Hey you! Since you made it here, yes this is an official source for my shaders. Beware of fishy "shader websites". Also be sure to check this thread every now and then for updates and news! (Or Twitter, Discord, Facebook)
What is "Sildurs shaders"?
It's various shaderpacks for optifine with it's inbuild shadersmod. The goal is to create performance friendly shaders that run on any system, while still offering great visuals. The most lightweight shaderpack being enhanced default. They are also highly customizable using the available ingame shader options. So be sure to check them out!
Vibrant shaders screenshots:

Enhanced Default screenshots:

Fabulous shaders screenshots:

Basic shaders screenshots:

Videos: (More videos are welcomed!):
Minecraft Cinematic - SILDUR'S VIBRANT EXTREME V1.19 | 4K60fps (v1.19):
Minecraft 1.12 - BEAUTIFUL GRAPHICS! by JerenVids (vibrant shaders v1.166):
Review/Showcase by PythonGB (v1.153):
EthosLab taking a look at my shaders (v1.153):
Cinematic by XDanielcrafter1X (v1.141):
Me, showing of some new settings that can be tweaked ingame - while playing. (there are more tweakable features by now)
(read this before downloading, you accept it by downloading!)
You are not allowed to:
- Rename any shaderpack and upload them as yours.
- Modify my shaderpacks and upload them with your name on.
- Provide mirrors by reuploading my shaderpacks.
- Copy and paste code or whole files, (like gbuffers_water.vsh) into your shaderpack.
You are allowed to:
- Create videos of it, linking this thread or my fb page would be great!
- Modifiy it for your own only - without sharing it online.
Downloads and changelogs are available on my website:
Consider supporting me on Patreon and get early access to updates!
Vibrant shaders features:
(Latest update: June 17th, 2024)
- Pretty much everything, it's my main pack. It also has alot of ingame options, so be sure to check them out.
Lite and medium preset should be used on Macs, Intel gpus and low end gpus. While high and extreme should be fine on most modern gpus.
Enhanced Default features:
(Latest update: June 17th, 2024)
- Full support for default minecraft, meaning things like night vision work fine!
- Temporal anti-aliasing (TAA), Shadows, colored shadows, underwater shadows, godrays, bump and parallax mapping, reflections, cel-shading, color boost, crossprocess(color filer), tonemapping, motionblur, depth of field and distance blur, all while still maintaing a very vanilla like look.
Everything listed above can be tweaked ingame, so be sure to check out those shader options!
Basic shaders features:
(Latest update: June 17th, 2024)
- Full support for default minecraft, meaning things like night vision work fine!
- Temporal anti-aliasing (TAA), bump and parallax mapping, cel-shading, color boost, crossprocess(color filer), tonemapping, motionblur, depth of field and distance blur, all while still maintaing a very vanilla like look.
Everything listed above can be tweaked ingame, so be sure to check out those shader options!
Shaderpack using Mojangs inbuild shader function, supported version: 1.16.1
Fabulous shaders for 1.16.5:
(Latest update: June 28, 2020)
- This is a shaderpack using the inbuild mojang shader functions. It requires the fabulous shader option to be turned on.
- Features: Antialiasing, Bloom, Celshading, Depth of Field, Tonemapping and ported mojang shaders Bumpy and Blobs.
See the installation guide on my website for how to use it and for changelogs:
Reporting Bugs or Problems:
Getting error final.fsh and composite.fsh plz help me
Nvidia GTX 960, driver 362.00
Windows 10 Pro x64
Here's my log output:
Please post your log output in a spoiler by doing this (spoiler)your text(/spoiler) replace () with [].
Want my signature? Here's the code:
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1291396-1-6-4-1-12-2-sildurs-shaders-pc-mac-intel-vibrant" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/WLlEhKf.png"></a>
You can find me here to be always up to date on whats going on:
My other projects:
Enhanced Skyrim Special edition
Enhanced Elder Scrolls Online
Enhanced Monster Hunter: World
Witcher 3 Improved antialiasing
Nioh 2 Improved antialiasing
Chocapic13 & Alexei, Vibrant shaders based on them.
Karyonix - Maintains and updates the GLSL mod, which without my shaderpack would not work.
Sp614x - Updating and including the shadersmod in optifine.
Skype/Discord Testers - Helped me solve common bugs and problems.
N3rdFall, for this awesome signature!
I guess that this problem caused as a side effect of eternal attempts to block "telegram" in my country. Such things like blocking a few millions of IP address or certificates substitution happened before...
Anyway I solved this problem:
1) export "https://files.minecraftforge.net/" certificate
2) place it to the "%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/"
