So I restarted Black Desert like 4 times, because getting to that one tree was absolutely impossible. I made it up on my last try and then realized that having a base that I'd literally die 80% of the time trying to leave isn't necessarily the kind of difficulty I enjoy.
So I stash my stuff, leap down to try to clear the area up and torch around, and I see redemption.
If you're in my shoes, and you're finding this one tree so frustrating that it's making the map less fun (Which is no good), here's a hint.
There is a second tree. Smaller, but it's not on a mountain and it's much easier to get to without spawners around the backside and floating sand underneath. Roughly,
Where is your initial spawn, is the tree on the mountain, and is the second tree on ground level. Very rough diagram but it's easier to get to (No mountains to cross) and easier to defend. while harvesting said tree.
So yeah. Again, if that one tree is absolutely ruining the experience for you, give it a second try! I'm sure it's a great map and I'd hate for one thing like that to ruin it for anyone like it (almost) did for me.
If I may make a suggestion, tone down the spawners near that one tree, and if you do this perhaps remove or trap the second one. Not sure if anyone else feels the same way, but even if I stack up to get to it, it still feels like random luck while trying to harvest it as a spider climbing my sand pillar or a skeleton from the spawner shooting me is pretty much guaranteed death with the cliff. Acquiring that one tree feels less like a difficult challenge and more like a frustrating run of dumb luck to me, not sure how others feel, however.
With that tree out of the way, I'm looking forward to the map, Vechs. Was really hoping for a desert map as well as whatever is hidden within. I really like the danger at all times of day feel of the map and am looking forward to playing it.
I am choosing to skip over Kaizo averns (Don't worry Vechs, I know you're proud of it and I will play through it eventually) to start black Desert ASAP.
Great job with the Caverns map! The only one feature that I'd ask for, is out-of-the-box SMP friendliness, i.e. a bit of open sky over the spawn.
It would also make sense plot-wise... the poor victims did enter the caverns somehow, right?
You can also put some gravel/lava to prevent players climbing up the shaft.
How does spawning in SMP work? Does it even use the SSP spawn point, or does it do it's own thing?
SMP spawning spawns you in the same X and Y coordinates as SSP, however it always spawns on the very, very, very top level of said area. Meaning if you were to drill ah ole through the bedrock and all stone above the spawn block, it should work. Might need to be a 2x2 hole depending on where the spawn is.
EDIT: I'm much more a fan of the nameless areas. It makes the map feel much more like a SURVIVAL map where the primary goal is just to survive, get a shelter up and then ride out the dungeons as you want. With the Victory monument as more a side goal. Kaizo Caverns, while excruciatingly difficult, and a blast, felt more like an adventure where the goal was to complete the victory monument. With everything spread out so far horizontally, it didn't feel the same as the other maps as it felt more like the victory monument had become the PRIMARY goal instead of something to entice goal-oriented people into playing it.
With the Urban map, having areas or districts of the city would be fine. That's how cities are set up.
One thing I'd like to see in it is if areas are named, etc. Make them less 'separated' and have it feel more like one congruent map, rather than a collection or series of rooms. This accomplishes 2 things, I feel.
1. Lets you keep that landmarking feel and lets you use different designs in certain areas of the city (One area being freeway dominated, one being more residential, one being huge skyscrapers, etc). Lets you keep some areas as more difficult and less difficult, grants you freedom in design
2. Prevents the map from feeling linear, which is my one (and only) complaint with Kaizo caverns. (Not saying it's bad, it works for the map, but part of the reason I fell in love with these maps is I'm a huge SURVIVAL map lover, where surviving is goal 1. Kaizo felt more like an Adventure or puzzle map, albeit an extremely well made one.)
Of course, you can have certain areas more difficult than others, but that would ADD to the fun if they weren't at the end and you could accidentally stumble into them completely unprepared, whereas with Kaizo you can't really get to the harder caverns until you complete the easier ones to an extent (Unless you gun ho run through but you still need building materials to get through some).
tl;dr: Different areas like Kaizo caverns, but more interconnected and 'sandbox' esque, instead of the more linear approach. Keeps a survival and exploration feel instead of feeling more locked into a set path through to the end.
2 latter points.
-This is excluding any dungeon type things below ground. Of course dungeons and caverns are going to feel more linear in progression. I merely talk about the surface world. If it were up to me I'd have a few smaller dungeons as well as one that's slightly larger.
-That's for if it's an urban themed map. If you go with the desert, IMO having it more like the first 3 would work much better as there isn't much you can do with that kinda design on the surface.
For a second there I thought you might have modded the pigs to be hostile, lol. Nice one.
