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    posted a message on Better Foliage

    Version 1.1.6 (MC 1.8) released:

    • better error handling for Round Log rendering
    • grass under Round Logs
    • fixed some texture issues

    Just some minor bugfixes this time. I could have released this weeks ago, but I always thought I would have the time to add some more "meat" to the release... sorry. Please bear with me.

    @JonnyBrando: thanks again for your textures, this release includes them.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage
    Quote from rikai»

    Hm... i'm running into some weird issues with Chromaticraft leaf coloring... is this a known issue? Is there some setting i missed somewhere?

    No, it just doesn't work :P

    Joking aside, I did some testing with Chromaticraft, and leaves were working just fine for me. Colored grass, however, was not, even without BetterFoliage.

    I'm not sure I'm the one at fault here, as there have been graphical glitches with Reika's mods before (not only with my mod).

    I won't give up just yet, though. Can you give me your mod list? That would help me to be able to reproduce your issue.

    Quote from JonnyBrando»

    I've taken the liberty of resizing all of the textures in the latest version of Better Foliage for MC 1.8 (ver 1.1.5).

    I've created 2 copies, one with a Raster-based resize, and one with a Vector-based resize.

    This is pretty good. The vector-based ones beat my weak-ass attempts at resizing hands down. Can I use them in an official fix?

    Quote from JodyVL»

    Hello =)

    So, I'm not sure what's happening... I'm running 1.7.10 and I almost always get stuck on the Mojang screen on start-up when the console reaches this point:

    Every time at silverwoodleaveslow_s.png from Thaumcraft.

    Thing is, after a few tries (I have to force close Minecraft and start it up again from launcher), it will skip past there no problem and start up the game. Anyone know what the problem is? Thanks

    There's a whole lot of "File not found" errors. I'm guessing something is not quite right with your resource pack.

    If I understand correctly, it's not a blocking problem for you? You can start the game eventually and there are no graphical glitches?

    Quote from LalMana1897523»


    How to add these blocks? Of vanilla

    17:12/13/14/15 162: 12/13

    Because they are invisible to the mods

    I don't understand what you mean. Invisible to what mods? Where do you want to add these blocks?

    If I'm not mistaken, these are specific rotations of the vanilla Log blocks. Do you maybe want to disable round logs for horizontal logs, but not vertical ones?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage
    Quote from jochuan»

    could you please make this compatible with default 3d resource pack for 1.8 ?
    the grass keeps flickering and i get this crash

    It works (more or less) for me, at least there's no crash and most features look OK. From the crash report it looks like you are running out of video memory. Try to reduce the draw distance to have less stuff on the screen, and see if it still crashes.

    On the other hand, leaves do not work with Default 3D. It's because of the way the author set up the models (no hierarchy with a common ancestor, like in vanilla).

    Quote from Verlest»

    Wow. I loved using Better Grass and Leaves, so this is... amazing. I've loved it so far. Too bad my computer won't allow the use of Shaders.

    Do you have any more plans for the next update? I guess that stalagmites and stalactites might be a good idea.

    Not really. Better Foliage is more or less in maintenance mode right now. That doesn't mean it's "finished" though - if I have a flash of inspiration or someone suggests a feature I like, I'll do it happily.

    Unfortunately, I can't even keep up with the bugfixes right now - I barely have any time for modding lately. Busy time IRL. Sorry.

    As for stalactites and stuff, there has been some discussion about them before. Because of technical (i.e. performance) reasons, they don't really fit well with a visual-only mod like BF, this should really be part of the world.

    Fortunately for you, WhiskeyTangoFox comes to the rescue! Check out his mod, CaveBiomes, which has exactly what you seek and more.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Olympia - 70k new blocks and counting... [v0.1.4-RFPA re-released]
    Quote from Innakentj»

    Hello. I really liked this API, it just incredible!))
    But there is one problem. The fact is that when installing Better Foliage blocks grass and other surfaces used for fake grass and leaves, here's what happens:

    I really hope there is some way to fix this, because Your API is very good for my purposes.It would be a pity abandon it.

    I've started investigating this problem from my end, and luckily it was quite trivial. The problem is a typo in Olympia code. I created an issue with the details: https://github.com/DasUmlaut/Olympia/issues/22

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage


    I checked this out with no luck. Versions were BF 1.1.5, Optifine U D3 and Forge 1450. No rendering issues at all, everything looked fine.

    However I keep getting the dreaded "OpenGL error code 8" problem that happens to some nVidia users, which makes it very hard to do anything :(

    Can you post your full mod list? Also, what kind of GPU are you on?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage


    The most obvious solution that comes to mind is to make logs "connect" to doors, i.e. not round the corners facing the door block. And that's still not enough, since there are lots of mods that add doors... maybe another configurable blocklist? We'll see.


    I don't have any good ideas how to make different chamfer radii play nicely together. I can't really do very extensive checks on the surroundings, as that would be very expensive in terms of speed - round logs are already hard on the hardware as it is. Only simple rules are feasible which depend only on the 26 neighbors of a block.

    Elbow logs are most likely not coming, and I've pretty much given up on making round logs render correctly with neighboring fluid blocks.

    Being able to chamfer log blocks on a case-by-case basis is unfortunately not possible at all. For that to work I would have to add blocks, items and/or some extra block information to the world. That would in turn break the client-only-ness (yeah, that's a word now) of the mod, and I don't want that.


    I didn't know Mo Creatures had logs. Sure. I'll add them.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage

    Matching set of bugfix releases

    Version 1.0.13 (MC 1.7):

    • fix NPE with null leaf block icon
    • fix custom leaf texture metadata reading
    • make saturation threshold configurable

    Version 1.1.5 (MC 1.8):

    • fix custom leaf texture metadata reading
    • make saturation threshold configurable

    This release should fix the crash described by @TomEVoll.

    The saturation threshold is a new config option that you will most likely not have to touch ever. For more information, check my closing comment in this issue.

    Things will continue to happen slowly in the near future. I'm very busy IRL. I'll try to put in more work as my time permits.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage

    Released version 1.0.12:

    • fix NPE when teleporting player
    • fix NPE with grass blocks with invalid textures

    Fixed the problem reported by @chrisk123999 (...hopefully), and definitely fixed Chromaticraft incompatibility reported by @DevonX1.

    Sorry for the slow going, I'm very busy lately.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage

    @DevonX1: this really confuses me, as there is a NullPointerException happening right after I made a null-check... Could you show me your fml-client-latest.log file (right after a crash)? That has a lot of additional low-level log messages that don't show up in your console, and would really help me in tracking down the problem.

    Use Pastebin or Gist, it's a bit too big for a forum post. If the file is still too big, just a section from a couple hundred lines before the crash, and all the way to the end, will suffice.

    @chrisk123999: whoops, that's a derp on my part. Will fix soon.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage

    Version 1.0.11 released:

    • missing grass and particle textures will no longer crash the game
    • added Hanging Grass
    • added render distance config

    Ported the fixes introduced in 1.1.4, the crashes should not happen anymore.

    Added another asked-for feature from BG&L: grass hanging down from the sides of blocks. Pretty straightforward. Defaults to off.

    Most features also have a new config option added: Distance Limit. This is the maximum distance in blocks from the player that the feature will show up. Defaults to 1000 (i.e. always).

    I'm not yet sure how to do this properly because of the way Minecraft renders the terrain. Chunks are re-drawn only when there is a block update, or intermittently when the player is near. This means you can get pretty close to an area and BF features will still not show up - until the game suddenly "notices" you are in range and it all pops in place.

    It still might be useful for people with slower computers - just be prepared for the occasional glitch if you set the value too low.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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