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    posted a message on Where i believe the "endermen's" origins might lay
    At first I was like "omg weeping angels" But weeping angels really attack pretty much anything. They both stop when looked at, but Notch never said Enderman, once you take the cursor OFF them, can be stopped by looking at them again.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    I saw the informatino on Endermen.

    And then I imagined encountering one in one of Vechs maps. And I cried at how terrifying they seem.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Gonna be avoiding Canopy Carnage spoilers for a bit here. I sahll return when it's released.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from NitroN7 »
    Hey Vechs. Here's an idea. One that Actually might accomplish 2 things.

    One thing we've all experienced is that when we get down to one-2 pieces of wool left, we basically just have to scour the whole map. Sometimes this can be frustrating, sometimes not, but it's obviously not the kind of difficulty you're looking for.

    What you could do, is have a row of signs in the same location as the victory monument, set up like this:

    :Frame: :Frame: :Frame: :Frame:
    :gravel: :gravel: :gravel: :gravel:
    :--+: :--+: :--+: :--+:

    Where the signs above the gravel tell the colour of the wool. Now, lets look at one of these from the side.

    :stone: :stone: :stone: :Frame: - Colour of wool on this sign, available for sight right away
    :stone: :Frame: :gravel: - This sign has the hing, it's hidden by gravel.
    :stone: :stone: :--+:

    If the player is really stuck on one piece of wool, they punch the torch out, the gravel falls down, revealing the sign behind it which has a hint as to the location of the wool.

    While I doubt it'll be added retroactively, if you even take it into consideration, the hint could be as simple as, if added to Kaizo Caverns, or another map that's Kaizo style (Separated areas) merely the cavern or area name the wool is in. What this accomplishes is the player still has to go through the entire map, facing all of the challenges, but they won't have that period of exploring completely lit up safe areas after that they've already explored and finished, scouring for a piece of wool they may have missed.

    Here's some shots:

    http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/6928 ... 022132.png
    this is a miniature model with only 3. Of course you'd need one for each colour of wool.

    Here's with the middle one knocked out. Just punch the torch and it lowers the gravel
    http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/2817 ... 022157.png

    The kind of hints you can use
    http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2100 ... 022139.png
    Gotta fit on one sign.

    http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/4866 ... 022317.png
    You can have the gravel and torch drop down into a pit if you want to rig it to something with pressure plates.

    Just gonna repost this Got bumped off a page too quickly.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    So quick question.

    Are imgur images not showing up for anyone else? It's fine if I quote Vechs to get the link, then input the link straight into my browser but the embed doesn't show up here or anywhere else =[
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Hey Vechs. Here's an idea. One that Actually might accomplish 2 things.

    One thing we've all experienced is that when we get down to one-2 pieces of wool left, we basically just have to scour the whole map. Sometimes this can be frustrating, sometimes not, but it's obviously not the kind of difficulty you're looking for.

    What you could do, is have a row of signs in the same location as the victory monument, set up like this:

    :Frame: :Frame: :Frame: :Frame:
    :gravel: :gravel: :gravel: :gravel:
    :--+: :--+: :--+: :--+:

    Where the signs above the gravel tell the colour of the wool. Now, lets look at one of these from the side.

    :stone: :stone: :stone: :Frame: - Colour of wool on this sign, available for sight right away
    :stone: :Frame: :gravel: - This sign has the hing, it's hidden by gravel.
    :stone: :stone: :--+:

    If the player is really stuck on one piece of wool, they punch the torch out, the gravel falls down, revealing the sign behind it which has a hint as to the location of the wool.

    While I doubt it'll be added retroactively, if you even take it into consideration, the hint could be as simple as, if added to Kaizo Caverns, or another map that's Kaizo style (Separated areas) merely the cavern or area name the wool is in. What this accomplishes is the player still has to go through the entire map, facing all of the challenges, but they won't have that period of exploring completely lit up safe areas after that they've already explored and finished, scouring for a piece of wool they may have missed.

    Here's some shots:

    http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/6928 ... 022132.png
    this is a miniature model with only 3. Of course you'd need one for each colour of wool.

    Here's with the middle one knocked out. Just punch the torch and it lowers the gravel
    http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/2817 ... 022157.png

    The kind of hints you can use
    http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2100 ... 022139.png
    Gotta fit on one sign.

    http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/4866 ... 022317.png
    You can have the gravel and torch drop down into a pit if you want to rig it to something with pressure plates.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on Anyone like to think there's more to mobs than we think?
    ^ You ever seen skeletons? Not the brightest folk. I doubt he had much going on up there even before death.