3) import the certificate into java keystore by next command:
4) add to the project's "gradle.properties":
For some reasons all my projects throws an error on when I try to run them. Here is a full error message
I have no ideas why it happens and how to fix it,
Gravestone mod - Extended 1.3.0b10 has been released:
I tried to craft it in the way you were described, but it wasn't unlocked. May be there is a console command to unlock it?
I'm going to move new fishing system & catch to a standalone mod. If you have any suggestions, advices, ideas or requests feel free to discuss it here http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2884535-advanced-fishing
This changes will be done before next stable release. Bone fishing pole and Hellish angling enchantment will not be removed from this mod.
Hello. I'm going to create a new mod, which should override vanilla fishing system. It'll provide bunch of new fishing catch, which will depends on biome and your position(caves/surface) and type of the liquid(water/lava/modded liquids). All those features will be available for vanilla fishing rod, so it will not be required to craft a special item.
New catch:
Catch in water in the Overworld:
Junk and treasury catch in the water the same as in vanilla minecraft.
Tier 1 (50%):
- in Ocean and Beach: Blue jellyfish, Angelfish, Squid
- in all other biomes: Cod and Squid
Tier 2 (30%):
- in Ocean and Beach: Puffer fish
- in sandy biomes: Sandy bass
- in snowy biomes: Snowy crucian
- in swamps: Ruffe
- in jungl: Piranha
- in other biomes: Salmon
Tier 3 (15%):
- in Ocean and Beach: Clown fish
- in sandy biomes: Golden Koi
- in snowy biomes: Frost minnow
- in swamps: Mud tuna
- in jungl: Sparkling eel
- in other biomes: Explosive Crucian
Tier 4 (5%):
- in Ocean: Sponge eater
- in other biomes: the same as in Tier 3
- in caves of any biome at depth of 50 blocks: Specular fish
- in caves of any biome at depth of 40 blocks: Cavefish
- in caves of any biome at depth of 25 blocks: Angler fish
Catch in water in the End:
Tier 1 (50%):
- Enderfin
Tier 2 (30%):
- Pearl Bass
Tier 3 (20%):
- Chorus Koi
Catch in lava in the Overworld:
Tier 1 (80%):
- Obsidifish
Tier 2 (15%):
- Magma Jellyfish
Tier 3 (5%):
- Wither Skull
Catch in lava in the Nether:
Tier 1 (40%):
- Nether Salmon
Tier 2 (40%):
- Magma Jellyfish
- Quartz Cod
- Withered Crucian
Tier 3 (15%):
- Flarefin Koi
- Blaze Cod
Tier 4 (5%):
- Wither Skull
At the moment all those features already implemented in my other mod, but I think it will be better to move them to a separate mod. Furthermore I suggest it can be interested for other modders, to provide its own type of catch for thier liquids. So if someone has a suggestions, ideas, advices or requests - you are welcome, just post it here or in the mod Issues page - https://github.com/NightKosh/Advanced-Fishing/issues
"GraveStone mod" is an open source Minecraft mod released under version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License. What this means is that the source of this mod is publicly available and you have certain rights with respective to the code. Feel free to read up more on Open Source Software and what the GPL/LGPL give you in terms of your rights to software released under that license, but the short version for you folks here is;
"GraveStone mod" is an open source mod and released under the LGPL v3, that means you have the right to include this mod in your modpack.
As said in his skype account he should lived somewhere in Germany.
New version of Gravestone mod - Graves available. Dorzar made Mexican translation. Alsoa serious bug was fixed - in some cases game crash at death on blocks from some another mods.
What is Sophisticated Wolves? It's a mod that aims to improve wolves in the games through a series of gameplay tweaks, AI improvements, and added features. The focus is not to have overpowered items or crazy abilities, but rather balanced additions that make sense in the world of MC. Essentially, wolves should be able to better respond to your actions and take care of themselves, so you don't have to consider them a liability when mining, exploring or fighting.
This is an updated and reworked version of metroidfood's "Sophisticated Wolves" mod.
At first - visit its previous page for full description!!! metroidfood's Sophisticated Wolves
In this version "Sophisticated wolves is an own type of wolves, which spawned separately from "vanilla" wolves. You can find them in the world or make your tamed "vanilla" wolves sophisticated. Your tamed "vanilla" wolves will become sophisticated if you give them a "dog treat". Like in an "original" version you can used name tags to give your wolf a name, but in this version, you can used it to give name to a cat and "vanilla" wolf too. Also this version of this mod must be compatible with Mo' Creatures. And finally it adds some new feature to wolves:
Change log
GitHub page