If you ever play 'The labyrinth' and make it to the amazing pig room, you'll learn that pigs can indeed be hostile... In a sense. I'd love to see a room like that again. Spawners in the roof raining down things. Maybe creepers isntead of pigs.
House is nowhere NEAR being finished but I figured I'd give some screenshots ANYWAY.
My base island is located on the very same island that had the tree at the beginning.
So, without further adieu. My INFERNAL SKY world thus far.
NOTE: If you want the design I can give it to you, but never save and quit while standing in the stream. My most recent death had me save while collecting stone, and when i reload it had pushed me through the glass and stoen into the lava.
So yeah, that's really all I got. Haven't even BOTHERED building a bridge to the victory monument, though I have been collecting wool for it. At the moment, plans are as follow
-Tree farm
-Minecart system to the lower parts of several islands, my spawn, the victory monument, and some of the dungeons around.
-Explore said dungeons
-Finish Victory monument
-Continue playing on this world while I simultaneously play through Kaizo Caverns.
I want to download #05 just to see, but I can already guess what it is.
How far are you into the desert map? If you've put any decent amount of work into it I'd LOVE to see that finished first myelf, over an urban one. =D It sounds fantastic already.
A fantastic idea, but the problem with making it combined is, unless you have a huge map, is that you alienate the people who wanted the feel of a recently abandoned city, AND the people who want (Nearly) endless tracks of just sand, struggling to even find shelter, water, or a single stick.
Plus, it means he'll have 2 more good ideas in case he decides to do a 6th map.
I'd love a desert one, myself. More than I'd like a city one. I'm STILL Scouring for a decent desert seed (With nothing but sand abound for miles) but the biomes, as they are now, are too small. =[
A man made desert map would be fantastic, especially by a mapmaker as skilled as Vechs. It'd guarantee that while it'd be difficult, there would at least be SOME way of getting basic supplies. I've seen desert maps with no wood AT ALL made, and no goal system like any adventure or puzzle maps... Aka just sand with caves you can't get to cause you can't mine stone.
Although an urban map, especially with zombie spawners hidden, would be fun. Kinda like a L4D or I am Legend feel. (The scene where he's trying to get to the car before night with the thin line of sunlight.)
PROTIP: If you do a desert map, make sure any oasis that is there has only 1 tile of water. Meaning you force the player to hunt for another source if he wants to make an infinite pool. With how sand works, you could make the perfect troll oasis.
Obviously you need customs. Minecraftia Immigration Services tend to be very, very strict. A concourse with several food stalls while you wait for your flight. Free wifi would please your customers as well.
Considering that recently, I've been playing survival maps where neutral mobs are hard to come by (Sea of Flame, Endless Deep, Infernal Sky, Survival Island) farming has been a necessity.
I keep one, and only one, as a companion, in each save. Adding to my Minecraft goals is keeping him alive.
This is usually accomplished by keeping him at home and on the surface, as having only one makes entering combat with him more dangerous, but still. It's nice to have company.
This thread has some solutions. None of them worked for me, but give them a try and also give that thread a post so that it gets noticed more.
In the meantime, hit esc option. Even if you don't quit, it'll do a quick save. Also make your trips to the surface or underground base more often. When it freezes like that, your position and inventory stays the same but the map resets to what it as at the last save. Meaning if you were tunneling you'd be trapped in stone upon loading.
Another solution I've seen is to make sure you're running 64-bit Java (If and only if you're on a 64 bit OS). Didnt' work for me, either, well, when I tried. Haven't crashed yet since 1.4 though.
Wrong. I just found and tamed a wolf playing on peaceful.
And what's wrong with not wanting to deal with mobs when building or viewing buildings at night? Nothing.
Nothing is.... If your playing on creative like all you "building" people should be.
Or, as I said, they like the construction, crafting, and exploration aspects of the game, and would rather not have all the materials handed to them on a silver platter, but dislike the mobs.
So I stash my stuff, leap down to try to clear the area up and torch around, and I see redemption.
If you're in my shoes, and you're finding this one tree so frustrating that it's making the map less fun (Which is no good), here's a hint.
[] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] []
So yeah. Again, if that one tree is absolutely ruining the experience for you, give it a second try! I'm sure it's a great map and I'd hate for one thing like that to ruin it for anyone like it (almost) did for me.
If I may make a suggestion, tone down the spawners near that one tree, and if you do this perhaps remove or trap the second one. Not sure if anyone else feels the same way, but even if I stack up to get to it, it still feels like random luck while trying to harvest it as a spider climbing my sand pillar or a skeleton from the spawner shooting me is pretty much guaranteed death with the cliff. Acquiring that one tree feels less like a difficult challenge and more like a frustrating run of dumb luck to me, not sure how others feel, however.
