There have been a few points in Minecraft where I've thought that something cool was do-able when in fact it was not. I'd like everyone who's had these kinds of ideas to share them.
NOTE: This is not about new items but about building projects in the world using existing blocks which may become possible with the addition of a new block or rules to existing blocks.
Here are a few of mine:
Lava waterfall over base entrance (that can be enabled/disabled)
Would just look bitchin and kill anything that got too close for comfort.
Underground garden
Source of food when down in the tunnels, also looks cool
Cart delivery system
Send ore back to the surface. Order pizza from the mine
Lava waterfall that can be ENABELD is possible. Not disabled though.
Undergroudn gardens should be possible? I hope so cause I just attempted one lol.
Cart delivery systems are possible. Even ones that summon a minecart to you from the surface. (Requires a lot of redstone)
'Cuz then it's so ridiculously cheap torches are obsolete as light sources.
Replace cobblestone with smooth stone.
Cheap? Relatively, yes. Easy to get? No. You won't be able to run aroudn with a stack of sticks and a stack of coal and instantly have 4 stacks of torches. You'd need to carry around a stack of glass and a stack of smoothstone, as well as torches, in addition to requiring a workbench to make.
Not to mention the coal / wood required to SMELT the glass / Stone in the first place, and the fact that when you run out of glass you need to go back for more / smelt more / collect sand. Instead of just getting sticks (Which are RIDICULOUSLY EASY TO GET) and getting coal. (Which is SUPER common in caves) You won't be able to just spam torches with ease.
I've never had a problem with lack of iron, but i do agree its a little over used. However making it use stone is a joke unless you add something alot less common into the mix (i like the glass idea someone had somewhere, not uncommon but hard to spam make)
I dont want lanterns to just become the new torch, i want there to be an actual challange to the game.
Smooth stone and glass, then.
If you use this recipe,
[] []
It requires the following.
1-3x (For torch and potential smelting)
0-5~ x
You would need to have lots of sand, which, while easy to gather, requires smelting. Same with cobblestone. Both materials are ALSO available really early on so that you can permanently light your first minor little hut.
Having lanterns require iron would mean you need to mine EVERY LITTLE CAVE to get enough, which wouldn't be difficult, just time consuming and tedious.
I like that my idea is catching on, but thw wood is for....? smelting? And he might not make it so you put a torch inside.
Some people use wood for smelting as it's easier to fidn than coal, so I added that option.
maybe tracks should use stone instead of iron? (not cobblestone)
the stone would still have to be cooked, but you'd always have a ton of it.
Stone tracks isn't that strange is it?
You still need carts though. For either a booster OR a powered minecart you need 2 minecarts (One for yourself.) For loooong tracks you may need multiple boosters.
I've never had a problem with lack of iron, but i do agree its a little over used. However making it use stone is a joke unless you add something alot less common into the mix (i like the glass idea someone had somewhere, not uncommon but hard to spam make)
I dont want lanterns to just become the new torch, i want there to be an actual challange to the game.
Smooth stone and glass, then.
If you use this recipe,
[] []
It requires the following.
1-3x (For torch and potential smelting)
0-5~ x
You would need to have lots of sand, which, while easy to gather, requires smelting. Same with cobblestone. Both materials are ALSO available really early on so that you can permanently light your first minor little hut.
Having lanterns require iron would mean you need to mine EVERY LITTLE CAVE to get enough, which wouldn't be difficult, just time consuming and tedious.
EDIT2: Lets be clear here. I love the idea of temporary torches. This isn't a QQ thread about Torches being temporary. It's merely my concerns on Iron usage.
IMHO Iron is stretched thin enough with just minecarts and buckets alone, as well as iron picks for redstone / gold / diamond, until you manage to get a diamond pick. If I need to use my initial iron for not only a single iron pickaxe, but Lanterns to ensure my bases are lit, there's no way I'd be able to even bother with tracks.
Iron is very valuable, but imho having it be used for EVERYTHING IN THE GAME Isn't very good design.
Glass and cobblestone, glass and gold, Hell, just glass. Anything that doesn't involve iron would be fine by me. (Or clay / diamond. That would be a bit ridiculous).
I'm fine with torches being replaced. I'd still use torches as a temporary lightsource for small offshoots that I'll prolly seal off once I finished exploring. But I don't want to have to sacrifice transportation just for light alone. I love having hueg minecart trails and it takes a lot of iron to connect my various bases as is.
EDIT: Lets take a quick look at what all Iron is used for. Iron-only items are bolded.
- Tools (Remember you will needo ne iron pick at some point to mine your first diamonds. More iron picks if you mine redstone / gold before aquiring a diamond pick as well)
- Armour
- Buckets
- Minecarts
- Tracks
- Flint and steel
Keep in mined that Iron ALSO needs to be smelted, using up wood or coal. ALso keep in mind that unlike wood (Planting trees), or Cobblestone (Cobblestone factory), or water (Oceans, "infinisprings"), Iron is non replenishable.
Okay...assuming each line of code takes one second to type (in reality it's usually longer than that, plus you have to think about what each one will be) here's how long it will take:
4,815,162,342 seconds / 60 = 80,252,705.7 minutes / 60 = 1,337,545.095 hours / 24 = 55,731.045625 days / 365 = 152.687796232876712 years. And that's straight—nothing in between, not even sleeping. Not that you'd live that long anyway.
Is there anything significant about that number, or is it just random? I know it's not really the number of lines of code.
