHarvestBlock(EntityPlayer player, int md) {
    	    return ForgeHooks.canHarvestBlock(this,player,md);
        static Class _mthclass$(String s)
                return Class.forName(s);
            catch(ClassNotFoundException classnotfoundexception)
                throw new NoClassDefFoundError(classnotfoundexception.getMessage());
        public static final StepSound soundPowderFootstep;
        public static final StepSound soundWoodFootstep;
        public static final StepSound soundGravelFootstep;
        public static final StepSound soundGrassFootstep;
        public static final StepSound soundStoneFootstep;
        public static final StepSound soundMetalFootstep;
        public static final StepSound soundGlassFootstep;
        public static final StepSound soundClothFootstep;
        public static final StepSound soundSandFootstep;
        public static final Block blocksList[] = new Block[256];
        public static final boolean tickOnLoad[] = new boolean[256];
        public static final boolean opaqueCubeLookup[] = new boolean[256];
        public static final boolean isBlockContainer[] = new boolean[256];
        public static final int lightOpacity[] = new int[256];
        public static final boolean canBlockGrass[] = new boolean[256];
        public static final int lightValue[] = new int[256];
        public static final boolean requiresSelfNotify[] = new boolean[256];
        public static final Block stone;
        public static final BlockGrass grass;
        public static final Block dirt;
        public static final Block cobblestone;
        public static final Block planks;
        public static final Block sapling;
        public static final Block bedrock;
        public static final Block waterMoving;
        public static final Block waterStill;
        public static final Block lavaMoving;
        public static final Block lavaStill;
        public static final Block sand;
        public static final Block gravel;
        public static final Block oreGold;
        public static final Block oreIron;
        public static final Block oreCoal;
        public static final Block wood;
        public static final BlockLeaves leaves;
        public static final Block sponge;
        public static final Block glass;
        public static final Block oreLapis;
        public static final Block blockLapis;
        public static final Block dispenser;
        public static final Block sandStone;
        public static final Block music;
        public static final Block bed;
        public static final Block railPowered;
        public static final Block railDetector;
        public static final Block pistonStickyBase;
        public static final Block web;
        public static final BlockTallGrass tallGrass;
        public static final BlockDeadBush deadBush;
        public static final Block pistonBase;
        public static final BlockPistonExtension pistonExtension;
        public static final Block cloth;
        public static final BlockPistonMoving pistonMoving;
        public static final BlockFlower plantYellow;
        public static final BlockFlower plantRed;
        public static final BlockFlower mushroomBrown;
        public static final BlockFlower mushroomRed;
        public static final Block blockGold;
        public static final Block blockSteel;
        public static final Block stairDouble;
        public static final Block stairSingle;
        public static final Block brick;
        public static final Block tnt;
        public static final Block bookShelf;
        public static final Block cobblestoneMossy;
        public static final Block obsidian;
        public static final Block torchWood;
        public static final BlockFire fire;
        public static final Block mobSpawner;
        public static final Block stairCompactPlanks;
        public static final Block chest;
        public static final Block redstoneWire;
        public static final Block oreDiamond;
        public static final Block blockDiamond;
        public static final Block workbench;
        public static final Block crops;
        public static final Block tilledField;
        public static final Block stoneOvenIdle;
        public static final Block stoneOvenActive;
        public static final Block signPost;
        public static final Block doorWood;
        public static final Block ladder;
        public static final Block rail;
        public static final Block stairCompactCobblestone;
        public static final Block signWall;
        public static final Block lever;
        public static final Block pressurePlateStone;
        public static final Block doorSteel;
        public static final Block pressurePlatePlanks;
        public static final Block oreRedstone;
        public static final Block oreRedstoneGlowing;
        public static final Block torchRedstoneIdle;
        public static final Block torchRedstoneActive;
        public static final Block button;
        public static final Block snow;
        public static final Block ice;
        public static final Block blockSnow;
        public static final Block cactus;
        public static final Block blockClay;
        public static final Block reed;
        public static final Block jukebox;
