In-game name: Omnipotentz
Real life age: 14
Did you read the rules? Do you agree to follow them?: Yes and Yes
Where did you hear about us?: A friend
Why do you want to join?: Because a friend told me to, and I'd like to try out a new server.
Did you vote for Chaotic Uniformity? (If not, click here. It has rewards!): Not yet, I wait to see if I like a server before voting for it.
How you discovered Bettercraft, link if possible: Discovered it searching through the survival servers on http://minecraft-ser.../sort/Survival/
Geographical Location: Impossible to determine due to the Uncertainty Principle, but according to popular belief, Florida, USA
Average weekly playtime: I can only pay 1 hour a day on weekdays, and 2 hours on Friday and Saturday, 0 hours on Sunday so, 8 hrs a week
What interests you about Bettercraft: I just enjoy joining random servers and seeing how they are.
Do you understand that you can connect to the server right now, that this application is just for increased access? I do understand that I can play right now. I just got finished running around the guest area and decided that I wanted to invest some time into a nice home on this server.
1: In Game Name (IGN): Omnipotentz
2: (optional) Age : 13
3: (optional) Gender (male or female): Male
4: How did you find us: Browsing Minecraft Forum
5: How long have you been playing Mine Craft: Lost track of time lol, I know it has been since Alpha though
6: Did you vote for the server? If not you can vote >>HERE<< : Not yet, I want to try out the server before I vote lol
7: What servers have you been banned from: None (None is not the name of a server, it is just me stating that I haven't been banned from any.)
8: What would you tell me if I asked what your Mine Craft playing style is: I'm an all around guy, some days I feel like building amazing structures and other days I just want to walk around and explore, purging the creatures of the night without even using a house, yet other times I like to mine for days.
9: Did you read the rules: Yes
10: Do you agree with the rules: Yes
11: Why do you want to play on this server: Single Player gets boring, and this server seems to be pretty fun.
12: How often will you be on this server: I can only play on weekends, but Minecraft will consist of my whole entire weekend day lol
13: Is there anything else you would like to add to your application? : Nope xD
lol the only problem is that I can't buy minecraft, no credit card, so i'll just have to wait 5 years to get a credit card but then yours will be the first server i join, i can't wait to play minecraft!
IGN: Omnipotentz
Minecraft Experience: About a month now, but I've been researching it since Alpha
What you will do for the server: Add a stunning new charismatic character, if i do say so myself :smile.gif:
Bans: None
Faction you wish to be in: Mercenary until I have a clear enough understanding of all to join one.
Username case sensitive: Omnipotentz
Character Name: Zeus
Character Bio: An amnesiac wondering throughout the world to find clues of his past...
Character Personality: An enigma, nobody knows much about him, not even himself
Faction Of Choice: Nomads
In game name: Omn1potent / Omnipotentz
Age: 18
Why you want to join this server: For a quality clan experience in a different type of server from the norm\
EDIT: whoops spelt my on name wrong, now it's right
Real life age: 14
Did you read the rules? Do you agree to follow them?: Yes and Yes
Where did you hear about us?: A friend
Why do you want to join?: Because a friend told me to, and I'd like to try out a new server.
Did you vote for Chaotic Uniformity? (If not, click here. It has rewards!): Not yet, I wait to see if I like a server before voting for it.
How you discovered Bettercraft, link if possible: Discovered it searching through the survival servers on http://minecraft-ser.../sort/Survival/
Geographical Location: Impossible to determine due to the Uncertainty Principle, but according to popular belief, Florida, USA
Average weekly playtime: I can only pay 1 hour a day on weekdays, and 2 hours on Friday and Saturday, 0 hours on Sunday so, 8 hrs a week
What interests you about Bettercraft: I just enjoy joining random servers and seeing how they are.
Do you understand that you can connect to the server right now, that this application is just for increased access? I do understand that I can play right now. I just got finished running around the guest area and decided that I wanted to invest some time into a nice home on this server.
How many players are on it so far?
2: (optional) Age : 13
3: (optional) Gender (male or female): Male
4: How did you find us: Browsing Minecraft Forum
5: How long have you been playing Mine Craft: Lost track of time lol, I know it has been since Alpha though
6: Did you vote for the server? If not you can vote >>HERE<< : Not yet, I want to try out the server before I vote lol
7: What servers have you been banned from: None (None is not the name of a server, it is just me stating that I haven't been banned from any.)
8: What would you tell me if I asked what your Mine Craft playing style is: I'm an all around guy, some days I feel like building amazing structures and other days I just want to walk around and explore, purging the creatures of the night without even using a house, yet other times I like to mine for days.
9: Did you read the rules: Yes
10: Do you agree with the rules: Yes
11: Why do you want to play on this server: Single Player gets boring, and this server seems to be pretty fun.
12: How often will you be on this server: I can only play on weekends, but Minecraft will consist of my whole entire weekend day lol
13: Is there anything else you would like to add to your application? : Nope xD
Age: 13
Country: U.S.A.
Reason why you wish to join: To have a wonderful SMP experience
Bans: None
Minecraft Experience: About a month now, but I've been researching it since Alpha
What you will do for the server: Add a stunning new charismatic character, if i do say so myself :smile.gif:
Bans: None
Faction you wish to be in: Mercenary until I have a clear enough understanding of all to join one.
Character Name: Zeus
Character Bio: An amnesiac wondering throughout the world to find clues of his past...
Character Personality: An enigma, nobody knows much about him, not even himself
Faction Of Choice: Nomads
Age: 18
Why you want to join this server: For a quality clan experience in a different type of server from the norm\
EDIT: whoops spelt my on name wrong, now it's right