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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Good news, Vechs!

    So, on my main computer, I type in 'Super hostile' and it brings this topic up in my history immediately.

    However, I was on a different computer as mine is in for repair (Nightmare Realm related damages to my computer). So I type in Super hostile and hit enter, and then was like UGURHGH cause it's not in my history. But it immediately brings me to this topic!
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Strongholds, Very Disappointing.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on People copying your designs.
    Only bugs me if they try to take credit.

    Not giving credit is one thing. But claiming it as your own is another.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Anyone like to think there's more to mobs than we think?
    You're tunneling through the earth, hunting, searching for diamond, gold. Nothing but your trusty pick, and a bow for protection. You're hunting for something that will let you move up through the world. And at last you find it. A piece of gold, shimmering in the darkness. You set your lantern down and begin whacking away at it with your pick, when suddenly, terror strikes. You had not fortified the tunnel, when suddenly a tonne of gravel comes pouring through the earth, blocking your escape route and smothering your lantern.

    Minutes, hours, days go by as you realize no one if going to help you. While, in this strange world you've never HAD to eat, you can still feel yourself wasting away in the darkness, the only thing you have left now is your bow and the gold trapped in the wall. This cave is now yoru prison.

    Years go by. You're physical body has all but wasted away to bone, your mind tormented and twisted. You hear something, but dismiss it as mere cave noises until you see something you haven't seen in centuries. Light. Another person, like you, well, like you were at least. However, your mind, having only had the gold in the cave with you to fixate on, perceives this new entity as a foe, here to take what is rightfully yours. Without thought you draw an arrow and fire at him, again, and again. Surprised by your presence, this man draws a weapon, and bashes you until your bones finally release. You fall apart, piece by piece until your mind is finally liberated and free, and you embrace death.
    Miner's Log, May 2nd, 2011
    Found a skeleton in an enclosed cavern, deep down, with a single gold ore block in the wall. Y'know, I've always wondered where they came from, the buggers.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Vechs »
    Just wondering what you guys would think of this... Let me outline a hypothetical situation.

    A sign points to the entrance to an epic and long dungeon, promising great rewards.

    You hack and slash your way through the dungeon, falling into traps and dying many times.

    At the end of the dungeon is the prize room. You have put forth a huge effort to get here.

    Inside this room is a wall made of gravel, with a switch on the floor. A sign says to flick the switch to get your prize.

    You activate the switch.

    The gravel falls down, revealing a wall covered in signs.

    The signs read out the lyrics to a certain song.

    Then you hear this:

    I'd find that more of a reward than an actual prize.

    Since, well, recieving a prize at teh END of a dungeon when you've already conquered everything is a bit pointless.

    IN OTHER NEWS, Construction of my UNDERWATER LAKE on endless deep is going swimmingly, no pun intended.
    Posted in: Maps
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