The soon to be OM server specs are:
- 4.0GHz 8 core processor
- 16GB of DDR3 1866 RAM
- 120GB SSD with 540MB/s read and 410MB/s write speeds (for the OS, server files, data, and maps)
- 1TB HDD 7200RPM (for the server, plugin and map backups)
survival and creative seem to be crashing repeatably, i log in(either server) and in less then 30 secs it times out and about 2-3mins l8r it resets the server(see that through irc),and repeats,every time i login
Yes, I think it's the host having some kind of service interruption.
I've already tried contacting demon__/jinxLynx and have yet to get a reply.
survival and creative seem to be crashing repeatably, i log in(either server) and in less then 30 secs it times out and about 2-3mins l8r it resets the server(see that through irc),and repeats,every time i login
Yes, I think it's the host having some kind of service interruption.
I've already tried contacting demon__/jinxLynx and have yet to get a reply.
It is to be noted that the use of the /lottery buy at this unfortunate time of server/host derping, will
result in a players Keys depleting, but not be registered as used towards the lottery drawing once the server/host crashes.
Does anybody else think of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern whenever Ack and Omega post?? I think it's awesome
? Sorry, We didn't get that far into the old stuff in high school. They saw fit to cut budgets for any actual learning to fund a bunch of dense cheerleaders and stuck up jocks for about a year's worth of funding per 4 years.
Clearly, I'm one of these Ancient Ones.
I guess it just adds more to the whole "Omega doesn't age, he's just some horrid, immortal machination by Skynet".
I wonder if everyone on Survival thinks me as 'a rich dude with a mansion and a yacht'.
Nope. Just a guy with a really deep hole in the ground, and a crappy shop that's covered in vegitation.
I also support a trial run to see what the data report would contain.
Then a week or so ago, I left for vacation. I've had a fun time, and I almost died while rafting
Ben, I just want to say thank you for everything you've done. You've kept our community together so well, and I'm sure we all appreciate that I've had great times boxing you, and I still plan on surrounding you in bedrock when you come for visits. Demon may have to go afk with one eye open >.> I'll miss you Ben! Thanks again for everything you've done.
Again, I sincerely apologize for my long absence. I plan to be on a lot more when I get back. Mine lots of emeralds for me! I can't wait to experience the awesomeness of the new update. So jelly you guys got to experience it before me Dx
You almost died? You're ok, though, right? Also, stop apologizing for living your life how you see fit. Besides, we're all big kids here, I'm sure we'll Survive with Ackbar and Skynet(once he builds it again) XD
Yeah, you have to pay attention to the shop signs when you're looking to buy things with Keys. "Don't blindly buy an ipod without knowing how/where it was made."
Let's say I were to win, would I have to get ON the plane, PRETEND to fly to Vegas, or can I just walk to the Mandalay Bay and save you guys the flight expense and trade that for a blown up poster of me high-five-ing Team Mojang?
Big emphasis on SLOWLY.
Minimap should have been assimilated into the game by now as a player major tech upgrade or something...
Well, so much for that.
No, justin_bieber stays banned. that ban is non-negotiable >_>
Yes, I think it's the host having some kind of service interruption.and have yet to get a reply.I've already tried contacting demon__/jinxLynx
EDIT: Addressed, servers back up.
Yes, I think it's the host having some kind of service interruption.
I've already tried contacting demon__/jinxLynx and have yet to get a reply.
It is to be noted that the use of the /lottery buy at this unfortunate time of server/host derping, will
result in a players Keys depleting, but not be registered as used towards the lottery drawing once the server/host crashes.
EDIT: Resolved.
1 remembered XD
? Sorry, We didn't get that far into the old stuff in high school. They saw fit to cut budgets for any actual learning to fund a bunch of dense cheerleaders and stuck up jocks for about a year's worth of funding per 4 years.
I guess it just adds more to the whole "Omega doesn't age, he's just some horrid, immortal machination by Skynet".
Nope. Just a guy with a really deep hole in the ground, and a crappy shop that's covered in vegitation.
I also support a trial run to see what the data report would contain.
You almost died? You're ok, though, right? Also, stop apologizing for living your life how you see fit. Besides, we're all big kids here, I'm sure we'll Survive with Ackbar and Skynet(once he builds it again) XD
Well, you heard him, go make more 1x1 towers :V
There, now can we please shut the **** up about this now?