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    posted a message on Building Suggestions
    eh i dunno i almost feel like this doesnt belong in screenshots - just having a screenshot doesnt mean it should go in this forum... Anyways, you could do lots of things, but you seemed to emphazise LOTS of iron, so why not build a mini npc village with a few iron golems?
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Does anyone even play 1.7 anymore? (not a "beta was better thread)
    Quote from Boundegar

    I can't get nostalgic; I am a newb.

    ....and yet have made 1203 posts on the forums...
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Colossus Mod Idea
    Quote from BlackBird1696

    I'll Scratch your back if you scratch mine.

    What do you mean?
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Community Creations - The Banner Contest
    Iuus's is my personal favorite :P
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Scaffolding Block
    Quote from Tom Tzu

    The occasional naturally spawned unobtainium deposit still looks wrong to me...

    But seriously, no, you shouldn't be able to fly, it should just be very easy to destroy, and Zombies can break it, That way people won't want to use it to build with.
    But instead of it placing directly in front of you, how about we just keep it as it goes right back into your inventory. That way you can make it like 3 blocks away from your main structure and easily get rid of any pillars/bridges.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Beautiful Underground Study
    Make it bit more of a "study"?
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on More drops for some monsters!
    Quote from Prince_Deity

    An undead creature dropping cooked meat makes no sense, and an Enderman dropping an eye of ender seems like it ruins the point of going to the Nether. You shouldn't be able to skip the Nether and go right to the End.

    Ah okay ic. Well I think it makes more sense for a dead pigman living in a firey hell to drop cooked porkchops, but everything else I agree with.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on More drops for some monsters!
    Quote from Prince_Deity

    Ummm... no...

    Pigmen: They are dead... hence the rotten flesh.
    Endermen: No, the point is you have to make something mixed from both worlds.
    Creepers and Ghasts: How does that make sense?
    Slimes: Magma Cubes...
    Spiders: They already drop eyes.
    Zombies: They have enough rare drops.
    Cows: And where did the bucket come from?

    Don't know what you mean about enderheads and the piggies, but this ^^.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Refactoring the Player Skin for added detail (ALMOST IMPLEMENTED)
    Support and +1. Nice Suggestion!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Make Doors Prettier!
    Quote from CannonSquid

    How about opening the door...

    What do you mean? Opening the door does nothing, and I went into extreme detail as to what happened when the door opened, read the OP. (Opening the door was what I meant when I said "cut the doors in half again.")

    Quote from Furby4537568

    The thing is, is that it still looks horrid.

    What does?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Obsidian Tools/Armor (Not OP, and MAKES SENSE! :D)
    I'm suggesting you read through the whole OP before being a butthead, and if you don't I'll know.

    Obsidian blades and other tools have been used in the real world for centuries. Many people probably don't know this, but Obsidian is actually a volcanic glass.

    So, due to these facts, (and the fact that Obsidian blades are actually extremely sharp), I think that Obsidian items should follow suit.
    This is how I think it should work:

    Obsidian Pickaxe: A little bit better than gold, but breaks faster. This is due to the fact that banging a bit of glass against some stone probably wouldn't go too well.
    Obsidian Shovel: About as good as diamond, but again, breaks faster. Dirt isn't as hard as stone, so it would cu through it nicely.
    Obsidian Axe: Very good. Lasts about as long as diamond, cuts through a tree a tad faster. This is because Obsidian can be so sharp.
    Obsidian Sword: The obsidian sword would be fantastic. It would probably work better than diamond all around.
    Obsidian Hoe: ... It hoes.

    All Armor basically sucks, because it's glass. Also, when the armor broke, it would have a shattering sound and hurt the player for about 1 heart. (Glass did just shatter all around your body, remember. Also, to prove that you actually read the whole op, start your comment with a word that begins with "R")

    So, that about covers my idea for obsidian stuffs, but I forgot to mention that all the tools made the shattering sound when they broke as well (and I couldn't find anywhere to sneak it in). Thanks for reading this whole thing through, and leave your input below.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Healing pool
    Actually this is good, but I think you should have to drop a splash potion of healing into the pool first to give it it's healing aspects.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on change what mob spawners spawn in creative
    Not very original, but this shouldn't be here anyways. It belongs in suggestions.
    Also, you're way of doing it doesn't make sense. It should be a GUI if anything.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Make Doors Prettier!
    Ah, I didn't understand Flipnoter's comment (I thought you meant the door changed where it was AFTER it was placed, kind of like an old fashioned 3D effect) until asalvu kind of cleared that up. Anyways, I like the idea of making the door placeable in three places, but I'm afraid Jeb might want to simplify it, and if he did I would rather have doors in the middle. Think of it like this - a door in the middle would look good from both sides, rather than good on one and crappy on the other.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Deadmau5 - The Mob
    Thoughts? Hmmm.... How about... "No." Good?

    On a serious note, Minecraft doesn't need a comical mob. It'd ruin the game.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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