Minecraft name(s): logicvspolitics
Previous servers, staff experience: no staff experience, but two previous SMP servers
Role you want to play: Builder and adventure seeker
Lifestyle (vagabond, town dweller, etc): town dweller
Friends that you'd also like whitelisted: none
Favorite building style: small artistic structures and medieval structures.
IGN: logicvspolitics
Minecraft Experience: roughly a year, a couple different servers
What you will do for the server: I will be a dedicated player, and play for the glory of my faction!
Bans: none
Faction you wish to be in: Swadia
Previous servers, staff experience: no staff experience, but two previous SMP servers
Role you want to play: Builder and adventure seeker
Lifestyle (vagabond, town dweller, etc): town dweller
Friends that you'd also like whitelisted: none
Favorite building style: small artistic structures and medieval structures.
Minecraft Experience: roughly a year, a couple different servers
What you will do for the server: I will be a dedicated player, and play for the glory of my faction!
Bans: none
Faction you wish to be in: Swadia
Age (Optional): 20
Faction you are joining:Chaotic
Title you would like: Slasher
Why should you join? Sounds like a fun server. Can't wait to check it out!
A little bit about yourself (Optional): Architecture major by day, minecraft builder by night.