    For ages, the earth lived in harmony with itself. With you as a part of it. You stood tall and proud, one of many trees in the forest. Your leaves swaying in the wind. It continued this way for many cycles. You would wither, decay, and fall, only to be born anew. However, one day, this cycle was broken.

    A strange creature came by. You had seen him several times before, however this seemed to be the first time he had noticed you. He forced his fist against you, over and over as your bark slowly tore off, and the wood underneath began to falter, before you were toppled with a loud snap. The creature tore you of your trunk, stump, and branches as your leaves slowly fell to the ground, some scattered by the wind.

    Instead of becoming one with mother nature again, no seed for your essence no sapling to contain you, your leaves formed back together under the almost skeletal looking moon, as you attempted to mimic the form of the creature who forced this unnatural existence upon you. In this new form, you wander the landscape. Searching for what was taken from you, the wood you used to stand tall upon. Seeking to become whole again.

    You finally find the creature, and you can sense, in his hand, a tool. Part of it being a piece of yourself. You feel a burning sensation as you draw near. Something within you boiling as an audible escape of heated air echoes through the air.


    With a violent bursting of energy, all feeling is gone. You are no more.
    Miner's Log, May 4th, 2011
    Damn Creeper nearly took out my house again. What in the hell did I do to it to **** it off so much?

    Quote from zoram »
    Move this to fan art...because its so beautiful. This passage is amazingly crafted. Good show sir. T_T

    Musta missed the fan art section. Although tbh, part of this topic was hoping for a discussion of what OTHER people think the origins of the mobs are.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Who is 'Old Peculier'?
    Old Peculier, Daisy Duke, Sklord Lysander, etc, are all characters acted by other players. They are not an AI mod or anything like that. THey are merely people in the server acting roles to make the LP much more lively.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Anyone like to think there's more to mobs than we think?
    You're tunneling through the earth, hunting, searching for diamond, gold. Nothing but your trusty pick, and a bow for protection. You're hunting for something that will let you move up through the world. And at last you find it. A piece of gold, shimmering in the darkness. You set your lantern down and begin whacking away at it with your pick, when suddenly, terror strikes. You had not fortified the tunnel, when suddenly a tonne of gravel comes pouring through the earth, blocking your escape route and smothering your lantern.

    Minutes, hours, days go by as you realize no one if going to help you. While, in this strange world you've never HAD to eat, you can still feel yourself wasting away in the darkness, the only thing you have left now is your bow and the gold trapped in the wall. This cave is now yoru prison.

    Years go by. You're physical body has all but wasted away to bone, your mind tormented and twisted. You hear something, but dismiss it as mere cave noises until you see something you haven't seen in centuries. Light. Another person, like you, well, like you were at least. However, your mind, having only had the gold in the cave with you to fixate on, perceives this new entity as a foe, here to take what is rightfully yours. Without thought you draw an arrow and fire at him, again, and again. Surprised by your presence, this man draws a weapon, and bashes you until your bones finally release. You fall apart, piece by piece until your mind is finally liberated and free, and you embrace death.
    Miner's Log, May 2nd, 2011
    Found a skeleton in an enclosed cavern, deep down, with a single gold ore block in the wall. Y'know, I've always wondered where they came from, the buggers.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    For the longest time, I was sitting here thinking.

    "What's got me so excited about Canopy Carnage*... That name almost sounds like it could be... From..."

    Then I realized. I'll get to build my own Treetop town. I'll get to get into some REAL Jungle Hijinx. All Minecraft needs now is some barrels, a crate with a Rhino in it and I'm set. If Minecraft had thorns and vines you could make a Stickerbrush Symphony map.

    Now the question remains- Which DKC song will YOU be blasting as you get your Kong on, so to speak?

    *Aside from a new Super Hostile map, of course.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Abdiel »
    I do like those. I have actually taken a couple out without using lava. And some are hard if not impossible to do this way - on top of cliffs or within tunnels. They do add quite a lot of difficulty. Normal Minecraft is way too easy for me, combat-wise. I don't remember the last time I got killed by a mob. In here, you are walking down a hill, and suddenly five mobs appear out of nowhere and want to kill you. You have to think fast to be able to get out alive (and not back away right into a cactus!)

    What I get is walking along and I see 20 or so mobs already spawned on top of a hill. No surprise or ambush feeling they're just there already. OpenGL is... off? Whichever one renders them still, and render distance is far. They don't spawn on proximity for me they're just already there, which I guess isn't the intended effect.

