CPU-Intel Pentium G620 Sandy Bridge 2.6GHz RAM-Kingston 4 GB Ram GPU-AMD Radeon HD Saphire 6670 Motherboard-ASRock H61M-DGS LGA 1155 Intel H61 HDD-Western Digital WD Blue 500 GB Case-Rosewill CHALLENGER Black Gaming ATX Mid Tower DVD Drive- Black SATA 24X DVD Burner PSU-Corsair CX 430 That's what you need. You can find any number of tutorials on how to build PC's, it's pretty much the same thing no matter what parts you use.
For those of you who don't know, Zippcast is a website that's similar to youtube 2007-2009. It has the good ol' layout. Anyways, what do you think will happen to Zippcast? sink or float?
What do you think they'll have to do in order to become successful?
btw here's my zippcast channel http://www.zippcast.com/user/WristPop
MC Name: Noob48 Age: 13 Location: Ohio Why you want to join: Because I haven't been on many servers that had minecraft played the way it was meant to be played (mining and crafting) How long have you played MC: I bought MC in August 2010 or sometime around then, however the first time I played (creative) must have been some months before that.
Writing ability: I'd say about a 7-8 out of 10. In game name: Noob48 Things you've written: I haven't really written anything very professional, however I have spent much time writing back stories for minecraft server applications (LONG BACKSTORIES) and I usually do well when I am doing creative writing in school. Skype: I_am_your_boss_boss_boss_boss Age: 13 Mic?: yep Time available: 3-4 hours on weekends 1-2 hours on weekdays
This is a Minecraft parody to the song Tribute by Tenacious D. If you wish to sing this then please record it (with a high quality mic) here http://vocaroo.com/ (sing it to the tune of tenacious d's tribute) save the file, and then send me the link along with your minecraft name/youtube name/whatever name you want to be shown in the video credits. If you have any questions on how to sing some lines contact me via skype (Skype info below)
If you have any edits to make to it please leave a post below. If you'd like to be an actor in the video please contact me via skype.
Skype @ I_am_your_boss_boss_boss_boss
Tribute (to the greatest and best mine in the world)
This is the greatest and best mine in the world... TRIBUTE.
Long time ago me and my sheep here,
we was minin' down a deep, and lonesom mine
when all of a sudden, there shined a shiny creeper... in the middle... of the mine.
And he said:
"DIG the best MINE in the world, or I'll blow you up"
well me and my sheep...
we looked at eachother...
and we each said.... "O-K"
And we mind the first blocks that came to our sight
and it just so happened to be,
the best mine in the world, it was the best mine in the world.
Look into my pic and it's easy to see
One block mined, two and one make three
there were diamonds.
Once every hundred thousand night cycles or so
when the diamonds don't mine and the lava don't flow
and the mobs don't spawn....
Needless to say, the creeper was stunned.
Ka-boom with his whole body
and the creeper was done
he asked us "Be you admins?"
and we said "Nay, we are but players."
Can I have a nice background with 2 minecraft revolutionary war generals standing on opposite sides of the background with like some minecraft grass, and a sky, and all that, and then at the top left something that says sub surf films?
So, you'd like to join the staff for "The Fight for Minecraftia"? Well before you join the staff you first must know what a "machinima" is. A machinima is basically just a movie made in the game, and for this movie we'll need pretty much all the things that you'd need in a real movie! Machinimas need to be well scripted too, which is why I (and maybe a few of you) am going to do the best job possible to script, draft, get some good constructive criticism and then rewrite it based on that criticism. We'll also need some people to build the set, people to act, voice actors, and editors! So how's that sound, (insert your name here)? Are you still interested in becoming part of this major project?
