Seed 5: -5629845427744059835
Cool Jungle Spawn, Jungle Temple by spawn (You will spawn in the middle of a jungle biome and should be near a jungle temple.)
Seed 4: -9089409167323528152
Cool Jungle Island Spawn (a really good seed for those who wanted a jungle seed out in the middle of an ocean.)
Seed 2: -2893528817827962191
Cool Jungle temple ravine: X= -134 Y= 72 Z= 42
(Spawns you in the middle of a jungle, but if you head to the coordinates for this Minecraft seed you should find a jungle temple by a ravine.)
Thank you for this very nice video. Agreed, the scenery and layout of the spawn area is ideal for builders.
A small suggestion: record in F1 mode. Even when not in F1 mode, the hand waving was distracting and does not well represent pointing. No offence intended.
no offense taken it is just a suggestion which someone produces content of any kind should be open to, and I think I will try it with my next Minecraft seed video. Well the one after the next one as the next one is already recorded.
Thank you, it looked fine on the preview will double check next time.
Cool Double Golden Apple Minecraft Seeds 1.9
A Cool Spawn Minecraft Village Seed (Savannah plains Desert Village) Contains spider eyes, emeralds, 2 golden apple, and more.
1. Double golden apples
2. 2 desert pyramids
3. 2 npc villages
4. Desert village near extreme hills
Seed: -5010341250469283982
Desert temple 2: X= 273 Y= 75 Z= 626
NPC Village 2: X= 117 Y= 64 Z= 691
Cool Savannah Mountains Minecraft Seeds 1.9
1. Large Savannah mountains/ Large Savannah plateau
2. mine shafts close to spawn
Seed: 3647549187499976667
Abandoned Mineshaft X= 246 Y= 25 Z= 441
20 Cool Minecraft PE Seeds 0.13.2
Seed 20: -36599876
Amazing jungle village
Seed 19: -1060246543
Awesome Double Island village seed
Seed 18: 1790482542
Cool Snow Village Spawn
Seed 17: 66898262
Amazing Village Spawn, Stronghold under village well
Seed 16: -1965058952
Cool Jungle Village by spawn
Seed 15: 23113
Cool snow npc village near spawn
Seed 14: 65603
Awesome Ocean Village Spawn
Seed 13: 1670489108
Spawn near a village with a half buried black smith house
Seed 12: 792444040
Awesome Extreme hills mountain formations
Seed 11: 22216570
Cool Desert Mountain Village Spawn
Seed 10: -12587
Amazing Savannah Mountain Village near spawn, mesa biome
Seed 9: -355602562
3 Desert Temples, Village at spawn
Seed 8: -686609368
Cool Mushroom Village spawn
Seed 7: 108685930
2 villages by spawn, dig down by well for stronghold by spawn
Seed 6: 750505317
spawn on a survival island with a variety of tree's to choose from.
Seed 5: 1408803813
Amazing Ice Spike Snow Village MCPE Seeds near spawn
Seed 4: 1631701723
Cool triple survival island seed birch, oak tree's spawn
Seed 3: 1410403532
Cool Ice Spike village mcpe seed
Seed 2: 1969012155
Mesa jungle biome spawn minecraft pe seed
Seed 1: 1495886166
Triple village spawn, 2 more nearby Villages
5 Cool Jungle Minecraft Seeds 1.8.9
Seed 5: -5629845427744059835
Cool Jungle Spawn, Jungle Temple by spawn (You will spawn in the middle of a jungle biome and should be near a jungle temple.)
Seed 4: -9089409167323528152
Cool Jungle Island Spawn (a really good seed for those who wanted a jungle seed out in the middle of an ocean.)
Seed 3: -4586432859068680581
Awesome Jungle Ravine Spawn Minecraft Seed 1.8.9
Seed 2: -2893528817827962191
Cool Jungle temple ravine: X= -134 Y= 72 Z= 42
(Spawns you in the middle of a jungle, but if you head to the coordinates for this Minecraft seed you should find a jungle temple by a ravine.)
Seed 1: -4100875858698083715
NPC Village/Jungle
X= 6
Y= 72
Z= 659
3 Cool Survival Islands Minecraft PE Seeds 0.13.1
3. Seeds: 208418456
Cool Survival Island with 2 different tree's 1 oak, 1 birch
2. Seeds: 750505317
Amazing survival island spawn, group of tree's oak, birch. 2 nearby island for building or expanding purposes.
1. Seeds: 98932
Awesome village survival island spawn. In my opinion one of the best village seeds out there.
Minecraft PE 0.13.1 Seed: Cool 4 near Villages Spawn Minecraft Pocket Edition
1. 4 villages by spawn
2. insane Village on cliff/ hill
Seed: -1523204398
4 villages by spawn, Village on cliff/ hill
5 Unique Village MCPE Seeds 0.13.1 Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13
Seed 5: 1413755523
unique MCPE island village seed
Seed 4: 1790482542
Cool Snow Village Spawn
Seed 3: -1965058952
Amazing Jungle Village Spawn
Seed 2: 98932
Awesome village survival island spawn
Seed 1: -1060246543
Rare Double Village island
5 Cool MCPE Village Seeds 0.13 Minecraft PE 0.13.1
5. Seed: -537465577
NPC Village Spawn, 4 desert temples with diamonds near spawn
4. Seed: 23113
Cool snow npc village near spawn MCPE V 0.13.1
3. Seed: 1790482542
Cool Snow Village Spawn
2. Seed: 1670489108
Spawn near a village with a half buried black smith house
1. Seed: -1523204398
4 villages by spawn, Village on cliff/ hill
Minecraft PE 0.13.1 Cool Snow Village Spawn
Seed: 1790482542
Cool Snow Village Spawn
5 Cool Flat Land Minecraft Seeds 1.8.9
Seed 5: 8614262653530851772
Flat plains spawn, Ravine near spawn
Seed 4: -9071243202608864395
Large flat land snow biome seed
Seed 3: 6714107141548954383
Cool Flat Land Plains Village near spawn
Seed 2: 7692505625803617061
Cool Large Flat Lands Spawn, nearby extreme hills
Seed 1: -5682308706488683870
Multi Biome Flatlands Seed
Desert plains, grassland plains
Cool Large Snow Flat Lands Minecraft Seed 1.8.9
1. Large Snow flat land
2. Good snow seed for building
Seed: -9071243202608864395
5 Cool Survival Island Minecraft Seeds 1.8.9
Seed 5: 7268964858148269667
Small island, ocean monument spawn
Seed 4: 5031642532363291914
Extreme Hills survival Island Spawn, double ravine near spawn
Seed 3: -7289463392565192574
Large survival island spawn, ocean monument by spawn, sugar cane
Seed 2: 3708709005346753573
Minecraft survival island seed spawn, non extreme hills island with a hill
Seed 1: -4561404770161075812
Small island spawn, Large Extreme hills survival island near spawn
no offense taken it is just a suggestion which someone produces content of any kind should be open to, and I think I will try it with my next Minecraft seed video. Well the one after the next one as the next one is already recorded.
I am using Sildurs vibrant shaders, faithful 64x resource pack.
Cool Large Flat Lands Spawn, Good Scenery Minecraft Seed 1.8.8
1. large flat lands spawn
2. nearby extreme hills biome (good scenery.)
Seed: 7692505625803617061