With that tree out of the way, I'm looking forward to the map, Vechs. Was really hoping for a desert map as well as whatever is hidden within. I really like the danger at all times of day feel of the map and am looking forward to playing it.
I LOVE how it looks already.
SMP spawning spawns you in the same X and Y coordinates as SSP, however it always spawns on the very, very, very top level of said area. Meaning if you were to drill ah ole through the bedrock and all stone above the spawn block, it should work. Might need to be a 2x2 hole depending on where the spawn is.
EDIT: I'm much more a fan of the nameless areas. It makes the map feel much more like a SURVIVAL map where the primary goal is just to survive, get a shelter up and then ride out the dungeons as you want. With the Victory monument as more a side goal. Kaizo Caverns, while excruciatingly difficult, and a blast, felt more like an adventure where the goal was to complete the victory monument. With everything spread out so far horizontally, it didn't feel the same as the other maps as it felt more like the victory monument had become the PRIMARY goal instead of something to entice goal-oriented people into playing it.
With the Urban map, having areas or districts of the city would be fine. That's how cities are set up.
One thing I'd like to see in it is if areas are named, etc. Make them less 'separated' and have it feel more like one congruent map, rather than a collection or series of rooms. This accomplishes 2 things, I feel.
1. Lets you keep that landmarking feel and lets you use different designs in certain areas of the city (One area being freeway dominated, one being more residential, one being huge skyscrapers, etc). Lets you keep some areas as more difficult and less difficult, grants you freedom in design
2. Prevents the map from feeling linear, which is my one (and only) complaint with Kaizo caverns. (Not saying it's bad, it works for the map, but part of the reason I fell in love with these maps is I'm a huge SURVIVAL map lover, where surviving is goal 1. Kaizo felt more like an Adventure or puzzle map, albeit an extremely well made one.)
Of course, you can have certain areas more difficult than others, but that would ADD to the fun if they weren't at the end and you could accidentally stumble into them completely unprepared, whereas with Kaizo you can't really get to the harder caverns until you complete the easier ones to an extent (Unless you gun ho run through but you still need building materials to get through some).
tl;dr: Different areas like Kaizo caverns, but more interconnected and 'sandbox' esque, instead of the more linear approach. Keeps a survival and exploration feel instead of feeling more locked into a set path through to the end.
2 latter points.
-This is excluding any dungeon type things below ground. Of course dungeons and caverns are going to feel more linear in progression. I merely talk about the surface world. If it were up to me I'd have a few smaller dungeons as well as one that's slightly larger.
-That's for if it's an urban themed map. If you go with the desert, IMO having it more like the first 3 would work much better as there isn't much you can do with that kinda design on the surface.
If you ever play 'The labyrinth' and make it to the amazing pig room, you'll learn that pigs can indeed be hostile... In a sense. I'd love to see a room like that again. Spawners in the roof raining down things. Maybe creepers isntead of pigs.
House is nowhere NEAR being finished but I figured I'd give some screenshots ANYWAY.
My base island is located on the very same island that had the tree at the beginning.
So, without further adieu. My INFERNAL SKY world thus far.
First, some outer shots of my compound.
--Night shot of the western facing, from the island to the east.
--Night shot of my initial base (North side of house) (Where my second night took place and from where my base expanded from).
--Day shot of the south facing of the compound. Notice the grass which, due to the abundance of cow, I regret spreading.
--Shot of the west facing. You can see the exposed storage caverns with the fences below, as well as some random lava I guess, which I swear wasn't there before.
Now some interior shots of my recent additions.
--The Grand Hall. Not so grand. Was originally a throne room before I decided I'd rather a more modern building instead of a castle type design.
--A second shot of said hall from the upper level. Rather bare atm, if you can suggest things to add I'm all for it. (Giant swimming pool?)
--The Library / Lounge. Actually my favourite room in the house so far, I plan to add a 3rd level. Waiting on reeds for more bookshelves on the lower level.
--Another shot, from the upper corner.
--Of course I need a classy restaurant style dining room, with multiple tables for just me... and my dog... and several creepers, skeletons, and zombies that may show up for dinner.
--And of course, weather permitting, we can always dine on the patio.
--And of course the kitchen which feeds said restaurant with cooked meats. (And several stacks of iron, gold, glass...). Also possesses an incinerator.
--One thing Vechs managed well with this map was making collecting cobblestone a life threatening task. As all the surface stone is followed by gravel, and because of his intention, there is a good chance that gravel is unstable. There isn't miles and miles of earth to dig through so stone is actually quite rare. I installed a cobblestone factory. Normally, I'd stand right up close to the glass there.