        public static final Block fence;
        public static final Block pumpkin;
        public static final Block netherrack;
        public static final Block slowSand;
        public static final Block glowStone;
        public static final BlockPortal portal;
        public static final Block pumpkinLantern;
        public static final Block cake;
        public static final Block redstoneRepeaterIdle;
        public static final Block redstoneRepeaterActive;
        public static final Block lockedChest;
        public static final Block trapdoor;
        public static final Block silverfish;
        public static final Block stoneBrick;
        public static final Block mushroomCapBrown;
        public static final Block mushroomCapRed;
        public static final Block fenceIron;
        public static final Block thinGlass;
        public static final Block melon;
        public static final Block pumpkinStem;
        public static final Block melonStem;
        public static final Block vine;
        public static final Block fenceGate;
        public static final Block stairsBrick;
        public static final Block stairsStoneBrickSmooth;
        public int blockIndexInTexture;
        public final int blockID;
        protected float blockHardness;
        protected float blockResistance;
        protected boolean blockConstructorCalled;
        protected boolean enableStats;
        public double minX;
        public double minY;
        public double minZ;
        public double maxX;
        public double maxY;
        public double maxZ;
        public StepSound stepSound;
        public float blockParticleGravity;
        public final Material blockMaterial;
        public float slipperiness;
        private String blockName;
            soundPowderFootstep = new StepSound("stone", 1.0F, 1.0F);
            soundWoodFootstep = new StepSound("wood", 1.0F, 1.0F);
            soundGravelFootstep = new StepSound("gravel", 1.0F, 1.0F);
            soundGrassFootstep = new StepSound("grass", 1.0F, 1.0F);
            soundStoneFootstep = new StepSound("stone", 1.0F, 1.0F);
            soundMetalFootstep = new StepSound("stone", 1.0F, 1.5F);
            soundGlassFootstep = new StepSoundStone("stone", 1.0F, 1.0F);
            soundClothFootstep = new StepSound("cloth", 1.0F, 1.0F);
            soundSandFootstep = new StepSoundSand("sand", 1.0F, 1.0F);
            stone = (new BlockStone(1, 1)).setHardness(1.5F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("stone");
            grass = (BlockGrass)(new BlockGrass(2)).setHardness(0.6F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("grass");
            dirt = (new BlockDirt(3, 2)).setHardness(0.5F).setStepSound(soundGravelFootstep).setBlockName("dirt");
            cobblestone = (new Block(4, 16, Material.rock)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("stonebrick");
            planks = (new Block(5, 4, Material.wood)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("wood").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            sapling = (new BlockSapling(6, 15)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("sapling").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            bedrock = (new Block(7, 17, Material.rock)).setBlockUnbreakable().setResistance(6000000F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("bedrock").disableStats();
            waterMoving = (new BlockFlowing(8, Material.water)).setHardness(100F).setLightOpacity(3).setBlockName("water").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            waterStill = (new BlockStationary(9, Material.water)).setHardness(100F).setLightOpacity(3).setBlockName("water").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            lavaMoving = (new BlockFlowing(10, Material.lava)).setHardness(0.0F).setLightValue(1.0F).setLightOpacity(255).setBlockName("lava").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            lavaStill = (new BlockStationary(11, Material.lava)).setHardness(100F).setLightValue(1.0F).setLightOpacity(255).setBlockName("lava").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            sand = (new BlockSand(12, 18)).setHardness(0.5F).setStepSound(soundSandFootstep).setBlockName("sand");
            gravel = (new BlockGravel(13, 19)).setHardness(0.6F).setStepSound(soundGravelFootstep).setBlockName("gravel");
            oreGold = (new BlockOre(14, 32)).setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("oreGold");
            oreIron = (new BlockOre(15, 33)).setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("oreIron");
            oreCoal = (new BlockOre(16, 34)).setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("oreCoal");
            wood = (new BlockLog(17)).setHardness(2.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("log").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            leaves = (BlockLeaves)(new BlockLeaves(18, 52)).setHardness(0.2F).setLightOpacity(1).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("leaves").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            sponge = (new BlockSponge(19)).setHardness(0.6F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("sponge");
