I'm keeping this in mind for when I go out and build my own computer. I'm running a nice little $250 craptop...I mean laptop. 30 FPS in Minecraft on lowest settings on a good day.
Get a mod called optifine it boosts your fps! I used to have 20 fps on my $500 4 gb RAM i5. Now I have like 60 :wink.gif:
Want to know were some wool is to add to your guide?
My guide for the rotten caves ((dungeon 13 I think)). MAKE GLASS BRIDGES! Mobs can not spawn on glass to bridge and mine till you find a pit in the water. Once in the water you'll see glowstone. Follow the path and you will find the wool for that area. Note there zombie spanwers in the wall so disable thoose. If you die don't worry, as long as you havea bed in the arcane ruins you can run back to the caves and get your stuff back.
Just played through Fields of Moo as my first map. A bit too easy for me, (Didn't really expect it to be hard though, with a name like super docile) and
I didn't really like how all the wool was in pretty much one place.
I did really like that it was exploring normalish land, and the mines with all the iron and stuff were cool
What's another good map like this, but a bit harder? (Not too hard though)
Says "Thanx Vechs" for those who can't read the horrible letters
In my opinion, ordering the monument's "get-to" difficulty, from easiest to hardest, would be this:
Infernal Sky II - You can see it from where you spawn. Nuff said.
Endless Deep - Again, easy to see from the ocean surface (around the starting area).
Nightmare Realm - Easy to get to, sure. You'll have a bunch of ghasts and whatnot joining you.
Kaizo Caverns - Once you get to Intersection I, which isn't that difficult.
Legendary - Once you get to Intersection III, which is difficult.
Canopy Carnage - Sooner or later you'll come across the dock, which has a nice straight path to the temple.
Sunburn Islands - The entrance is pretty hard to see, although it's in plain sight.
Sea of Flame II - Generally you wouldn't think to cut through those webs. But you can get to it from Vech's Piggy Temple (a.k.a. Cathedral of the Suidae)
Black Desert - All I will say is that the cake is a lie. ._.
I wish I knew how to make one. But, that would be alot freaking easier instead of this! :dry.gif:
-Added a link to the Super Hostile OP
-Added more acknowledgments
That's about it for today.
If you wanna check it out or contribute a wool guide click Me
Hey, xen3000, Problem? :tongue.gif:
Thanks everyone for your wonderful walkthroughs! I will DEFINITELY be using these :wink.gif:
I believe it's the first one. Did I mention it comes with HD texture pack support?
Get a mod called optifine it boosts your fps! I used to have 20 fps on my $500 4 gb RAM i5. Now I have like 60 :wink.gif:
I play on fast, far.
I'll use some of it :wink.gif:
Figured out how to use spoilers again eh?
Try Sunburn Islands :smile.gif:
Cool! I actually might use these! :wink.gif:
Facing color code issues ATM :dry.gif: