How many games for the xbox do you know that have mods? It's not exactly something that happens on a regular basis. I'm sure if they really had the power to they would include it, but it'd be hard to set up a whole thing for downloading mods. Especially because a lot of mods clash with each other and it'd just be a mess. Not to mention that not that many people really have the ability to make mods for the xbox. Maybe in the future it'd become possible. It's not like they're choosing to not include it.
I just wanted to say this is one of the coolest mods I've seen in a while. I once made an HD skin by accident without realizing they didn't work and well this makes me glad they do.
Currently rocking the HD skin. :cool.gif:
Courtesy of one of my good friends.
If you keep making mods like this I'd be glad to see them.
Achievements are saved locally. So if you switch computers you won't have them. Of course if you go back to the computer you got them on the first time you'll have them again. I think Notch said it on his Twitter or Blog. One or the other.
My Minecraft Server Buddy is always talkung about this in the Skype Chat. He linked me a few videos. it looks really good and the facial animation is amazing.
I've never really considered myself to be one, but I'm friends with quite a few. They're pretty much like everyone else.
My opinion as that people should just either put up with them or y'know just go be themselves I'm sure haters have a lot of qualities about them that other people would consider strange.
Have you pranked your friend on that server previously? The dirt in the chest spelling out IOU seems like an indication you were getting paid back for something.
Nope not that I can remember.
Though the IOU thing I feel like I've seen it done somewhere else before on the server, but I couldn't tell you where.
I don't think you're trolling either, in fact I believe that someone built it too, though I'm not certain that someone did but I'm also not certain someone didn't. If you know what I mean.
I'm guessing someone on the server built it though I'm not exactly sure because theres Lapis there and someone would have had to have built it fast after the update.
I don't know if theres already a thread about this but here we go anyway.
My friends and I have been playing on a Minecraft Server for a couple Months now. We recently updated to the latest and one of my friend expanded the map so that he could get some Lapis Lazuli and came across this. ... nhouse.png
Its some rather ascue fences and a wooden house. So we went to go check it out. He swears he didn't build it and unless somebody on the server went really far away from town and built another house something is really strange, because there was also this in the chest. ... useiou.png
There was nothing in the house except three blocks of white wool, a work bench and a torch.
Has anybody seen this sort of thing before or are we going insane?
Currently rocking the HD skin. :cool.gif:
Courtesy of one of my good friends.
If you keep making mods like this I'd be glad to see them.
3.Any questions/concerns/comments? If not, that's ok.
Yeah its in his April 19th update. ... -this-blog
My opinion as that people should just either put up with them or y'know just go be themselves I'm sure haters have a lot of qualities about them that other people would consider strange.
Nope not that I can remember.
Though the IOU thing I feel like I've seen it done somewhere else before on the server, but I couldn't tell you where.
We don't have any mods on our server.
My friends and I have been playing on a Minecraft Server for a couple Months now. We recently updated to the latest and one of my friend expanded the map so that he could get some Lapis Lazuli and came across this. ... nhouse.png
Its some rather ascue fences and a wooden house. So we went to go check it out. He swears he didn't build it and unless somebody on the server went really far away from town and built another house something is really strange, because there was also this in the chest. ... useiou.png
There was nothing in the house except three blocks of white wool, a work bench and a torch.
Has anybody seen this sort of thing before or are we going insane?