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    posted a message on #add ancientcity compass

    Do like this idea, and as Chaosteven pointed out, it would make more sense if you got the map from the cartographer. I would love if the cartographer also sold ore vein maps, that also show the y level that it starts at.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bottle 'o Enchanting Upgrade

    I've thought this recently, the mechanic I propose for creating bottle o' enchanting is a hopper above a brewing stand with water bottles in it. This way you can automatically make them. If you have carpet on the hopper that would block the xp from going into the hopper and being circulated. Also, you'd still need blaze powder and wait for them to brew up, so you might need more brewing stands for a bigger xp farm. The xp could stack to 64 in the brewing stand, but not able to be taken out as an item. Also taking 21 xp to brew 1-3 at a time, since you get 4-7 xp from each bottle, that seems fair.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Warden should drop a grappling hook

    I've always wanted a grapple in Minecraft, but the Warden dropping it wouldn't seem right.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Small Suggestions Thread: Electric Boogaloo

    Enchantable water bucket that can have infinity, so we can stop having to run to the pool every time.

    Star nosed mole who can dig through dirt, sand, soul sand, soul soil, mud, and gravel. Alerts to nearby buried ore blocks by digging and leaving off particles of found ore. Can be tamed by feeding them and infested silverfish block, and when commanded to sit it won't dig.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Crying Obsidian Ender Chests

    A multiplayer only chest doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I'd rather see the crying obsidian ender chest capable of having items taken out via hopper, only accessing the inventory of the last player to access that chest. Same could be done for adding items into it via hopper.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Droppers not going up?

    I'm no redstone guru, but first question is, how are you powering the second dropper?

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Furnace Array Using Lava Buckets

    Having a good sized furnace array would speed things up for me, except I haven't figured out how to get lava buckets to work on an automatic one. The biggest array I built was using a tutorial for 64 furnaces, and it was tricky to get working because it has 3 shulker box systems (2 unloaders, and 1 loader). I kinda broke it though trying to adapt it to lava buckets. So I'm trying to build my own version but it's so hard to get the redstone right, things interfering with each other and not sure what to fix.

    Since the 1.17 update I bought some dripstone from the wandering trader, and also ventured far out into new chunks for some more. I made a dripstone farm, then a lava farm with the dripstone, getting quite a lot of lava, so I really want to get this working using lava buckets.

    If anyone has an idea of how to adapt a furnace array to use lava buckets let me know, I could really use some help.

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Villager sorter by profession

    I have yet to see a functional villager sorter that does so by profession. I have an infinite breeder, and a trading hall to lock villagers in place, but this doesn't help the fact that I have dozens of villagers with established good trades, many of which are master rank.

    I thought it would be easier to design a profession sorter, than to try to grab each on painstakingly by hand and move them to their proper trading hall.

    Now here's my issues I've encountered in each attempted design -

    Long hall of cells containing a path-able unique job block for each profession:

    Problem- they only saw the job site block if they were in view, so I replaced the top layer of the cells with trap doors so they could see, but then they got stuck in adjacent cells trying to get to it.

    So I scrapped this long hall with cells design, and opted for a big square with job site blocks on the perimeter. The problem with this design is that I fail in creating an instant trap for them to fall into when they get near the job site block. I adapted an observer string sticky-piston design from the trading hall but somehow when I trigger the string the piston gets in a tizzy opening and closing really fast, not sure how to fix this.

    EDIT: I attached my redstone mechanism as an image, I'm doing this in survival. When I step on the string, the redstone lights up very briefly but isn't activating my inverted piston. I'm using the observer to detect the state change of the string.

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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