    Within tunnels or on areas I can't get above, I still feel limited to tunnelling underneath to take out the spawners before battle. I wish minecraft traps were easier to hide- Every time I see gravel or pressure plates I'm always just on edge.

    Of course, if I"m coming off as 'complaining', that certainly isn't the case- If I didn't like these maps, why would I still be playing them, discussing them, etc? These maps are, by and far, the most fun I've had with (single player) minecraft in a long time. In addition, that fort with all the spider spawners under it, while being such a simple design, is so awesome I've adopted it into regular play as outposts I set up when I"m far from home in my SMP server with friends.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Abdiel »
    Is it considered cheating to gather wool from sheep and color it using the resources available (cactus, lapis, bones)? Or is every color actually present in the map somewhere as a reward for completing a challenge?

    I don't really consider it CHEATING to colour things, but it takes a lot of fun out of exploring for the chests. After all, IMO victory monument is a secondary objective- Objective number one is enjoying yourself!

    Continuing on with black desert, having an absolute blast still. Preparing to move underground after I set up a reciprocating boat elevator back to the surface. I'm absolutely loving the huge underground as well as the constantly- treacherous above ground.

    One thing I'm not a fan of, however, is the huge clumps of monster spawners in single areas. The reason I don't like these isn't actually difficulty related. On the contrary it's quite a simple fix to either tunnel around or under them and take them out, or to go from above and lava surround them, torching them off as the lava recedes.

    There are 2 reasons I feel these massive clump of spawners are poorer design.

    1. They severely limit you in your tactics. If you come across, say, a single skeleton spawner you can always battle it with sword or bow in hand and light it up as you go through. This works with around 1 - 2 spawners, maybe 3 depending on equipment. Anything more than that, especially with either skeletons or creepers in the mix, means a frontal assault is literally suicide. You pretty much have to either make a path above and rain lava down, or dig under and take the spawners out from beneath, then pick off stragglers from a safe bunker-ish position.

    Now, that may actually be your intent, for whatever reason. Thinking outside the box is good, but it does bring me to my second point.

    2. It completely butchers the pacing, imho. It seems like they're intended to be a massive climactic moment in exploration. However, what happens in reality is this. You're exploring the underground, all tense and you see a skeleton or two. You start to fight then realize that they're spawning much, much faster than you can actually handle. So instead of having an epic and difficult battle that would have put your collected supplies to the test, you merely go back, make a staircase and a catwalk over it, dump lava down, losing what, half a stack of cobble?

    If these massive balls of spawners were replaced by, say, one or two spawners, or even more spawners spread much more evenly throughout the land, it'd be much better for the pacing as you wouldn't constantly hit these roadblocks where you can't really continue forward, you just kinda have to wait till the lava kicks in. There's no feeling of accomplishment for destroying the spawners, and there's a lot of waiting around that, i feel, doesn't add PROPER difficulty.

    That's just my opinion, however. They DO add difficulty, in the sense that if you manage to travel into an area with one, you're gonna be hard pressed to get out of it, but they're pretty easy to spot and, at my point of progress in black desert, feel less like a challenge and more like an annoyance.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on 1.6 Update ideas?
    What I'd like to see is periodic updates every once in awhile that focus less on new content, but more on behind the scene stuff, Bug fixes, things like Mod interface and better server creation, rather than new mobs or blocks.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Notch, snow is way too annoying!
    Quote from Beltir »
    Quote from xiix »
    Quote from DrNova »
    What is the point of this topic.
    Problem solved. See? Using your brain is healthy kids.

    Ya know that's not really fair. You spend time building your world and then Notch comes up with the weather that in this dude's case F's everything up. Show some sympathy man.

    Then honestly, adapt. It is survival. Same was said when spiders gained the ability to climb. There is a simple fix (in this case, place fires/torches/lava all over the place, with spiders, add a lip to the wall), but people don't want to adapt.

    There is a difference between adapting to new difficulty, and adapting to major inconveniences.

    If it is true that you can't place blocks on snow, that's not necessarily adding DIFFICULTY, but it is just adding a meaningless time consuming task.

    If he were complaining about thunderstorms, or rain putting mobs out during day, then I'd agree with you. That's nice new DIFFICULTY, which is welcome. But things that just add no challenge, merely wasted time, aren't' any more difficult or not.

    There is a difference between problems that affect difficulty in an engaging way, and ones that merely add repetitive boredom.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Black desert is now my favourite thing ever that I"m over my Dendrophobia.

    Just saying.
    Posted in: Maps
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