            glass = (new BlockGlass(20, 49, Material.glass, false)).setHardness(0.3F).setStepSound(soundGlassFootstep).setBlockName("glass");
            oreLapis = (new BlockOre(21, 160)).setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("oreLapis");
            blockLapis = (new Block(22, 144, Material.rock)).setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("blockLapis");
            dispenser = (new BlockDispenser(23)).setHardness(3.5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("dispenser").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            sandStone = (new BlockSandStone(24)).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setHardness(0.8F).setBlockName("sandStone");
            music = (new BlockNote(25)).setHardness(0.8F).setBlockName("musicBlock").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            bed = (new BlockBed(26)).setHardness(0.2F).setBlockName("bed").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            railPowered = (new BlockRail(27, 179, true)).setHardness(0.7F).setStepSound(soundMetalFootstep).setBlockName("goldenRail").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            railDetector = (new BlockDetectorRail(28, 195)).setHardness(0.7F).setStepSound(soundMetalFootstep).setBlockName("detectorRail").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            pistonStickyBase = (new BlockPistonBase(29, 106, true)).setBlockName("pistonStickyBase").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            web = (new BlockWeb(30, 11)).setLightOpacity(1).setHardness(4F).setBlockName("web");
            tallGrass = (BlockTallGrass)(new BlockTallGrass(31, 39)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("tallgrass");
            deadBush = (BlockDeadBush)(new BlockDeadBush(32, 55)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("deadbush");
            pistonBase = (new BlockPistonBase(33, 107, false)).setBlockName("pistonBase").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            pistonExtension = (BlockPistonExtension)(new BlockPistonExtension(34, 107)).setRequiresSelfNotify();
            cloth = (new BlockCloth()).setHardness(0.8F).setStepSound(soundClothFootstep).setBlockName("cloth").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            pistonMoving = new BlockPistonMoving(36);
            plantYellow = (BlockFlower)(new BlockFlower(37, 13)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("flower");
            plantRed = (BlockFlower)(new BlockFlower(38, 12)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("rose");
            mushroomBrown = (BlockFlower)(new BlockMushroom(39, 29)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setLightValue(0.125F).setBlockName("mushroom");
            mushroomRed = (BlockFlower)(new BlockMushroom(40, 28)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("mushroom");
            blockGold = (new BlockOreStorage(41, 23)).setHardness(3F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundMetalFootstep).setBlockName("blockGold");
            blockSteel = (new BlockOreStorage(42, 22)).setHardness(5F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundMetalFootstep).setBlockName("blockIron");
            stairDouble = (new BlockStep(43, true)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("stoneSlab");
            stairSingle = (new BlockStep(44, false)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("stoneSlab");
            brick = (new Block(45, 7, Material.rock)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("brick");
            tnt = (new BlockTNT(46, 8)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("tnt");
            bookShelf = (new BlockBookshelf(47, 35)).setHardness(1.5F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("bookshelf");
            cobblestoneMossy = (new Block(48, 36, Material.rock)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("stoneMoss");
            obsidian = (new BlockObsidian(49, 37)).setHardness(10F).setResistance(2000F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("obsidian");
            torchWood = (new BlockTorch(50, 80)).setHardness(0.0F).setLightValue(0.9375F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("torch").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            fire = (BlockFire)(new BlockFire(51, 31)).setHardness(0.0F).setLightValue(1.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("fire").disableStats();
            mobSpawner = (new BlockMobSpawner(52, 65)).setHardness(5F).setStepSound(soundMetalFootstep).setBlockName("mobSpawner").disableStats();
            stairCompactPlanks = (new BlockStairs(53, planks)).setBlockName("stairsWood").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            chest = (new BlockChest(54)).setHardness(2.5F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("chest").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            redstoneWire = (new BlockRedstoneWire(55, 164)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundPowderFootstep).setBlockName("redstoneDust").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            oreDiamond = (new BlockOre(56, 50)).setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("oreDiamond");