You can see a block of obsidian behind where the cobble forms. This lets me hold down break and just wait without worrying about property damage.
NOTE: If you want the design I can give it to you, but never save and quit while standing in the stream. My most recent death had me save while collecting stone, and when i reload it had pushed me through the glass and stoen into the lava.
Now, some images of my INITIAL shelter, which has been incorporated into my new one.
--My first shelter. Well, no. Actually this would have been the third incarnation as the first shelter was a huge tree, and the second was a smaller one floor room that I turned into my bath (And water spring) when renovations were completed. Also note my wolf which I found =D.
--My Wolf. =D. I leave him at home as I don't want him to fall off*. You can see I made him a food and water bowl (Which doesn't do anything, it's purely aesthetic).
*Actually, when tamed wolves fall off, they teleport back to you, however they do take significant damage. If you're close enough to the bottom they may still die, but I haven't dared test it. D=
--My bedroom. Which apparently isn't secure. Prolly gonna add a door to fix this (I hope). I never sleep in it because I'm worried it might be a creeper that gets to me.
Actually looking for help on what's going on with my bed. I think it's the fenced off areas that aren't 'completely' sealed. Either that or my access to my tree farm which isn't walled off yet. Gonna try the door thing first though.
--My bath / infinite spring. Was originally my shelter before expansion.
Now, for my storage, tunnel system and farm.
--The stairs the door is built into go up to my bedroom. Storage is complete, may be expanded later. Farm is complete, and minecart system isn't started yet. It's next on my list after the tree farm i plan on building on my roof.
--My storage. I really like the open air feeling at the beginning.
--The vault. My (not so) hidden treasure of any valuables I find.
--Watching the sunset from my underground balcony. Built a fountain in here to spruce things up a bit.
--Aerial shot of my farms. They're a bit small, and I may upgrade em at a later date if I can find more clay. (Having to built the supports for the reed and cactus out of cobble killed me but I had to compromise.) But ATM wheat production is sufficient, especially with the advent of infinity pigs outside my southern door.
--Close up of my wheat farm. The combination of the halfsteps and glass above the wheat ensure I never accidentally trample anything, and the cobble over the water provides night lighting and ensures I don't fall in there.
---My soon to be rooftop tree farm.
So yeah, that's really all I got. Haven't even BOTHERED building a bridge to the victory monument, though I have been collecting wool for it. At the moment, plans are as follow
-Tree farm
-Minecart system to the lower parts of several islands, my spawn, the victory monument, and some of the dungeons around.
-Explore said dungeons
-Finish Victory monument
-Continue playing on this world while I simultaneously play through Kaizo Caverns.
How far are you into the desert map? If you've put any decent amount of work into it I'd LOVE to see that finished first myelf, over an urban one. =D It sounds fantastic already.
Plus, it means he'll have 2 more good ideas in case he decides to do a 6th map.
I'd love a desert one, myself. More than I'd like a city one. I'm STILL Scouring for a decent desert seed (With nothing but sand abound for miles) but the biomes, as they are now, are too small. =[
A man made desert map would be fantastic, especially by a mapmaker as skilled as Vechs. It'd guarantee that while it'd be difficult, there would at least be SOME way of getting basic supplies. I've seen desert maps with no wood AT ALL made, and no goal system like any adventure or puzzle maps... Aka just sand with caves you can't get to cause you can't mine stone.
Although an urban map, especially with zombie spawners hidden, would be fun. Kinda like a L4D or I am Legend feel. (The scene where he's trying to get to the car before night with the thin line of sunlight.)
PROTIP: If you do a desert map, make sure any oasis that is there has only 1 tile of water. Meaning you force the player to hunt for another source if he wants to make an infinite pool. With how sand works, you could make the perfect troll oasis.
Setting up greenhouses is also fun. =D
This is usually accomplished by keeping him at home and on the surface, as having only one makes entering combat with him more dangerous, but still. It's nice to have company.
This thread has some solutions. None of them worked for me, but give them a try and also give that thread a post so that it gets noticed more.
In the meantime, hit esc option. Even if you don't quit, it'll do a quick save. Also make your trips to the surface or underground base more often. When it freezes like that, your position and inventory stays the same but the map resets to what it as at the last save. Meaning if you were tunneling you'd be trapped in stone upon loading.
Another solution I've seen is to make sure you're running 64-bit Java (If and only if you're on a 64 bit OS). Didnt' work for me, either, well, when I tried. Haven't crashed yet since 1.4 though.
Or, as I said, they like the construction, crafting, and exploration aspects of the game, and would rather not have all the materials handed to them on a silver platter, but dislike the mobs.