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    posted a message on The current death-spawn mechanic discourages exploration.
    How about this as an idea for the bed.

    :White: :White: :White:
    :wood: :wood: :wood:

    Or something else simple. Maybe throw gold or diamond in there.

    Can only be placed at sea level or higher.

    Can only have one at a time.

    This does 2 things.

    1. If you die deep in a recently found unexplored cave, you still have to make it back there from wherever you were. Often times this would mean going back through your mining system.

    2. Allows you to not have to worry about a boring or terrible spawn point that you can't do much with initially, meaning you aren't punished for spawning on a beach with no real resources on the island you spawned on. You can relocate to a more bountiful location.

    I always make a primary mineshaft at my spawn ANYWAY, so it's not like Dying is a really big deal for me, as I have a boat lift to my main mines right at my spawn anyway. The real problem comes from bringing the bed down WITH you. If it's only allowed to be at level 64 or higher that means you can't bring it everywhere with you and park it outside a newly discovered cave system. Best you can do is have a spawn at the entrance to your newest mine system up at the top.

    EDIT: Above post does bring up a good point. People can already, if they choose to, play the game without encountering a mob by switching to peaceful. Peaceful also allows you to basically ignore fall or Lava damage, so you would rarely die unless you got really screwed.

    Just because you like the challenge doesn't mean everyone does. I hate it when I finally get a snowy map but get a terrible spawn location, or just bad spawns in general. A way to change this without the use of editors, as well as adding an item that has both a function as well as an aesthetic purpose would be nice. People who still wanted a challenge could merely set a bed at their base, which would act as a spawn point.

    Perhaps a sleeping bag item could be added allowing for a quick respawn, one use, but at very minimal HP, meaning you'd need food to keep going safely, while the bed could only be above sea level.

    EDIT: One thing I would like to see is some semblance of "reward" for playing on higher difficulties. i'm thinking how in TWEWY pin drop rate increases massively. I dunno how that would translate to minecraft though. Perhaps once (If) gold coins are added.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Trapdoors
    For now the best you can do is use sand held up by torches that get removed by water when triggered.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on That's no moon! [texture]
    I need that super Mario bros sun o-o
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Perfect spawner/dungeon trap guides
    Very, very useful guide.

    Infinite feathers get... It's a shame it's only a zombie spawner in my game though =[
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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