The fight for Minecraftia will begin on top of a hill called "Notch Hill". The Minecraftians are fighting for freedom from the evil Jebians (it is similar to the revolutionary war). During the story you embark on a journey with Gunnery SGT. Stevens and his crew :
Gunnery SGT. Stevens (Squad leader)
Private Brown (Recruit)
CPL Jakobs (Sniper)
PFC Nikles (idiot)
and SGT. Cole (Hand-to-hand combat expert)
Stevens was given the assignment to find 4 of the camp's best soldiers (and nikles) to destroy the Jebian's incoming ships, who, if they were able to get into firing range would unleash a rain of hell upon the camp. But the soldiers would soon find out that they were way in over their heads... (this is all I can say without giving away spoilers)
Actor : 0/20
Acts out the scenes in game
Server host : 1 (me)
Hosts the server
Camera man : 0/3 (I need to host the server, so i can't record at the same time)
Must have a powerful computer that can handle GLSL shaders and record at the same time
Builder : (1/?) (I'm unsure of how many we'll need)
Builds the sets (send me pics of previous work)
Voice Actor : (0/10)
Records lines and then me the WAV files. (please no squeakers!)
Script writer (1/3)
Writes the script with me
Editor (1/2)
Edits the video
Texture Pack creator (graphic artist) (0/1)
Creates a texture pack that looks similar to how it would look America during the Revolutionary war.
Also makes the thumbnails for our videos (when we get partnership)
** Please note that this will be like a television series, we will do MUCH MORE than just one video, we'll separate them into short 5-15 minute videos and perhaps become YT famous! so only apply if you plan on staying part of the cast for a while.
Name :
Age :
Skype :
Timezone :
Can you stay on task :
Will you be able to come online at specific times for building/recording :
What position do you want? :
Past experience? (if builder attach pictures) :
Do you swear to not grief/harm the set or production any way shape or form :
Everyone, no matter how small of a roll will be credited in the description and in the credits at the end of the video. IMPORTANT : THE SERVER WILL BE RUNNING OFF OF SPOUTCRAFT YOU MUST HAVE SPOUTCRAFT INSTALLED!
New character --- old character died
Name: James Williams
Nickname: (Optional)
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, Blonde, Muscular, tall
Personality: Brave, honorable, comforting, smart
Background: (Detailed and in-depth, 2 paragraphs)
Years ago, back when we had a structured government my family was generation after generation MI6. Many generations ago my family moved from England to America. My anscestors moved there just before the nuclear outbreak. They were able to survive by using their superior intellegence and strength to get into vaults, but eventually they decided to break free from the vaults, and show the world what my family was truly capable of. When I was a boy my father taught me how to fight, this often led to bleeding, my bones would at times break, but I grew strong. My father would force me to learn many things, from arithmetic to science for he knew that I would need to know many things to survive in this post-apocalyptic world. I never got to know my mother very well, she was always just in the background, she made us food, and that was the end of my relationship with her.
After I became a grown man my father handed me some armour, an axe, and some food, he told me that it was time for me to leave, it was time to push the baby bird out of the nest so to speak. I gave my father a handshake and we parted our ways. I was strong, and intelligent, but I would soon learn that I would need much more than just that to survive in this wasteland for a group of people from Caesars Legion attacked me and tried to take me captive. I tried to fight them off, and I killed several of them, but I couldn't take them all. They grabbed me, but I was able to squirm my way out. They took their guns and shot me in my leg. They thought that I would bleed out, but luckily some kind soul came to me and dragged me into her home. She had saved me. She patched me up, and when I woke up she gave me some hot soup. When she went to sleep I snuck out of the house. I left caps on her counter as I didn't want to trouble the girl any longer than I would have to, or put her in danger of being attacked by the Legion. This is just the beginning of my story.
IGN: Noob48
Age: 13
Time you can dedicate: 3 hours per day (more on the weekend)
Why us?: Because you guys are pretty much the only Fallout RP server that's still open! You wouldn't image how much time I've spent writing apps on servers that turned out to be closed. Also you guys seem to have a nice thread and a strong community. Not only that, but I love roleplay!
Define Role-Playing in your words: (See front page for examples) Roleplaying is when you act as if you are your in game character, you know only what your character knows, and you would do what your character would do, you are one with your character when roleplaying.
