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    posted a message on Notch: Wolves are a BAD idea
    OP is correct. While said Wolf is fine on my survival island save, on my infernal sky or Skylands saves I'd imagine them to be temporary, and to die rather quickly.

    I do like the current incarnation, but I use him differently. I keep him at home as a companion in this lonely world, and when I leave i get him to sit and stay. Having him around while spelunking would do more harm than good.

    At the moment I think of Wolves as saddles. Just there for the hell of it, not to be useful.

    I can think of a few USES for them outside of straight up pets (Find spawner, get safe path to spawner, get 8 wolves, own spawner.).

    At the moment they're fine for above ground exploration, so long as you aren't climbing mountains, but for underground or sky island maps or mountain regions leave the guy at home.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Wolves are to hard and painfull to get. Damnit.
    Quote from muncher21 »
    Quote from Sheip »
    Quote from javarock »
    No, Try lighting up a forest at night. If they don't spawn within about 3 minutes walk away for mobs to de-spawn rinse and repeat.

    Got my two this way.

    Sparkys on the left, Merlin on the right.

    Ive been doing this. Do they spawn on Peacefull?

    Short answer: No

    Long answer: No, and try playing on a good difficulty.

    Short response: They do spawn on peaceful.

    Long response: They spawn on peaceful, and there is nothing wrong with playing on peaceful if you like the exploring and building, but dislike the 'combat'.

    For the record I play on hard, but there is nothing wrong with peaceful.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)

    My wolves keep falling off my bridges D=
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Infernal Sky is perhaps THE MOST FUN I've had in minecraft in a long while- Falling through solid blocks and all. I haven't even thought about the victory monument. Just been minecrafting. First map that's ever inspired me to create a minecart system (Saving up Cobble, made a cobble factory because cobble is MUCH more dangerous to grab from the wild with the whole gravel thing).

    Stupidly, I fell for your trap and built my base on the tree island. After falling through my 2 story house, and the entire island while waiting for day, I realized I should have grabbed the wood, saplings, and dirt and doubled back in the case that I died.

    However now that initial tree island is all mine. I've created an easier path to and from spawn in the unfortunate event that I do perish once more, I've turned almost the entirety of the island into a fortress of mine, Mount "Eye of the Tiger", where I spent my first night huddled in a tree, has been reduced to ground level, even subterranean levels as it is now the site of my semi-underground Bread, Reed, and Cacti farms.

    Currently working on HUGE renovations to my abode, and once I get my minecart system up and running to both under a nearby island, adn my spawn, I'll get some pics up perhaps.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Beds - Defeating Minecraft's Purpose?
    Quote from Rinzee »
    Minecraft's purpose is to stand around inside your house waiting for day? Huh.

    This post says the most on the matter.

    Once you're set up, the only thing night means is a few things.

    -If I have a mine that I have access to, I might as well go down and continue mining until daylight.
    -If I don't, I might as well press I and browse the internet while I wait for daylight.
    -Or you can go out with a sword and battle.

    Beds only change the 2nd option. Instead of having to wait 8 minutes in complete safety, you can just sleep and bam. 8 minutes of your life not wasted. Unless of course the bed bugs out and spawns monsters when you're completely sealed with at least 2 blocks of leeway on all sides.

    The only nights where you're in any danger are nights you don't have shelter. Even if you have a bed on you that doesn't change things.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on My Cursed Bed!
    Bed is by a wall, however any walls touchign the bed are 2 thick. Floor is 2 thick (Prolly more), and there is no openings.

    Still getting ambushed. I can get pics if so desired.

    This is really frustrating, I can only imagine it'd be more so if it were Creepers killing me.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Zisteau »
    Here it is. Chapter Two should be up sometime tomorrow.


    Love the intro.

    Gonna be hitting up Kaizo after I finish Infernal Sky.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Vechs »
    Just wondering what you guys would think of this... Let me outline a hypothetical situation.

    A sign points to the entrance to an epic and long dungeon, promising great rewards.

    You hack and slash your way through the dungeon, falling into traps and dying many times.

