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    posted a message on Better Foliage

    I must update CTM texture support for the latest OptiFine. A fix will be coming along shortly.

    I guess I'll need to add some more mods and CTM-enabled resource packs into my smoke test instance.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage
    Quote from hamster1701»

    Hey there, I'm working on a Polish translation for this mod. Will this be ok to you to have this mod in Polish language? ;)

    Absolutely! More languages are always welcome.

    My preferred flavor is a GitHub pull request, but if you can't / won't use it, you can just PM me the file too.
    Quote from Robijnvogel»

    But where would it ever need other languages? Unless... the settings and/or configs maybe?

    Yep, exactly. The text and the tooltips for the config.
    Quote from Datzi»

    Hey OctarineNoise,

    I'm still having Problems with those invisible blocks. This time around just with the connected gras, reeds and corals (check attachment). Trees seem to work again. Once disabling connected gras/reeds/corals in the Better Foliage settings everything works just fine.

    What Forge version do you recomend for 2.0.9?

    I'm on MC1.9, Forge 1865, Optifine 1.9 HD U B1 and Better Foliage 2.0.9.

    I think it's OptiFine; although I'm not 100% sure, the invisible block issue happens only for blocks where I mess with the render layer, and OF uses an outdated canRenderBlockInLayer() method. But whether it's the cause or not, it's something sp614x should fix anyway. I've already reported it in the OptiFine thread, we'll see.

    Forge version is irrelevant as long it's >= 1817. OptiFine should be B2 pre (it's the one I test with), but that won't help this issue. Running without OptiFine altogether will help, if you're looking for a short term fix.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Realistic Terrain Generation (RTG) — Realistic Biomes, Huge Mountains, Custom Trees, Truly Flat Terrain, Breathtaking Landscapes

    Regarding the Better Foliage invisible blocks thing: that one was totally my fault, I was still using the old deprecated Block.canRenderInLayer() in some (but not all) places in my code. Derp.

    The bug has absolutely nothing to do with RTG, and I have absolutely no idea why RTG made it emerge from hiding. Please carry on with the regularly scheduled programming :)

    PS: in any case, I'm glad the bug took me here, because I didn't know about this mod. And it is awesome! I used to use ATG back in the day, but RTG looks way better, and the biome mod integration seems quite seamless. Keep it up!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage

    Version 2.0.9 released:

    • ADDED: support animation for generated Short Grass textures
    • ADDED: support IC2 rubber wood logs (1.7.10)
    • FIXED: "state.block must not be null" startup crash (1.8, 1.8.x)
    • FIXED: shallow water coral config option is now respected
    • FIXED: wrong height for algae
    • FIXED: invisible blocks after world reload (1.9)

    You need to reset the "block types / wood log whitelist" option to default to have rubber wood work.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage
    Quote from euphoria4949»

    Anyway, I brought this up with the RTG team and they said it looks like because Better Foliage is doing ground checks to see if it's safe to do whatever it needs to do, and it's presuming that it's checking a vanilla world, which of course RTG worlds are not. So it's getting confused.

    I doubt it's because of that - I don't care about the WorldType at all, just query the neighboring blocks. There's nothing I can see in RTG code that should make a difference.

    Strange thing is, I could not reproduce the bug at first - had to restart the whole client to trigger it. After that, it worked just as you described. In my dev environment, it worked just the opposite: the blocks were invisible at first worldgen (of course I wasn't in debug mode...), but in subsequent reloads everything was fine!

    Meh... I just love tracking down heisenbugs :)

    edit: D'oh! I'm stupid :D

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage
    Quote from The_Nnay»

    Thank you !

    I just noticed another thing with TFC. If falling leaves are on opaque, the steam from hot springs is black and opaque too. If leaves' opacity is set to "false", the issue is resolved. I've not noticed what it changes visually on the leaves though.

    The "opaque particles" setting enables the Z-buffer when I draw leaf particles. Without it, leaf particles that appear in front of water will appear to be behind it. The setting carries over to other particles rendering later, however. I'll see if I can do some better cleanup after myself.
    Quote from euphoria4949»

    Hi OctarineNoise, just wondered what you meant by "Draw Distance"??? I have tweaked mine so that trees past 250 don't have the effect, as I didn't think any further was worth it, even on 16-20 render distance. Do you mean that me changing the distance may have caused it???

    Yep, that's probably it. The problem with that setting is that it's pretty much useless in its current form. Minecraft doesn't re-render chunks unless there's a block update, for example breaking/placing a block. It's possible for a chunk to be rendered at the outer edge of your view distance (beyond the "draw distance" limit set in the BF config), and the player to move there before anything happens in the chunk to cause it to redraw.

    This is another thing I'll have to revisit when I have time.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage
    Quote from Darhagonable»

    The falling leaves do not work for me (1.9)

    Try the latest, I just fixed this.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage

    Version 2.0.7 is released:

    • ADDED: Russian localization (thx to Nova, Gravit, MrVladocha, Magicmen, Ghostlyr)
    • FIXED: particles are working again (MC 1.9)
    • FIXED: config-related startup crashes (MC 1.9)

    After a few false starts, I hope BF for 1.9 is stable again. The only change for older MC versions is the russian localization, so if you don't need that, you can skip downloading.

    @qNxX: wow, just...wow. That's what a bug report is like, you should be teaching this stuff! It's better to have too much than too little :)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage

    You can say that again :)

    But MC 1.9 is still very young. It'll get better.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)

    I was testing CTF support for Better Foliage when I noticed the following:

    It seems CTF texture rotations are incorrect on the north and east block faces. However, I have no idea if it's an OptiFine bug, or the fault of the resource pack.

    Of course, the Universe being the kind of place it is, I only saw this after I already "fixed" Round Logs in BF, thinking it was a bug in my renderer... :)

    MC 1.9, Forge 1811, OptiFine B1 and John Smith Legacy 1.9.1 v1.4.1 pack.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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