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    posted a message on Better Foliage
    Quote from V3XT»

    I'm running into a little issue using this mod with Highlands (1.8.9). The rounded logs feature makes bamboo completely invisible. I know you can blacklist blocks in the config, but I haven't been able to figure out the proper format, so it isn't working. If anyone knows what name I have to give the config to fix this, I'd really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.

    You have to blacklist the following: com.sdj64.highlands.block.BlockHighlandsLog

    Unfortunately, that will disable round logs for all other Highlands wood types as well, as the same block is used for all of them, and there is currently no way in BF to match on subtypes. I'll give the issue some thought.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 3

    posted a message on Better Foliage

    Version 1.11.2 for MC 1.11.2 released

    Took a bit longer than I expected, but I finally got around to it. Enjoy!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Foliage

    I came back to this and gave it a chance with 1.9.4. When I tried with 1.7.x years ago, it worked, but I had issues seemingly with Forge and random chunks all over would just randomly not generate after playing for a while, so I gave up on it.

    The good news is, it no longer does that, and performance is about the same as it was with Vanilla/Optifine only.

    However, I'm having an issue with certain settings not being saved. The grass settings, connected grass settings, and round log features in particular (there maybe more, but those are the three I notice) need to be disabled again every time I start. Some others (the cactus and leaf settings, at least) seem to be saved.

    I'm also having Birch trees (not any others) have the extra leaves generate a different color and not the color of the leaves themselves when it blends into another biome (at least Desert or Savanna, as pictured here), but I think this one may be a texture pack issue? If so, how can I correct it?

    The latest version (2.0.15) for 1.8 and 1.9 have a bug in config handling. Downgrading to 2.0.14 solves it.

    The birch leaves look like a classic leaf color issue. Try raising the "Extra leaves / Saturation threshold" config option to 0.2 (or 0.3, 0.4, etc) and see if it works okay then. Be on the lookout for other leaves which may become discolored as a result of setting it too high. Experiment.

    If there's no improvement, please link the contents of your betterfoliage.log file (found among all the other logs) after starting up the game to the main menu.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Better Foliage

    Version 2.1.3 released:

    • support for IC2 and TechReborn rubber logs and leaves
    • fix text in config GUI (MC 1.11)

    The usual disclaimer applies (reset block types to default in the config to get newly added support).

    For technical reasons, IC2 rubber logs will most likely not work with resource packs which add custom block models for it.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Better Foliage

    Version 2.1.2 for MC 1.11 released!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Better Foliage
    Quote from VladtheMad»

    In TerraFirmaCraft, there seems to be a smooth lighting bug. When I have it turned off, everything looks fine. When I turn it to minimum or maximum, a lot of the different types of grass have a gray grass texture on top, instead of green. It doesn't seem to be ALL types of grass though, as I've spotted biomes where it looks fine. Oddly, it's green like you'd expect on the sides. It only happens on blocks that have a grass texture on the sides. If I place the blocks in such a way that they wouldn't have that, it gets a green texture on top.If it gets a green texture on the sides, it's gray on top, BUT only if there's a dirt block under it. It's maddening. Hah.

    I know I can just disable it for grass, but I like it, especially the cat tails it puts on dirt blocks in the water.

    Edit: Also, it appears that dry grass is partiallytransparent?!?

    TFC does not play nice with any of the "connected grass" options, I recommend turning it off. That may solve your color problem too.
    Quote from xerberus333»

    I like setting the distance to less than 1000 to bump performance. I can go as low as 500-ish and 60-ish for grass.

    But I noticed that better foliage doesn't update the world as I move around, meaning I get better foliage within 500, but as soon as I move past that distance I get square leaves and flat lands again. If I want it to update, I drop a bed at my feet and I see the grass turn to better foliage again.

    Is this static-ish behavior intended? If so, what distance should I set the mod so that I get better foliage no matter how far I wander? My minecraft render distance is usually set to far.

    The distance limit option is currently broken, and I'm at a loss on how to fix it. Minecraft only redraws chunks when something changes, leading to the "static-ish" behaviour you described. I could force-redraw chunks as the player moves in and out of "fancy drawing range" from them, but that would lead to more performance problems that it would solve. This option will probably go away in the future, and I recommend just setting it to the default number.
    Quote from JonnyBrando»

    Hmm, a few bugs to work through ... I was kind of hoping that 1.10.2 would just build on 1.11 ;).

    I think I'll leave this to you ;) ... eclipse doesn't even have any suggested fixes -- haha!

    Actually, that looks very promising. Only 12 errors, and most of those just look like renames to me. The update should be quite easy then, even if not exactly trivial.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Better Foliage

    Version 2.1.2 (for MC 1.10.2) released:

    • fixed several edge cases leading to a crash
    • updated mod support (Forestry, BOP, Natura, AetherII, Agricultural Revolution)

    Just some maintenance, trying to work my way through my mounting GitHub issue list. This should take care of most of the currently known incompatibilities and crashes.

    As always, reset your "Block Types" config category to default after installing.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Better Foliage
    Quote from RodrigoTaipe93»

    Regarding 1.7.10, I think this is a critical bug. Nonetheless, I would like your opinion about it!

    > http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2119722-better-foliage?comment=1234

    That looks like some kind of modded dirt under the log block, maybe it's not recognized yet. What is it exactly?
    Quote from 304Gamer»

    Help im download and using the mod and when i launch minecraft it crash, is there anyway to fix it?
    here is the crash report:


    [OptiFine] *** Reloading textures ***
    [OptiFine] Resource packs: Blocksmith+Hybrid+v17d.zip, Lively Default.zip, PR_Luminance_V1.1.zip

    Please don't paste long crashlogs in the forum, use a service like Gist or Pastebin next time.

    The log seems to be cut off midway. Is that really the very last line?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 4

    posted a message on Realistic Terrain Generation (RTG) — Realistic Biomes, Huge Mountains, Custom Trees, Truly Flat Terrain, Breathtaking Landscapes
    There's the problem. To achieve the 'only bark' state, it looks like you set the orientation axis to 'none', correct? For a mod that relies on the orientation of the logs, this would break compatibility.

    So, is there a way for me to set said RTG trees to generate with the orientation 'y' instead of 'none'?

    There's an easy way to fix this issue from the other direction. Better Foliage has a config option "Default to vertical" in the Round Logs category. When set, log blocks with unknown orientation will default to the Y axis.

    It's not just RTG that places directionless log blocks. For example, Natura giant redwood trees are also like that.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Better Foliage

    This is a quick heads-up regarding my (lack of) progress.

    I've recently committed the grave mistake of starting an InfiTech 2 world with some friends. Now any time I might have had for modding just went out the window (and some of my non-modding time with it). Once I've built a few Mk3 fusion reactors, we'll get back to our regularly scheduled programming :)

    That means BF remains in maintenance mode for the time being, most likely until the holiday season. Critical 1.10 bugs will get fixed (crashes and bad glitches), everyone else has to fend for themselves.

    If you're having problems with the configuration not saving:

    • MC 1.10.2 -> use Forge 2094 or later
    • MC 1.9 or 1.8 -> go back one version. Config handling was the only change between 2.0.14 and 2.0.15
    • MC 1.7.10 -> shouldn't happen, report as bug
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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