Define Meta-gaming in your words: Using things that your character does not know in game, for example you would see that someone's name is Lee Harvy on the screen, but you have not been formally introduced to him and you began to call him by his name in RP.
Define Power-gaming in your words: Power gaming : Making your character strong beyond reason, and giving the other players no chance to react in an rp manner. example : 3 mercenaries attack you --- Falcon punches all of them, ties them up, makes them slaves.
IC: Name: Vlad Lurganov Nickname: (Optional) Age: 28 Gender: Male Appearance: Black hair, beard, brown eyes, average build, one eye, alchaholic Personality: scary, strong, hard working, fearless, good leader In-game RP example: (Include dialog)
NCR Commander : "Vlad, there are several tangos, legion, outside of the base, grab your rifle and shoot em'."
Vlad : stands up, salutes, grabs his rifle, and runs into the trenches to shoot the tangos
Vlad zooms in his scope and aims at the legion members head
Vlad : "Tango down!"
the two legion members seemed to be suprised, and began shooting randomly
Vlad zoomed in on the other legion member and shot at him.
Vlad :"Damn, I missed..."
Vlad tried shooting again, shot one in his left leg.
The final legion member ran off, the other bled out
Commander : "Did you kill them, Vlad?"
Vlad : "Negative, one got away."
Commander : " What!?!?! God damn it Vlad, you can't let those legion members get away, I'll let it go this time because you're a damn good shot, but if it happens again, it's your head. Understand soldier?"
Vlad : "Yes, sir."
Commander : "Outta my sight."
Vlad salutes the commander and walks out in shame.
Background: (Detailed and in-depth, 2 paragraphs)
I vas born in Mother Russia. This was nearly... 28 years ago... As a boy I grew up in a poor family... My father was but a shoe shiner... But he was a proud man, he taught me that any work was good work. He taught me to be strong, like Russian tunip. My mother... I never met her, she died during child birth, but my father tells me that she vas very beautiful. With my father gone most of the day shining shoes, and doing other odd jobs so that he could pay the rent, and have food on the table, I vould adventure. For my ninth birthday my dad gave me a 9mm, he said that one day I would need this, since my ninth birthday, I have been an adventurous man. Being an adventurer I left town to find many new things, and often wouldn't be back till late. It was dangerous, but it was better than being locked inside scratching my ass all day. It wasn't a glamorous life, but it was something. Hell, I still remember the first time I killed a man. I was out adventuring, looking through a school for some spare caps to help my father, and a bandit came in, He looked me and said "Aww ain't that cute, a little boy, come here, kid." He tried to grab me, but man vas week like little baby, I took my gun out, pointed it his chest, and shot him. He was still alive, and was crying, like American... The man had no honor at all, he acted as if he were a boy... I became a man at the age of 13... That was also when I became a slave.
When I got up to leave the school the bandit had friends... Lots of them, more than I could handle even with my 9mm, I tried to fight them off, but there were too many. They took me, and locked me up, like a small baby, I was bought and sold, and bought and sold, all across the world. I voud try to escape, but the owner just took me and beat me for it, I was weak, but I never shed tear, not matter how much paint I faced. The bandits took me on a ship, I wasn't sure where I was going, I was in a dark box, all I could hear was the sea splooshing and splashing. I did hear bits of their conversation though, I heard something of a group called "Global Poachers" they must have been an underground trade network, as I had never heard of them before, and I don't think that anyone else had either. But I honestly didn't care who they were, I just wanted to escape. Eventually I ended up in America, Utah to be exact, I was working for some group of people call the "Legion", I had never seen a worse excuse of men, ever. My slave master was named Lucius, he fed me, bread, and gave me vodka to drink, at this point I was already 21, for 6 years I worked for the man, for 6 years, I could do nothing except eat, drink, work. I despised every minute of it. But I would always think, what would my father be doing, and I knew that if he were with me, he would be yelling at me, calling me baby, if I ever complained about it, and that it was my own damn fault that I was a slave. One day I had finally had it with my slavemaster, I was tired of just sitting there doing his chores, while the lazy man just sat there, and when I wasn't doing his chores, I was just spinning some wheel in a circle for no reason at all so one time.. I just stopped spinning. He came up to me and grabbed my arm, he tried to punch me, but I grappled onto his hand, and tied my chain around his neck, I choked the while I vas drunk, took the keys from his belt, wore his armor as a disguise out, and left. I now despise those "legion" members, and I shall come back one day, to kill them...