What if he just held the line break key until he had that many lines after his last function or something like that.
The ones i use are mytreat, but i'm in canada, so I dunno if it'll be in the states.
The thing you are lookign for is one that has a website you can register a cardholdername, address, etc on. So that when Paypal goes to verify the card, it has information to verify it against.
Just a very simple idea. Much like Iron doors compared to wooden doors, Iron chests would only be openable by switch.
This, naturally, leads to the option for combination lock chests in addition to doors for valuables, vault like settings, etc.
Basically, it would be a chest that would not open unless it was powered by redstone, or an immediate switch or button. Simple concept. Would hold as much as a large wooden chest.
However, there was a second option that I'd like to suggest, although I do not know how feasible it would be.
Said second option would be to make these chests send out a current if they were activated while not powered. Which could potentially lead to such things as traps, or other fun stuff for redstone masters to work with.
Haha, thats about as big as they get without a double-vein or a glitch, lucky you!
I'm all prepared to get back up to the surface too.
1. I have a chain of right-hand-side torches to follow
2. A sharp sword to fend off any mobs
3. Lots of arrows for those pesky skeletons
4. Food to heal, in case of battle wounds
5. A bucket of water in case of lava accidents
Nothing can stop me now!
But no, lucky find. best i've found was 4 veins within close prozimity, net myself a good like, 30 diamonds out of that entire cave system AND 2 dungeons that I turned into traps (Spider trap isn't functional yet, can't find a good design)
Lava waterfall that can be ENABELD is possible. Not disabled though.
Undergroudn gardens should be possible? I hope so cause I just attempted one lol.
Cart delivery systems are possible. Even ones that summon a minecart to you from the surface. (Requires a lot of redstone)
Replace cobblestone with smooth stone.
Cheap? Relatively, yes. Easy to get? No. You won't be able to run aroudn with a stack of sticks and a stack of coal and instantly have 4 stacks of torches. You'd need to carry around a stack of glass and a stack of smoothstone, as well as torches, in addition to requiring a workbench to make.
Not to mention the coal / wood required to SMELT the glass / Stone in the first place, and the fact that when you run out of glass you need to go back for more / smelt more / collect sand. Instead of just getting sticks (Which are RIDICULOUSLY EASY TO GET) and getting coal. (Which is SUPER common in caves) You won't be able to just spam torches with ease.
Some people use wood for smelting as it's easier to fidn than coal, so I added that option.
You still need carts though. For either a booster OR a powered minecart you need 2 minecarts (One for yourself.) For loooong tracks you may need multiple boosters.
Smooth stone and glass, then.
If you use this recipe,
It requires the following.
0-5~ x
You would need to have lots of sand, which, while easy to gather, requires smelting. Same with cobblestone. Both materials are ALSO available really early on so that you can permanently light your first minor little hut.
Having lanterns require iron would mean you need to mine EVERY LITTLE CAVE to get enough, which wouldn't be difficult, just time consuming and tedious.
IMHO Iron is stretched thin enough with just minecarts and buckets alone, as well as iron picks for redstone / gold / diamond, until you manage to get a diamond pick. If I need to use my initial iron for not only a single iron pickaxe, but Lanterns to ensure my bases are lit, there's no way I'd be able to even bother with tracks.
Iron is very valuable, but imho having it be used for EVERYTHING IN THE GAME Isn't very good design.
Glass and cobblestone, glass and gold, Hell, just glass. Anything that doesn't involve iron would be fine by me. (Or clay / diamond. That would be a bit ridiculous).
I'm fine with torches being replaced. I'd still use torches as a temporary lightsource for small offshoots that I'll prolly seal off once I finished exploring. But I don't want to have to sacrifice transportation just for light alone. I love having hueg minecart trails and it takes a lot of iron to connect my various bases as is.
EDIT: Lets take a quick look at what all Iron is used for. Iron-only items are bolded.
- Tools (Remember you will needo ne iron pick at some point to mine your first diamonds. More iron picks if you mine redstone / gold before aquiring a diamond pick as well)
- Armour
- Buckets
- Minecarts
- Tracks
- Flint and steel
Keep in mined that Iron ALSO needs to be smelted, using up wood or coal. ALso keep in mind that unlike wood (Planting trees), or Cobblestone (Cobblestone factory), or water (Oceans, "infinisprings"), Iron is non replenishable.
Turn that thing into a farm asap =D Infini arrows if you have agood flint source.
It DOES take a second to begin spawning again.
What if he just held the line break key until he had that many lines after his last function or something like that.
The thing you are lookign for is one that has a website you can register a cardholdername, address, etc on. So that when Paypal goes to verify the card, it has information to verify it against.
Avoid the vanilla mastercard. The card you use needs to be able to be registered on a website so that paypal can verify it.
This, naturally, leads to the option for combination lock chests in addition to doors for valuables, vault like settings, etc.
Basically, it would be a chest that would not open unless it was powered by redstone, or an immediate switch or button. Simple concept. Would hold as much as a large wooden chest.
However, there was a second option that I'd like to suggest, although I do not know how feasible it would be.
Said second option would be to make these chests send out a current if they were activated while not powered. Which could potentially lead to such things as traps, or other fun stuff for redstone masters to work with.
But no, lucky find. best i've found was 4 veins within close prozimity, net myself a good like, 30 diamonds out of that entire cave system AND 2 dungeons that I turned into traps (Spider trap isn't functional yet, can't find a good design)