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    posted a message on Make Doors Prettier!
    I have seen this said in a few topics, but no one went into much depth, so that's what I'm doing. in other words, be ready for a text-tsunami.

    As most people who play minecraft (excluding the noobiest of noobs) know, doors are only placeable on the edges of blocks. I'm sure I'm not the only person who has wanted a nice iron bar wall with an iron door, only to cry later because of how ugly it looked because the door was not in line with the bars.

    I propose a way to fix this (It's kind of an obvious solution, but sometimes the easiest solution is the most obvious one). Place doors in the middle of a block. Now, I'm sure some people would say something about how Jeb can't do that because the door is 1 block wide, so I say this:

    Make the door go fill up half a block outside of its own.

    Now, before you all start gouging your eyes out at my insolence, please hear me out. We all know Jeb is perfectly capable of making a block go halfway out into another one, as proven by slabs. Why not have half of a block inside one space and the other half inside another? This has already been done with doors anyways, so why not just cut them in half again?

    Not only would this make doors more manageable, it would make them look better and more realistic. I see no perks to door's current setup, and I don't see how this would take too long to code anyways.

    Now, before I finish, i'd like to remind everyone before they make a rude comment, or even at all tell me something I said is wrong, that they should make absolutely sure that they are right. Do a little research before you contradict me.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft API Discussion - Sat, 20:00 CEST, #minecraftdev on Esper
    Quote from EvilSeph

    Please bear in mind this is an informal meeting and we will not be able to cover everything. But it is also only the first meeting and the beginning of our initiative to involve the community in the API development process.

    Obviously this means there will be more meetings, so quick question:
    Do you plan to involve different community members in different meetings, or use the same electives each meeting?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on A true minecraft Pirate: Screenshots of my detailed ship as well!
    Quote from Chris7554

    Why dont you just accept his constructive critic and improve your build ?
    With your attitude you will never become better in buidling .... take a look at sillouetes and my builds , and take ideas from them ....
    Btw , no real ship hull looks like this , and if there is no wind blowing , the sails will get reefed.
    Accept the constructive critic and improve your build .... thats always better than sayin "my build is perfext your critic is wrong everything is realistic etc.".

    Alrighty, here I go...
    First off, he doesn't HAVE to listen to criticism, constructive or not. The sails don't have to be billowing, as there are times in the world where wind actually DOESN'T BLOW.
    Secondly, the shape of the hull is perfectly fine for a pirate ship. I have seen both yours and sillouete's builds, and I personally think this is better than either. (Not to mention, you're hardly one to say a damn thing about "boxy". Take a look at your little aircraft carrier thing.)
    Now, as for what I have to say about the actual thread, I like the ship, and a very nice skin you have there.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Airships
    To be honest, I think that the arrogant "Awesome" in the title wasn't really lived up to. These aren't that great, and I see parts where they aren't even symmetrical. Make your title something interesting next time and then se if your viewers think it is "awesome."
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on My Server's spawn point.
    Lunar, I tried to get into your server but it said that "My reputation is below the server's threshold." What exactly does that mean?
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Chateau de Maegos [WIP]
    Is this all legit? I'm guessing it is, since you started in 1.8, and well done if I'm right! If it was made in creative, its a good build, but to be honest it took you quite a while.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Add an Inverter Block
    Quote from YayForMinecraft
    You mean like a lever that can be toggled by redstone?

    Anyways, MasterSergeant, you're kinda flipping out. He's loud to voice his opinion. And an inverter block would only save one block of space, plus get rid of the torch that could be used for another purpose as well as the block being used that switches between powered and unpowered, so it would partially nerf inverters anyways.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on villager mines! mine shafts that are less-abandoned!
    Okay a few points I want to make...
    First of all people saying diamonds should be 20 emeralds are crazy. You can get a diamond pick for 10 and that's 3 diamonds, so like 7 emeralds would be good, but it should be rare for that to be a villager first trade option PLUS villagers will stop giving the option after a while.
    Secondly, the whole "this would be a too easy way to get ores" is dumb. If its a rare enough occurrence, then it will be fair, and tbh, the zombie raid idea is kind of dumb. Notch couldn't make these mines dig into a cave EVERY SINGLE TIME, because if thee village spawns far away from caves then its a huge ass mine we're looking at here. Not to mention the fact that it would require coding the mobs to raid, as well, and that'd be a pain, and take all of the realism out of this suggestion.
    Lastly, there should be no defensive iron golem or whatever because this is a RARE occurrence. Not every village would have this, and villagers are rare enough so its like a 1 in 100 chance in even finding one of these things, so we don't need to worry about an OP feature here, ok?
    All in all, I support and grant you a +1, even though I think some of your idea is a little goofy.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Falconworth +beta download coming soon!
    You don't need a new texture pack, just stop building EVERYTHING with stone. Also, add all the pics into spoilers, that way you can include everything.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on What boss would YOU add to minecraft?
    Quote from Ronar1

    Spider queen or something of the like. I mean we already have abandoned mineshafts infested by cave spider spawners.

    And the mineshafts always connect to a perfectly empty cube room. Make it so that the room is littered with cobwebs and cave/regular spider spawners underneath a Queen giant blue spider.

    I quite like this actually, and it makes you wonder - what is Jeb planning to do with these empty dirt rooms?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The creeper queen
    Quote from astrotrap

    Also, biomes don't work vertically. If you start digging in a mountain, you will still technically be in a mountain when you hit bedrock.

    I think he meant its a new biome with the nest inside
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The creeper queen
    This is quite cool... I do think that Jeb and the rest of Mojang should add a new boss mob, 1 isn't enough
    But I don't think it should be a biome, that's a little bit goofy. Maybe have it spawn in a forest in a big crater?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on :Novacraft *Whitelist* *MC-MMO* *Factions*
    :D I feel like a winner
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Proposal: Eliminate mob grinders
    This is absolutely ****ing retarded.
    My Argument:
    When the day comes that Minecraft doesn't have over 4 million people playing the game (probably more now), and only the occasional nostalgic gamer plays it at any one time, mob grinders will be sorely missed. Not only that, but disabling mob grinders will result in a good portion of the game's user's world ending up with dumb looking structures that have no use whatsoever, causing them to basically rage quit the game and ending the day with Minecraft losing ~50%, if not more, of its users.
    Also, gaining levels will become much easier come 1.3, so people who have Minecraft down to a science (people who have grinders, strip mines, etc.) will no longer need their grinders as much due to the gathering and smelting of minerals. This way, only those who are severely in need of enchantments will use the grinders to get them higher than the necessary thirty levels, because stocking tons of levels would be dangerous due to the constant danger of impending death.
    You people who don't want mob grinders in the game - don't build them. It shouldn't matter to you what other people build in THEIR worlds, and if you are in a server, don't USE them. If you are such a die hard legit player, have fun being one all by yourself.
    If you actually got to this point of reading your either pissed by now or you agree with me, so either go to hell or good (wo)man, respectively.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The best screenshot ever. [Contest]
    Dude, make your own screenshots.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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