            blockDiamond = (new BlockOreStorage(57, 24)).setHardness(5F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundMetalFootstep).setBlockName("blockDiamond");
            workbench = (new BlockWorkbench(58)).setHardness(2.5F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("workbench");
            crops = (new BlockCrops(59, 88)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("crops").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            tilledField = (new BlockFarmland(60)).setHardness(0.6F).setStepSound(soundGravelFootstep).setBlockName("farmland").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            stoneOvenIdle = (new BlockFurnace(61, false)).setHardness(3.5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("furnace").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            stoneOvenActive = (new BlockFurnace(62, true)).setHardness(3.5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setLightValue(0.875F).setBlockName("furnace").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            signPost = (new BlockSign(63, net.minecraft.src.TileEntitySign.class, true)).setHardness(1.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("sign").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            doorWood = (new BlockDoor(64, Material.wood)).setHardness(3F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("doorWood").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            ladder = (new BlockLadder(65, 83)).setHardness(0.4F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("ladder").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            rail = (new BlockRail(66, 128, false)).setHardness(0.7F).setStepSound(soundMetalFootstep).setBlockName("rail").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            stairCompactCobblestone = (new BlockStairs(67, cobblestone)).setBlockName("stairsStone").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            signWall = (new BlockSign(68, net.minecraft.src.TileEntitySign.class, false)).setHardness(1.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("sign").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            lever = (new BlockLever(69, 96)).setHardness(0.5F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("lever").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            pressurePlateStone = (new BlockPressurePlate(70, stone.blockIndexInTexture, EnumMobType.mobs, Material.rock)).setHardness(0.5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("pressurePlate").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            doorSteel = (new BlockDoor(71, Material.iron)).setHardness(5F).setStepSound(soundMetalFootstep).setBlockName("doorIron").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            pressurePlatePlanks = (new BlockPressurePlate(72, planks.blockIndexInTexture, EnumMobType.everything, Material.wood)).setHardness(0.5F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("pressurePlate").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            oreRedstone = (new BlockRedstoneOre(73, 51, false)).setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("oreRedstone").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            oreRedstoneGlowing = (new BlockRedstoneOre(74, 51, true)).setLightValue(0.625F).setHardness(3F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("oreRedstone").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            torchRedstoneIdle = (new BlockRedstoneTorch(75, 115, false)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("notGate").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            torchRedstoneActive = (new BlockRedstoneTorch(76, 99, true)).setHardness(0.0F).setLightValue(0.5F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("notGate").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            button = (new BlockButton(77, stone.blockIndexInTexture)).setHardness(0.5F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("button").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            snow = (new BlockSnow(78, 66)).setHardness(0.1F).setStepSound(soundClothFootstep).setBlockName("snow");
            ice = (new BlockIce(79, 67)).setHardness(0.5F).setLightOpacity(3).setStepSound(soundGlassFootstep).setBlockName("ice");
            blockSnow = (new BlockSnowBlock(80, 66)).setHardness(0.2F).setStepSound(soundClothFootstep).setBlockName("snow");
            cactus = (new BlockCactus(81, 70)).setHardness(0.4F).setStepSound(soundClothFootstep).setBlockName("cactus");
            blockClay = (new BlockClay(82, 72)).setHardness(0.6F).setStepSound(soundGravelFootstep).setBlockName("clay");
            reed = (new BlockReed(83, 73)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("reeds").disableStats();
            jukebox = (new BlockJukeBox(84, 74)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("jukebox").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            fence = (new BlockFence(85, 4)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("fence");
            pumpkin = (new BlockPumpkin(86, 102, false)).setHardness(1.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("pumpkin").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            netherrack = (new BlockNetherrack(87, 103)).setHardness(0.4F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("hellrock");
