I haven't seen an extinct animal yet in DrZhark's Mo'Creatures so I'm gonna put the idea:
Name: Dodo
Hearts: 8 - 10
Behaviour: Acts like sheep/cow/pig (AI basically the same)
Tamable?: Yes
Location: Roofed Forest
If seeds/fruits on players hand, dodo will follow them. If attacked, it will run away. Without seeds/fruits and attacking, it will run away as it fears the player a threat to their community.
they have mamoths.spawn a elephant in a cold biome.and you get a mammoth
the developers are able to join but I'm not sure about anyone else... and i think I remember something about you starting to help on the mod but I'll need someone to correct me if I'm wrong if you are helping with the mod, julio will probably email you about it
well me and the mod creator are talking about some stuff but im not aloud to tell you! XD we talk on our server doing and helping eachother out but i cant tell you though
Thanks! The dominique chicken and the Guineafowl is coming! stay tune for that!
yes please! thank you!
i still have some like the canada goose and brazilian tanager and not much more.But dont worry were great modelers.
Done with the leghorn chicken! i used the ark dossier. That game is amazing.What do you guys think of the new chicken?
their was a primitve cow called aurochs.it went exinct but it was cloned recently.
i love it!
they have mamoths.spawn a elephant in a cold biome.and you get a mammoth
Almost done!
what are you guys saying?
im already on there server
well me and the mod creator are talking about some stuff but im not aloud to tell you! XD we talk on our server doing and helping eachother out but i cant tell you though
were? can i join?
Progress i might change the neck
sure! i never heard a bird called a wigeon XD.i like barnacle gooses their adorable
you guys can make a discord server.It would be much faster
he dosent any more.he lost his models to