I beg u plz make Archers and soldiers to much roaming..
-clay wolfs
-maybe mini boat for soldiers
im asking too much i know maybe someone said all these already but this is the best idea i ever seen so far for mc
im counting on you make it happen :biggrin.gif:
i used to play minecraft with the old launcher that have only login screen on it
the other one locks(crashes) eveything when i run it, its like everything slows down but game starts after 5-10min
-clay wolfs
-maybe mini boat for soldiers
im asking too much i know maybe someone said all these already but this is the best idea i ever seen so far for mc
im counting on you make it happen :biggrin.gif:
sry for bad eng...
tried but still the same problem :sad.gif:
i used to play minecraft with the old launcher that have only login screen on it
the other one locks(crashes) eveything when i run it, its like everything slows down but game starts after 5-10min
**i know i need vocabulary** :biggrin.gif: