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    posted a message on [SPOILER] Super Hostile Guide [WIP]
    Quote from xen3000

    Less eye bleeding is much appreciated! I still despise the wool headers being colored, but that is hardly a big problem. +1 and good work!

    Yeah, the colors in the guides were giving me headaches after a while :tongue.gif: The reason I didn't remove colors from the titles was to make it look like you weren't reading some boring pdf document and to give it more liveliness and to make it "blend in" with the wool color.
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from MrL567

    Even if you got the lava. You still need the iron from the bucket. ANd iron is normally in ever easy but well gaurded places or in a inconveint spot.
    exactly, all you do is: pillar up, block with sign/ladder, pillar down, get iron , pilar up and get lava :smile.gif:
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Did anyone notice that the thread URL has CROSSBONES in it?
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    The Super Hostile Guide has been updated! Added :Lime: wool guides to the Sea of Flames II Directory!

    SolitaryWolfXD: I HATED that dungeon! The redstone was laggy... :tongue.gif:
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    posted a message on [SPOILER] Super Hostile Guide [WIP]
    Quote from Vechs

    I just came here to click the green + for you. :smile.gif:

    Oh, I also voted for the troll option on the poll, because... well. You know.

    Thanks man! Appreciate it! :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Protip: NEVER Subscribe to comcast. They are saying we owe them money. Wheres the damn bill? They didn't send us one! So I can't watch youtube or cilantro which pisses me off. Also, NO house phone. It's the 4th time this happened. We are probably canceling next month. It's the best day ever! :dry.gif:
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Zap_12100

    I reckon the worst things about LP's are when the microphone is too quiet, or there's no editing. It's really annoying when I have my headphones on 100 and all I hear is whisper whisper whisper. It's also annoying when all the player does is mine cobblestone for the entire video. *yawn*

    P.S. Also, Yogscast-wannabes. The only way to be good on YouTube is to be original, honestly.

    Ha, I barely even watch youtube anymore. I like to watch live streams now like cilantrogamer. I Know I talk about him alot but seriously, the way he answers comments from 500 people is amazing...i guess. Plus interactive chat is a benefit.

    Also youtube videos when the mics are buzzing and clicking :dry.gif:
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    posted a message on [SPOILER] Super Hostile Guide [WIP]
    Quote from Olangotang

    Sweet thanks! :smile.gif:

    Also, thanks MinecraftMapMania

    Expect all of Rageshadow or possibly, all of Sea of Flames done today! :wink.gif:

    If i manage to snatch my phone...Damn
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from SolitaryWolfXD

    Thanks alot I'm glad you are enjoying my videos
    Yeah, seriously dude, you have a great commentator voice.
    I thought you were going to be a 12 year old with a high-pitched voice. XD. Like: Hey I'm playing Minecraft. This map called Super Hostile. MOM GO MAKE ME A SANDWICH! Creeper no WWWAAAAHHHHH!!! LOL
    Totally different then what I expected :cool.gif:
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from SolitaryWolfXD

    We go all secret agent in this episode and learn how to hug lava without getting hurt.

    Subscribe for future videos, we are going for completion of all of Vechz evil maps!

    Commentary by: SolitaryWolfXD

    love your videos dude! I like the Sea of Flame info clip and you got a pretty good voice and are kind of funny :smile.gif:
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from sham7000

    i hope theres a rftw 3 cuz i want a livestreamer to do another ound ;D

    plays with zombiecleo, pauseunpause, and Joehills. Also, Vechs is sometimes in the stream to. Zombiecleos in the chat now.
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    posted a message on [SPOILER] Super Hostile Guide [WIP]
    Quote from Xtremekiwi

    If you need it, here's a guide on how to get the wools in Rageshadow Citadel.
    Where is and how to get to Rageshadow Citadel.
    Rageshadow Citadel is the large fortress-like building to the right of your spawn (looking in the Cathedral of the Suidae's direction). To get to it, make a bridge to Killayouah Prime (The largest volcano), enter it and you should enter a room. The bridge to the citadel is there. It's made of mossy cobblestone and has a bunch of holes in it, so be careful. Also, at one point the bridge enters the spawn radius of a ghast spawner, so be careful.
    Dungeon #06: Citadel Courtyard. Difficulty: Medium-Hard.
    The citadel courtyard is not the bridges, but it's the courtyard itself, but I recommend you get on them anyway. There are four towers, each containing a ghast spawner, and a small obsidian house next to it containing 8 spawners each: 4 skeleton spawners and 4 zombie spawners. The wool chest is on the other side of the dungeon signs down below next to the entrance to Rageshadow Depths. There is a Fun Box right in front of the wool chest, though. I recommend taking out the towers and the spawners first, unless you plan to use them for a spawner trap. I don't recommend it, because the whole place has a bedrock ceiling keeping it eternally dark. There will be a lot of monsters in the courtyard after dealing with the spawners, so I recommend retreating and waiting for the monsters to despawn before heading back in.
    Dungeon #07: Upper Rageshadow. Difficulty: Medium-Hard.
    Upper Rageshadow, despite the name, is actually the large structure in the middle. Head in through the bridges and you should enter one of four rooms. Each is connected to two rooms to the sides and there's a room in the middle. One of the rooms has stairs going up. Be careful because the place has a few creeper spawners. The wool chest is reached via an obsidian room and heading up. Be careful though, as near the wool you will trigger a few ghast spawners.
    Dungeon #08: Rageshadow Depths. Difficulty: Very Hard.
    The entrance to Rageshadow Depths is behind Upper Rageshadow, where the Citadel Courtyard wool box is. Along the way you will trigger another Fun Box above the stairs. Use whatever Fun Box neutralising methods you want, but be careful because there's not a lot of stone to tunnel through and the Fun Box has a few blocks of air above it. When you reach the end of the tunnel you will enter a MASSIVE dark cavern. The wool chest is to the right of the entrance, but getting to it will be a challenge because there are a lot of Fun Boxes scattered around, one right above the wool chest. The dungeon also contains iron, which means you can craft the block of iron, and more importantly, buckets. So far this has been the most difficult dungeon I personally did (I only have dungeons 1, 2, 12, 14, 15 and part of 16 left.)
    Do NOT use my guides without actually proof-reading and having someone else check and say that it's pretty accurate, because I might be wrong.
    Sweet thanks! :smile.gif:

    Also, thanks MinecraftMapMania

    Expect all of Rageshadow or possibly, all of Sea of Flames done today! :wink.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [SPOILER] Super Hostile Guide [WIP]
    Quote from stuntdude

    Where's the "you're terrible at writing guides, just leave it to someone else" option on the poll?
    That really hurts :sad.gif: But you see here's the thing, I only made 3 guides by myself. The rest are mainly community based. So basically what you're saying is, everyone sucks at creating wool guides in this thread.

    You know you could vote for the "it sucks" option in the poll. Seriously though, appreciate the feedback. :wink.gif: (I'm not gonna whine. I mean it's your opinion :smile.gif:)
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Hey, xtremexiwi, I really like your "experiences" that you explain. Do you mind heading over to my Guide and posting some of your map experiences?
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    So how is 404 ctm by guude?
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