it's been a year and a half of supporting and discussing this suggestion, it no longer is a suggestion that i can claim as mine for it is an idea that was molded and cared for by so many people, this suggestion is an idea that belongs to the community and because of your help for the past year and a half, we have finally made a breakthrough...
Guys, WE DID IT!

Guys, WE DID IT!

Mojang officially released a screenshot ( showing colored glass implemented and fixes on the transparency issues they were having before. I can say with confidence that if it weren't for all your support for this topic, there's a good chance that colred glass wouldnt have even been included in this snapshot. For that you guys can be proud to be apart of something big, something that could change the way Minecraft feels forever. Thank you for all your support! And thank you Mojang for putting up with us and taking the time to implement our suggestion! :3
However, its not over yet, with the addition of colored glass, there is so much more we can do with it. Adding colored glass could be the beginning of big additions such as colored light in the future; So i will be changing the title of this topic to Colored Light!
Due to this topics' popularity I want this topic to act as an outlet for the communities' ideas and opinions on the topic of colored glass and its implementations in the future. So everyone, let us move on to the next step of our suggestion topic and help make a difference!
"So, I was mining today and stumbled upon beautiful natural glowing crystals in an underground ravine!"

"...Then I investigated a red glow I could see creeping through a tunnel shaft and found myself in the middle of a zombie hive! o__O"

Well, those are some of the things we could be saying if colored glass and colored light were added to MC!

(images above are not real screenshots. They were Photoshopped by me to show what MC could be like if this topic's proposals were implemented)
[NOTE]Colored light and glass is something I believe all minecrafters should be able to enjoy with each other without the midleman or knowledge of mod installing. So for that reason, this suggestion is directed towards vanilla. We do however welcome mods here since it's said that "Colored light isn't possible." -_^
Here is how it could work:
Color Glass Blocks & Changing The Color of Light

Colored Glass and Colored Light are features I have wanted to see in Minecraft for some time. I wanted to see these features implemented so bad that I have come up with some ways it could be used in the game; it would greatly increase building potential and the ability for a player to customize an atmosphere by modifying the color of light. Based on my knowledge working in the game industry as an indiegame digital artist, I know that the impact something like colored glass and light would have on minecraft would be more important than most people know. In fact, it may even be safe to say that even Mojang underestimates the aesthetic importance of colored light and being able to manipulate it.
Here is a little diagram that briefly explains my proposition:

Here is a colored light mod that CptSpaceToster in a video spotlight! check it out! (ehem you too mojang -_^) colored light IS possible and it IS necessary this video shows that:
Here is a different crafting recipe that was originally suggested by ChadGarion25. It is fantastic and gives cauldrons an actual use.

Tell me what you guys think

Support colored glass by wearing this banner:
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Also, if you like this suggestion and want to help it become a reality, give the first post in this thread rep points, and get your avatar featured in the 'We Love This Post!' banner down below the OP!!!

Cool Ideas by you guys -_^:
Quote from ChadGarion25
Redo how dyes are handled all together by giving cauldrons a purpose; making dye into a liquid form
- Cauldrons containing water can be right clicked with powdered dye to color the water (a tint of water won't require new block types)
- 3 objects can be dyed by right clicking the cauldron of dye whilst holding them. In this case, wool blocks, glass blocks, and glass panes (you can still take stained glass blocks of the same color and craft panes)
Here are some images that better explain the proccess:

Quote from neraphim
If i were to make any suggestions, i would recommend a simple refraction system. Like redstone only carries current 13 blocks or so, the glass panels could, if encased in non-opaque blocks, carry the light further than it would normally travel (like optic fibers). Additionally i would suggest colored redstone lamps, so that the color could be turned on and of at the switch of a button.
Common Questions:
I have received a lot of comments about glass blocks and changing light color causing too much lag or requiring an entire overhaul of the light engine MC currently has implemented. What people don’t fully understand is how MC lights work and where in-game lag actually comes from in videogames. I can't say I completely understand how exactly the MC lighting engine works as I have not seen the code, however it is briefly explained here: if you have any better knowledge or sources that explains these points better, feel free to critique my points and share your insight on the topic.

"Why did you label the topic as 'original'? This isn't the first colored glass topic, you know..."
You are correct, this is not the first topic on colored glass, nor am I saying it is. The 'Original' tag in the title is referring to this topic and it's contents specifically. On several occasions, I came across my topic copied directly into Redit and other online blogs; without any sort of credit to the images and content. As the images in this topic were created from scratch by me, copying this topic would be considered art theft.
So to answer your question, the Colored Glass! topic is labeled as original because it is, the original.
Is it possible to change the color of the light?
Yes. Difficult, but possible. It used to be quite easy to light blocks with individual colors in early versions of Minecraft, but with the current light system this is no longer the case. It would require additions to the light system, the renderer, the map file format, and the network protocol. (A technical proposal can be found here, behind the cut.)
(question aswered by Nocte)
Will it cause lag?
Yes, unfortunately the addition of colored light will lower your frame rate. How much? This is hard to predict until someone actually tries it on a variety of hardware, but there's no reason to believe it will be anything drastic. It will also have an impact on memory use -- 64 KB per unpacked chunk to be precise. And of course the color information will have to go over the network somehow. If necessary, it would be possible to add an option to simply ignore the color information, and keep the current system where all block lights have the same yellowish color.
(question aswered by Nocte)
"Are there any Mods with Colored glass or colored light?":
Yes, there are some mods for colored glass and there are older mods that have colored light implemented into MC. Here are just a few of these projects:
• Kovu, a follower of this topic has been working on a colored light prototype. wheather he is doing it with the current minecraft engine or not is unclear but if it is, this proves that colored light is indeed possible with the current lighting engine. it may just need some performance updates. -_^

