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    posted a message on Beta Users don't get free DLC?
    Quote from ivyn

    I don't know about you, but so far my brother hasn't had to pay for any updates and he bought it in august.

    Yeah about that... the game was still in BETA. We mean the updates (DLC) that will be released soon. (Now that the game is released)

    (If I need to pay $5 for a new biome and 2 new blocks that do NOTHING but for DECORATION I am going to be so MAD :angry.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What is your favorite update?
    Minecraft 1.0
    <sarcasm may follow>

    -Added new sounds to almost everything!

    -Added an awesome Exp sound! <DING DING DING DONG>

    -Added the troll credits :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Terrain Generation?
    Yes, its basically the chunks of the 1.8.1 world mixed with the 1.0 world. The same happened if you played a 1.7- world on a 1.8+ world
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What game will steal you away from Minecraft?
    MW3 When I get it this weekend along with an X11 Headset. But to me it will always be like this:

    Minecraft > MW3
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from stuntdude


    I stopped trying to make a Nightmare Realm playthrough, in favor of an Infernal Sky II co-op. I just didn't like Nightmare Realm in general. I was originally planning on a Sunburn Islands co-op, but I didn't like that map, either. So, here I am, doing a co-op of what is probably my favorite of all the maps so far. I love everything about Infernal Sky II. The difficulty, the linear-branching-had-a-child-with-open-world map style, the interesting environment, etc.

    For serious this time, I'm going to make a series with more than 2 episodes.
    Lol, more than 2 episodes :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [SPOILER] Super Hostile Guide [WIP]
    Quote from 18scsc

    Okay so i have been working on sea of flame 2 quite a lot, and i have a alternitive strategy for rage shadow. Sense i dont know how to do spoilers il just make whiteish

    Rageshadow Courtyard Easy
    Go past the small volcanoe near spawn and into the entrence of the big volcanoe, go down the stiars and take the first exit. Instead of taking the first turn of the bridge i made my self a small staircase/bridge and minned through into one of the towers, in there should be a ghast spawner, kill it. Sprint to the other side and kill other ghast spawner, contunie until all 4 have been neutriliesed. Next to all the towers is a collection of spawners in obsidion tower things. I made myself a walled bridge next to the sides of them (awway from the opening) mine through the obsidion with your pick (with out diamond it should take 50 seconds) and then the mob spawner behind it, Now eaiter light it up from your safe posetion and then take it out from the other side or put some tnt into the hole you just created and blow up the spawners. Repeat for all 4. The fleecy box should be on the opisite side of the main entrance, mine into it from the walls, once in the fleecy box tunnel down and foward to take out the fun box vechs has placed near the stair way that is the entrence to rage shadow depths. Take the wool back to the VM, once you return most mobs should have despawned making it easy to light the courtyard up. Court yard done
    My deaths: 0

    I will post the rest later cause im tired right now.

    Spoilers are:
    [spoiler] text [/spoiler]
    please, don't write in that my eyes are bleeding right now :sad.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from shortstop88

    Vechs, can you tell us what Super Hostile #10 will be like (i.e. Difficulty, Linear-Branching or Open-World, or theme)?

    Also, are you planning on making a ROM-HACK Hard Race For Wool?

    Please answer.
    this is what I learned from when he was on cilantrogamers stream on saturday: it's going to be called something caverns and it will be an easy linear branching map.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Cilantrogamer starts his stream in a few hours! He, vechs, and cil's cousins VS. TTR on race for wool 2!
    Posted in: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on LAPTOPS OR DESKTOPS?
    well... laptops= portable and desktop= faster i guess...IDK I think laptops
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Redstone_Fanatic

    I do quite enjoy them, yes. The maps change a person...after doing 9 insane, long, extremely difficult maps...going back to your average vanilla MC isn't easy.
    I totally agree. if I play on easy on vanilla it gets WAY to boring. I always play in hard now so I can get some action :wink.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from algebraicAT333

    Oh, don't worry, I won't make it easy to find. :wink.gif:

    I was messing around in creative, I haven't started using MCEdit yet.
    Nice! :smile.gif: Just wondering, can you post an "angled" shot so you can see the top and bottom of the monument?
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from algebraicAT333

    Really? :blink.gif:
    I found the chest with the stone tools and food, but entire structure? I'll go back there soon...

    In other news, I've been thinking of making a CTM... and this is my Collection Completion Contraption!

    At the bottom is a glass case for all colors of wool. Follow up the stairs and...
    another pic
    TWO diamonds blocks, bedrock, sponge, diamond ore, lapis lazuli ore, a boat, and a minecart. Turn to your right please...
    yet another pic
    Coal ore, gold block, and Mycelium! Now if you would, continue to your right...
    next pic
    Redstone ore, iron block, and the almighty grass! Now, if you want a birds-eye view, please proceed...
    last pic
    Basically, I thought of all the blocks I didn't nescessarily need for decoration, and stuffed them into one big "monument". Who says it has to be compact? :tongue.gif:

    Cool! Can't wait to see how it turns out! My biggest concern would be the size of the monument. I mean, the building/room that contains it would have to be HUGE which might make it easier to find. Other than that, pretty cool design :wink.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from frknmron

    So i have every wool bar 3 in nightmare realm, and i think they're in the snowy place. Cant get to them though because every time i go near that place my game crashes. :|

    Yeah, it kinda sucks but its actually normal :sad.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Ahhh... shooting kids with silly string = fun :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Super Hostile Guide . Bolded more words :dry.gif: . It might be a little messy. That's it. Probably the rest of Rageshadow tomorrow.
    Posted in: Maps
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