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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Redstone_Fanatic

    Speed Runs aren't that special in my opinion. You don't take time to make a map safe and happy to be in, you just run in and get out. The SH maps were designed with a final goal of completing the Victory Monument; but at the same time he wants the worlds to be played on as sort of a hostile landscape rather than devoting all your time and resources to getting the wool, then never playing on the map again. Speed Runs, knowing that, kinda go against that purpose.

    First of all, this guy got visited by pause, cleo,joehills and Vechs himself on saturday night.

    Second, I get what you mean "enjoy the map and don't rush. Enjoy it while it lasts". That's usually how I play these, even though his speed run of Infernal Sky II made me discover this wonderful series. Basically, let me put it like this: some people might think of this series as its own game and they want to beat it for a speed run because, it gets alot of views.
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Neoboo

    Has anyone ever attempted to speed run one of these maps? Now that would be a true challenge. See the fastest from spawn to all blocks on monument time is.

    Yes, in fact: occasionally does speed runs, VERY ENTERTAINING!!

    I know he's done:

    Sea of flame II in like 5 hours

    Infernal Sky (what got me into super hostile :wink.gif:) in like 7 hours

    Black desert


    Nightmare realm I think 8 hours

    Sunburn islands

    And, hills of moo
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Zap: infernal sky II was made for 1.7.3.

    question: how do you make a poll for a thread thats not a poll thread?
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    posted a message on [SPOILER] Super Hostile Guide [WIP]
    Quote from Redstone_Fanatic

    Yeah it did take me ages to find the SOF2 victory monument. Every other map could have the VM in an easy to find location, even in Legendary...but this? It was hidden well. Legendary just took some time to get to.

    Exactly. Legendary was just: find Intersection III and go to Home of Victory. Sea of Flames is like: OH! Your'e never gonna find me you need to go through a small little tunnel filled to the brim with cobwebs that looks like a little indent in the side of the island! So yeah, IMO Sea of Flames II is the 2nd hardest Monument to find next to Black Desert.
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    The Super Hostile Guide has been updated and fixed a little! Come check it out! :biggrin.gif:
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Mikujess said,
    Do I need to just spam bonemeal ?

    That works too :smile.gif:
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Zap_12100

    The problem is different players have different strategies. One might prefer to use TNT to take out spawners and light the place up afterward. Another might dig a tunnel and completely bypass any monsters *cough cough* ZombieCleo *cough cough* Zisteau.
    Different ways of doing things mean your guide might not be helpful for everyone. Although I guess a list of wool locations, "IT'S A SECRET TO EVERYBODY" loot and whatnot would be nice.

    Thanks for the input :smile.gif: It helps out alot! I can put like something that says: "there are many other strategies to getting the wool but these are the most straight forward ways to get them. Btw, working on it now :smile.gif: Although, I should probably get some shut eye its nearly midnight...Bah who cares :tongue.gif:
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from SolitaryWolfXD

    We find and conquer (?) Dungeon 3: Halls of Flame North.
    Subscribe for future videos, we are going for completion of all of Vechz evil maps!

    Commentary by: SolitaryWolfXD

    Lol the picture of your video answered half of my question :wink.gif:
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)

    In SoF II hall of flames south has the huge ghast area with the towers right? And is it dungeon 3 or 4 and what wool does it have?
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    posted a message on [SPOILER] Super Hostile Guide [WIP]
    Quote from Ani0Token

    This is really helpful!

    Thanks! I plan on making a guide as detailed as possible! Basically, its to help people if they get stuck!

    To mike678: I'm aiming on renovating this thread tomorrow with more info now that people are actually seeing it :smile.gif:
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Blobthe15

    Hmm, I'm going to make a Compete for the Cloth Map but I don't know what to call the "Monument". Any ideas?

    Call it like "trophy of competitive cloth" or something like that. Just an idea :smile.gif:

    So about my guide I could have something like this: humor follows :iapprove:

    example map name

    :wool: Difficulty: (fire emoticon)

    Description: You will need to travel to the island of the "problem?" Once there, you will see many herps and derps. Up ahead will be a Vech's spawner. This enemy fires derps at you which, can derp you badly. There you will find a fleecy box with the white wool. Now derp out of there fast!!


    After all 16 wools are the 3 metals, then a list of areas ,secrets, and MAYBE A map layout of the map :wink.gif:

    So that's how its gonna work. Like it?
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Redstone_Fanatic

    I could help a lot with Legendary. I could just about name every trap off the top of my head. I still play on my save back from ages back...I usually consider the Sh maps as just play and then done with monument, done with map; but Legendary was special.

    Thanks! I'm mainly looking for wool guides though. But how to avoid traps is good to :smile.gif: yeah, if you could post on my thread that would be great :smile.gif: Oh, and I'll add it as soon as I get on a computer (Cause t-mobile's internets slow. Yes, laugh I'm posting usually from my phone :tongue.gif:
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    posted a message on [SPOILER] Super Hostile Guide [WIP]
    I like the idea. You need to play through the map and get them all first and then go back and do them again writing down what you do. The first time you do it, it is obviously going to be harder. But the 2nd time you will know that for example you dig though a wall near the start of the map you can get to an area that otherwise would have been hard to get to. That is if that is the direction you want this guide to go. A sort of quick way to finish sort of thing. Or you keep going the way you are and its more of a 'here is how i did it, I can tell you were it is and be careful guide'.might might

    But yeah would be nice to have a guide up just in case people get really stuck. ie the Black wool on CC required a few hints. Impossible to see with 1.8 void effect.
    Appreciate the feedback man :wink.gif: Yeah,I basically went with the "here is how I did it idea. I also want people to submit their own experiences cause I might not get all the maps done :tongue.gif: plus, the series is growing at a rapid rate so the OP will get VERY long.
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    If anyone wants to help me with my Super Hostile Guide please let me know :smile.gif:
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    posted a message on [SPOILER] Super Hostile Guide [WIP]
    Quote from Zap_12100

    Those brick-and-glass structures are called Fleecy Boxes. They're only in Sea of Flame II, Infernal Sky II, and Nightmare Realm. The rest are in ordinary chests.
    BTW, are you going to do the RFW maps too?

    I plan to do ALL of Vech's maps but I need some input and help. Ex: someone can say where the wool is in Map X and where it is such as area Y. Something kind of like that. Yes I know Joehills calls them "fleecy boxes".
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