Discussion found here:
• Nocte, one of the followers of this topic is very knowledgeable of what is going on behind all the gears and pendulums of Minecraft and has been working on this project. He may even tackle colored light. -_^
• CptSpaceToaster, one of the followers of this topic is currently working on a colored glass mod inspired by this topic and he is making big progress on colored light; proving that it is Indeed possible to do. You can watch his progress on his colored glass and light mod topics here:

Colored sands into colored glass
• Here is an outstanding colored light mod that was in the works by theoneandonlyflexo check out his videos and his channel!

Video 1
Video 2
"I don't like colored sand because it would add too many new blocks to MC":
I added colored sand as an option for crafting colored glass because it would kills 2 birds with one stone. It would solve problems for people wanting colored glass and people wanting more color variations in standard blocks such as non-burnable, gravity, and stairs/slabs. The colored sand idea actually wouldn't require any new blocks or textures at all. The reason why, is because of how it could be programed. Much like how the biomes change the color of grass and leaves, both can wool and sand. Thus all blocks or future blocks that are craft able from sand or wool could be done in the same way; being colored entirely in code and decreasing the textures needed for the blocks. This solution would obviously require a change to how entities work but it would make way for limitless amount of colored items much like how leather armor works.
Now you may still be thinking, "well, that still doesn't fix the items being displayed in the inventory" actually it wouldn't be much of a problem since all of these items are just as hard to craft, having an inventory full of different colored sandstone blocks and the like, is only the fruits of your labors; having to collect dies, making cored sand and crafting them into stone. If what you are worrying about is the creative menu being overly crowded; this also wouldn't be a problem since the 1.3.1 update that added an improved creative mode inventory with
categorized tabs for various items/blocks and a search menu. If more colored blocks are added, they could simply just be added into to their own tab with would be extremely useful for pixel art artists and the like.
If you are still unsatisfied with colored sand being a step in creating of colored glass, we have discussed other options as colored sand is only a suggestion. Please look at "Cool Ideas by you guys" above for more information.
"Wouldn't it be easier to make colored glass by just combining it with dye like how you make wool?"
Easier yes, but wouldn't make much sense. Colored sand would mimic how real colored glass is created and it would open up more opportunities for new blocks using colored sand; including colored sandstone steps. Also, considering the "special properties" of colored glass, I believe it should be slightly harder to craft instead of simply adding color. with that said, I do not intend to say my crafting proposition is the best solution. In fact there have been many great alternative suggestions that have been made here. So keep thinking critically, innovate on existing ideas and give us some great suggestions!

"Has Mojang seen this?"
Yes, in fact we even heard back from Mojang on the topic; Nathan Adams also known as Dinnerbone from Mojang stressed that they have indeed been noticing the feedback on colored glass from the community. He also stated that colored glass is indeed possible and hinted that implementation of colored glass is not a "no"; which is exciting news.
Unfortunately, he also informed us that colored light is impossible on a large scale with the current lighting engine. However he also stated: "The lighting system is extremely broken and needs rewriting" this could mean that there is still a chance, if re-written, a new lighting engine may be able to support colored light. But this is uncertain.
The whole conversation can be found here:
ChadGarion25 informed me of a tweet made by Dinnerbone on 25 Sep at 6:14 AM eastern time where dinner bone posted a comment that could be very promising for colored glass and colored light to be implemented into Minecraft!

Check it out!
So basically what we can assume from all this is:
1) colored glass is very much possible in the current version of Minecraft; except it wouldn't allow other transparent textures to be seen through the glass (much how ice and water works in MC) and it would be difficult to ad a Z-buffer without having performance issues on slow platforms. This may not be much of an issue as most people will not have a reason to blend the colors of glass by stacking and though not completely transparent, it may look ok anyway. however I feel if a z buffer were added, perhaps there could be a toggle in video settings to turn off z-buffering for those who are playing on slower computers. Dinnerbone also hinted that the implementation of colored glass into vanilla is neither a yes or a no... so, I wouldn't give up on it just yet, guys. -_^
2) There are mods that have colored light implemented in versions of Minecraft before the adventure update. Check out theoneandonlyflexo for more info!

3) Yes Mojang has noticed this topic so there is no need to keep tweeting it to them as if they have never seen it.
Name: Dylan.
Location: Johannesburg, SA.
Desired Faction: Daemonic legion.
In Game Character Main Desire: To raise a mighty empire of the dead and take over all of Cecelia!
In Game Character Class: Ranger.
SubClass: Warrior.
First Thing Your Going To Do Ingame: Gather nether materials to build a giant fortress and raise the dead.
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