Nuka Cola is tasty!
Ban explanation : hmmm, it's been a while since I've played minecraft so you'll have to forgive me, however I believe that the ban was from me pvping too much on a server. Now you may be saying "You shouldn't have pvp'd so much" however the server was based off of PvP, now I admit, I was being a douche bag by killing newbies and ruining the server, however that is the reason I was banned :/
relaunched, better security now.
RAM-Kingston 4 GB Ram
GPU-AMD Radeon HD Saphire 6670
Motherboard-ASRock H61M-DGS LGA 1155 Intel H61
HDD-Western Digital WD Blue 500 GB
Case-Rosewill CHALLENGER Black Gaming ATX Mid Tower
DVD Drive- Black SATA 24X DVD Burner
PSU-Corsair CX 430
That's what you need. You can find any number of tutorials on how to build PC's, it's pretty much the same thing no matter what parts you use.
What do you think they'll have to do in order to become successful?
btw here's my zippcast channel
1) Noob48
2) to get /home
3) Respect the staff as long as they respect you.
Age: 13
Location: Ohio
Why you want to join: Because I haven't been on many servers that had minecraft played the way it was meant to be played (mining and crafting)
How long have you played MC: I bought MC in August 2010 or sometime around then, however the first time I played (creative) must have been some months before that.
Male would be ideal, however if the female singing is good then female would work as well.
In game name: Noob48
Things you've written: I haven't really written anything very professional, however I have spent much time writing back stories for minecraft server applications (LONG BACKSTORIES) and I usually do well when I am doing creative writing in school.
Skype: I_am_your_boss_boss_boss_boss
Age: 13
Mic?: yep
Time available: 3-4 hours on weekends 1-2 hours on weekdays
This is a Minecraft parody to the song Tribute by Tenacious D. If you wish to sing this then please record it (with a high quality mic) here http://vocaroo.com/ (sing it to the tune of tenacious d's tribute) save the file, and then send me the link along with your minecraft name/youtube name/whatever name you want to be shown in the video credits. If you have any questions on how to sing some lines contact me via skype (Skype info below)
If you have any edits to make to it please leave a post below. If you'd like to be an actor in the video please contact me via skype.
Skype @ I_am_your_boss_boss_boss_boss
Tribute (to the greatest and best mine in the world)
This is the greatest and best mine in the world... TRIBUTE.
Long time ago me and my sheep here,
we was minin' down a deep, and lonesom mine
when all of a sudden, there shined a shiny creeper... in the middle... of the mine.
And he said:
"DIG the best MINE in the world, or I'll blow you up"
well me and my sheep...
we looked at eachother...
and we each said.... "O-K"
And we mind the first blocks that came to our sight
and it just so happened to be,
the best mine in the world, it was the best mine in the world.
Look into my pic and it's easy to see
One block mined, two and one make three
there were diamonds.
Once every hundred thousand night cycles or so
when the diamonds don't mine and the lava don't flow
and the mobs don't spawn....
Needless to say, the creeper was stunned.
Ka-boom with his whole body
and the creeper was done
he asked us "Be you admins?"
and we said "Nay, we are but players."
This is not the greatest mine in the world, no, no.
This is just a Hole
Coudn't remember the coordinates of the miiine no, no.
This is tribute to the greast mine in the world
OOooh yeah! It was the best mutha'in mine in the world.
[2-part skat]
And the peculiar things is this my friends...
The mine that we mined that night didn't look anything like this mine.
This is just a hole! you gotta believe it, and i wish you were there.
just a state of facts.