            slowSand = (new BlockSoulSand(88, 104)).setHardness(0.5F).setStepSound(soundSandFootstep).setBlockName("hellsand");
            glowStone = (new BlockGlowStone(89, 105, Material.rock)).setHardness(0.3F).setStepSound(soundGlassFootstep).setLightValue(1.0F).setBlockName("lightgem");
            portal = (BlockPortal)(new BlockPortal(90, 14)).setHardness(-1F).setStepSound(soundGlassFootstep).setLightValue(0.75F).setBlockName("portal");
            pumpkinLantern = (new BlockPumpkin(91, 102, true)).setHardness(1.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setLightValue(1.0F).setBlockName("litpumpkin").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            cake = (new BlockCake(92, 121)).setHardness(0.5F).setStepSound(soundClothFootstep).setBlockName("cake").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            redstoneRepeaterIdle = (new BlockRedstoneRepeater(93, false)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("diode").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            redstoneRepeaterActive = (new BlockRedstoneRepeater(94, true)).setHardness(0.0F).setLightValue(0.625F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("diode").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            lockedChest = (new BlockLockedChest(95)).setHardness(0.0F).setLightValue(1.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("lockedchest").setTickOnLoad(true).setRequiresSelfNotify();
            trapdoor = (new BlockTrapDoor(96, Material.wood)).setHardness(3F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("trapdoor").disableStats().setRequiresSelfNotify();
            silverfish = (new BlockSilverfish(97)).setHardness(0.75F);
            stoneBrick = (new BlockStoneBrick(98)).setHardness(1.5F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("stonebricksmooth");
            mushroomCapBrown = (new BlockMushroomCap(99, Material.wood, 142, 0)).setHardness(0.2F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("mushroom").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            mushroomCapRed = (new BlockMushroomCap(100, Material.wood, 142, 1)).setHardness(0.2F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("mushroom").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            fenceIron = (new BlockPane(101, 85, 85, Material.iron)).setHardness(5F).setResistance(10F).setStepSound(soundMetalFootstep).setBlockName("fenceIron");
            thinGlass = (new BlockPane(102, 49, 148, Material.glass)).setHardness(0.3F).setStepSound(soundGlassFootstep).setBlockName("thinGlass");
            melon = (new BlockMelon(103)).setHardness(1.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("melon");
            pumpkinStem = (new BlockStem(104, pumpkin)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("pumpkinStem").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            melonStem = (new BlockStem(105, melon)).setHardness(0.0F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("pumpkinStem").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            vine = (new BlockVine(106)).setHardness(0.2F).setStepSound(soundGrassFootstep).setBlockName("vine").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            fenceGate = (new BlockFenceGate(107, 4)).setHardness(2.0F).setResistance(5F).setStepSound(soundWoodFootstep).setBlockName("fenceGate").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            stairsBrick = (new BlockStairs(108, brick)).setBlockName("stairsBrick").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            stairsStoneBrickSmooth = (new BlockStairs(109, stoneBrick)).setBlockName("stairsStoneBrickSmooth").setRequiresSelfNotify();
            Item.itemsList[cloth.blockID] = (new ItemCloth(cloth.blockID - 256)).setItemName("cloth");
            Item.itemsList[wood.blockID] = (new ItemLog(wood.blockID - 256, wood)).setItemName("log");
            Item.itemsList[stoneBrick.blockID] = (new ItemLog(stoneBrick.blockID - 256, stoneBrick)).setItemName("stonebricksmooth");
            Item.itemsList[stairSingle.blockID] = (new ItemSlab(stairSingle.blockID - 256)).setItemName("stoneSlab");
            Item.itemsList[sapling.blockID] = (new ItemSapling(sapling.blockID - 256)).setItemName("sapling");
            Item.itemsList[leaves.blockID] = (new ItemLeaves(leaves.blockID - 256)).setItemName("leaves");
            Item.itemsList[vine.blockID] = new ItemVine(vine.blockID - 256, false);
            Item.itemsList[tallGrass.blockID] = new ItemVine(tallGrass.blockID - 256, true);
            Item.itemsList[pistonBase.blockID] = new ItemPiston(pistonBase.blockID - 256);
            Item.itemsList[pistonStickyBase.blockID] = new ItemPiston(pistonStickyBase.blockID - 256);
            for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                if(blocksList[i] != null && Item.itemsList[i] == null)
                    Item.itemsList[i] = new ItemBlock(i - 256);
            canBlockGrass[0] = true;

    I Haven't edited any of these classes but ModLoaderMP Might have
    Posted in: Modification Development
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