    At the end of the dungeon is the prize room. You have put forth a huge effort to get here.

    Inside this room is a wall made of gravel, with a switch on the floor. A sign says to flick the switch to get your prize.

    You activate the switch.

    The gravel falls down, revealing a wall covered in signs.

    The signs read out the lyrics to a certain song.

    Then you hear this:

    I'd find that more of a reward than an actual prize.

    Since, well, recieving a prize at teh END of a dungeon when you've already conquered everything is a bit pointless.

    IN OTHER NEWS, Construction of my UNDERWATER LAKE on endless deep is going swimmingly, no pun intended.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Zigster »
    Some sort of urban map would be awesome. Perhaps zombie themed?

    Make the roads obsidian and hide the zombie spawners underneath, much like sea of fire with the spawners?
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Completed the monument of Endless Deep! No deaths aside from a close call at the VERY beginning lol.

    Image below.

    Definitely one of the better water maps I've played. These kinda things would be much more enjoyable if water was easier to see through while swimming, and if there were methods of underwater transportation / breathing, but still, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Question though. Is there any grass on the map? And is there only one seed? My one seed procured wheat and no other seeds, and I never once found grass.

    In any case, onto the sky map now unless Kaizo hits soon.

    Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do for Super Hostile #05? I know for sure that I want to keep making maps, but at the same time I'd like to make unique environments. Even a lot of the gameplay in The Sea of Flame and The Endless Deep can take place in caves underground.

    Perhaps an urban environment, or one centered around a large structure such as an ancient fortress or castle + outlying area? A huuuge castle laden with traps, puzzles, and hidden passageways filled with baddies (and goodies!)

    Thing is that would be more like an adventure map rather than a survival. Maybe. Ehh, actually you can prolly pull it off.

    EDIT: Only other 2 ideas I can think of are Jungle based, or desert based. Desert would be simple to work with as resources would already be scarce, jungle would prolly be too easy with wood everywhere.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Surv] Jungle Survival Map [Download Available]
    I think it's more the fact that it's been just half an hour since you posted, on a sunday night (Work tomorrow morning) it that it's got low views and no feedback :tongue.gif:

    Downloading atm adn I"ll give some feedback in a bit.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Absolutely loving the work put into Endless Deep. Surprised not many others are playing it.

    Anyone who wants to play this map (Endless deep) but isn't used to underwater construction, in the tag below there's a huge hint on something to help you get by in your underwater.

    :cobblestone: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :--+:
    -This makes an instant air pocket. Cobblestone can be replaced with any solid material but the one above the torch has to be not affected by gravity (No sand / Gravel). When you place the torch it'll clear the water then immediately be destroyed, creating a small pocket of air if you swim up into the corner. Very easy to make and you can even do it with natural formations if there is an overhang you can fit under.

    But no, I've been enjyoing myself A LOT. Haven't been able to explore too much yet, but that's just how underwater maps work. My only regret is with how rare coal is, that I'm unable to make mass glass to make tunnels to view the environment..

    ]For those who haven't started yet, and still read this, watch out for raining TNT when you first leap off the ship. I took a near direct blow and lost a good chunk of health right off the bat.

    I actually didn't see the sunken ship right under the spawn area at first, so my main base is on the tallest point i could see. Would have saved me SO MUCH frustration had I found it first.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Surv] ★★★ Survival Underground v1 - w/ MP Version ★★★
    I have the worst luck =[

    Assuming my initial spawn isn't completely filled with skeles and spiders, the tree never drops saplings for me. This must be the 8th time I've restarted.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Fixed] Minecraft 1.3_01 crashing on Windows 7 64-bit
    Didn't work for me, either. I get, on average? 5 minutes before it crashes. Black screen then it's Java platform SE binary has stopped working.

    Other Java based things work fine, however. Very annoying. Tried everything, changing settings does nothing.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Will Minecraft become Pay per Play?
    Due to the client-server nature of the Multiplayer, and the fact that most if not all of the gameplay is happening Client side, no, i doubt it will be Pay to play.
    Posted in: Discussion
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