Ah, ! Good Notch, Notch lovin',
so suprised to find you can't mine it.
ALl right! All right
© Shrapnel Saga do not distribute
Gunnery SGT. Stevens (Squad leader)
Private Brown (Recruit)
CPL Jakobs (Sniper)
PFC Nikles (idiot)
and SGT. Cole (Hand-to-hand combat expert)
Stevens was given the assignment to find 4 of the camp's best soldiers (and nikles) to destroy the Jebian's incoming ships, who, if they were able to get into firing range would unleash a rain of hell upon the camp. But the soldiers would soon find out that they were way in over their heads... (this is all I can say without giving away spoilers)
Acts out the scenes in game
Server host : 1 (me)
Hosts the server
Camera man : 0/3 (I need to host the server, so i can't record at the same time)
Must have a powerful computer that can handle GLSL shaders and record at the same time
Builder : (1/?) (I'm unsure of how many we'll need)
Builds the sets (send me pics of previous work)
Voice Actor : (0/10)
Records lines and then me the WAV files. (please no squeakers!)
Script writer (1/3)
Writes the script with me
Editor (1/2)
Edits the video
Texture Pack creator (graphic artist) (0/1)
Creates a texture pack that looks similar to how it would look America during the Revolutionary war.
Also makes the thumbnails for our videos (when we get partnership)
** Please note that this will be like a television series, we will do MUCH MORE than just one video, we'll separate them into short 5-15 minute videos and perhaps become YT famous! so only apply if you plan on staying part of the cast for a while.
Age :
Skype :
Timezone :
Can you stay on task :
Will you be able to come online at specific times for building/recording :
What position do you want? :
Past experience? (if builder attach pictures) :
Do you swear to not grief/harm the set or production any way shape or form :
Everyone, no matter how small of a roll will be credited in the description and in the credits at the end of the video.
New character --- old character died
Name: James Williams
Nickname: (Optional)
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, Blonde, Muscular, tall
Personality: Brave, honorable, comforting, smart
Background: (Detailed and in-depth, 2 paragraphs)
Years ago, back when we had a structured government my family was generation after generation MI6. Many generations ago my family moved from England to America. My anscestors moved there just before the nuclear outbreak. They were able to survive by using their superior intellegence and strength to get into vaults, but eventually they decided to break free from the vaults, and show the world what my family was truly capable of. When I was a boy my father taught me how to fight, this often led to bleeding, my bones would at times break, but I grew strong. My father would force me to learn many things, from arithmetic to science for he knew that I would need to know many things to survive in this post-apocalyptic world. I never got to know my mother very well, she was always just in the background, she made us food, and that was the end of my relationship with her.
After I became a grown man my father handed me some armour, an axe, and some food, he told me that it was time for me to leave, it was time to push the baby bird out of the nest so to speak. I gave my father a handshake and we parted our ways. I was strong, and intelligent, but I would soon learn that I would need much more than just that to survive in this wasteland for a group of people from Caesars Legion attacked me and tried to take me captive. I tried to fight them off, and I killed several of them, but I couldn't take them all. They grabbed me, but I was able to squirm my way out. They took their guns and shot me in my leg. They thought that I would bleed out, but luckily some kind soul came to me and dragged me into her home. She had saved me. She patched me up, and when I woke up she gave me some hot soup. When she went to sleep I snuck out of the house. I left caps on her counter as I didn't want to trouble the girl any longer than I would have to, or put her in danger of being attacked by the Legion. This is just the beginning of my story.
IGN: Noob48
Age: 13
Time you can dedicate: 3 hours per day (more on the weekend)
Why us?: Because you guys are pretty much the only Fallout RP server that's still open! You wouldn't image how much time I've spent writing apps on servers that turned out to be closed. Also you guys seem to have a nice thread and a strong community. Not only that, but I love roleplay!
Define Role-Playing in your words: (See front page for examples) Roleplaying is when you act as if you are your in game character, you know only what your character knows, and you would do what your character would do, you are one with your character when roleplaying.
