I wish I could code, if I could, I would TOTALLY help you guys. And I have some ideas, for the texture pack, zombies could look like the ones from episode 4 in sly 3 when you play as panda king. Also, the leather armor could be bently's hat, shell, and shoes from sly 2, then iron could be murray's mask, shirt, belt, and shoes, gold= carmelita's outfit, and diamond= sly's outfit. Also, rocket shoes can be added as item that makes you move faster than sprinting, and the paraglider can be added, the insanity strike, any gadgets that can be applied to minecraft, basically. Each of the maps can also be built from each game, even though it'd take a while. I hope you consider my ideas if the mod is made, and again, I would totally get it!
I think this is a great idea!! But I think it shouldn't have the blocks of the vanilla world, just like the Nether doesn't. But I do like and support the ideas of the first post...
You spawn at beach with small hills behind you. Keep going in that direction and you find a pillar followed by caved-in mountain. To the left of the mountain, there's a small canyon followed by a beach penninsula.
I decided to put in Nether as the seed and at first, it was just mountainous desert, but after I explored a little bit, I found some interesting landscape.
Coords are:
I would supply a screenshot, but it'll just ruin the surprise. :happy.gif:
you mean not a bad seed other than a bunch of zombie's attacking you once you start and getting lost in a cave right?
Lol, i didn't even start exploring the when I said that. What I think is a good seed is one that has a big cave near the spawn (even though you do get lost in it easily) that has lots of minerals (I've found diamond, and lots of iron, gold and redstone) and that has a really bizzarre mountain area (which noone has found, yet).
Coords are:
I would supply a screenshot, but it'll just ruin the surprise. :happy.gif:
Lol, i didn't even start exploring the when I said that. What I think is a good seed is one that has a big cave near the spawn (even though you do get lost in it easily) that has lots of minerals (I've found diamond, and lots of iron, gold and redstone) and that has a really bizzarre mountain area (which noone has found, yet).