Define Meta-gaming in your words: Using things that your character does not know in game, for example you would see that someone's name is Lee Harvy on the screen, but you have not been formally introduced to him and you began to call him by his name in RP.
Define Power-gaming in your words: Power gaming : Making your character strong beyond reason, and giving the other players no chance to react in an rp manner. example : 3 mercenaries attack you --- Falcon punches all of them, ties them up, makes them slaves.
Name: Vlad Lurganov
Nickname: (Optional)
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Appearance: Black hair, beard, brown eyes, average build, one eye, alchaholic
Personality: scary, strong, hard working, fearless, good leader
In-game RP example: (Include dialog)
NCR Commander : "Vlad, there are several tangos, legion, outside of the base, grab your rifle and shoot em'."
Background: (Detailed and in-depth, 2 paragraphs)
I vas born in Mother Russia. This was nearly... 28 years ago... As a boy I grew up in a poor family... My father was but a shoe shiner... But he was a proud man, he taught me that any work was good work. He taught me to be strong, like Russian tunip. My mother... I never met her, she died during child birth, but my father tells me that she vas very beautiful. With my father gone most of the day shining shoes, and doing other odd jobs so that he could pay the rent, and have food on the table, I vould adventure. For my ninth birthday my dad gave me a 9mm, he said that one day I would need this, since my ninth birthday, I have been an adventurous man. Being an adventurer I left town to find many new things, and often wouldn't be back till late. It was dangerous, but it was better than being locked inside scratching my ass all day. It wasn't a glamorous life, but it was something. Hell, I still remember the first time I killed a man. I was out adventuring, looking through a school for some spare caps to help my father, and a bandit came in, He looked me and said "Aww ain't that cute, a little boy, come here, kid." He tried to grab me, but man vas week like little baby, I took my gun out, pointed it his chest, and shot him. He was still alive, and was crying, like American... The man had no honor at all, he acted as if he were a boy... I became a man at the age of 13... That was also when I became a slave.
When I got up to leave the school the bandit had friends... Lots of them, more than I could handle even with my 9mm, I tried to fight them off, but there were too many. They took me, and locked me up, like a small baby, I was bought and sold, and bought and sold, all across the world. I voud try to escape, but the owner just took me and beat me for it, I was weak, but I never shed tear, not matter how much paint I faced. The bandits took me on a ship, I wasn't sure where I was going, I was in a dark box, all I could hear was the sea splooshing and splashing. I did hear bits of their conversation though, I heard something of a group called "Global Poachers" they must have been an underground trade network, as I had never heard of them before, and I don't think that anyone else had either. But I honestly didn't care who they were, I just wanted to escape. Eventually I ended up in America, Utah to be exact, I was working for some group of people call the "Legion", I had never seen a worse excuse of men, ever. My slave master was named Lucius, he fed me, bread, and gave me vodka to drink, at this point I was already 21, for 6 years I worked for the man, for 6 years, I could do nothing except eat, drink, work. I despised every minute of it. But I would always think, what would my father be doing, and I knew that if he were with me, he would be yelling at me, calling me baby, if I ever complained about it, and that it was my own damn fault that I was a slave. One day I had finally had it with my slavemaster, I was tired of just sitting there doing his chores, while the lazy man just sat there, and when I wasn't doing his chores, I was just spinning some wheel in a circle for no reason at all so one time.. I just stopped spinning. He came up to me and grabbed my arm, he tried to punch me, but I grappled onto his hand, and tied my chain around his neck, I choked the while I vas drunk, took the keys from his belt, wore his armor as a disguise out, and left. I now despise those "legion" members, and I shall come back one day, to kill them...
Ban explanation : hmmm, it's been a while since I've played minecraft so you'll have to forgive me, however I believe that the ban was from me pvping too much on a server. Now you may be saying "You shouldn't have pvp'd so much" however the server was based off of PvP, now I admit, I was being a douche bag by killing newbies and ruining the server, however that is the reason I was banned :/
^ made corrections